Correct credit-tracking is very important if we want our community to generate new good ideas.

by Anna Salamon Dec 16 2016 updated Dec 16 2016

Correct credit-tracking is very important if we want our community to generate new good ideas.

Correct credit-assignment for this: I got this rule from Eric Weinstein, who seems to think it very important. I've been trying to do it some since.


Anna Salamon

This is one of the causes of my believing [NEWCLAIM AI Safety should show its history].

Travis Rivera

Can you explain what you mean by "correct credit-tracking" and "new good ideas"?

Ryan Carey

The thing that seems necessary to me is having a way to transmit good ideas from those who reliably generate them to those who can act on them. If, for example, Bob reliably adopts all of Adam's ideas, and folks attribute them to Bob, and act on these ideas, that's fine.

In practice, I could imagine it being sufficiently specific to say that our good ideas emerge from some recognized nexus of a few dozen people.