"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."


by Viktor Riabtsev Oct 10 2018

On the log\-odds line, a 1 in 100 credibility is $~${^-2}$~$ orders of magnitude, and a "1 in a million" credibility is $~${^-6}$~$ orders of magnitude\. The distance between them is minus 4 orders of magnitude, that is, $~$\\log\_{10}(10^{-6}) - \\log\_{10}(10^{-2})$~$ yields $~${^-4}$~$ magnitudes, or roughly $~${^-13.3}$~$ bits\. On the other hand, 11% to 10% is $~$\\log\_{10}(\\frac{0.10}{0.90}) - \\log\_{10}(\\frac{0.11}{0.89}) \\approx {^-0.954}-{^-0.907} \\approx {^-0.046}$~$ magnitudes, or $~${^-0.153}$~$ bits\.

One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the other does log( prob) …

I get your point about orders of magnitude difference, but for me this ends up more confusing then anything.