Arbital playpen

by Eliezer Yudkowsky Aug 5 2015 updated Apr 10 2017

Want to test a feature? Feel free to edit this page! asdfasfdasfda

A playpen for editing Arbital text.


asdf fdsa

Lorum morem ipsum!

Cogito ergo sum.

This is a long line. This is a long line. This is a long line. This is a loooooooong line. This is a long line. This is a long line. This is a long line. Here is a link that wraps on to another line. This is a long line. This is a long line. This is a short line.


minor edit 22

non-minor edit 2

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

alt text Headers demo


Eliezer Yudkowsky

Lorem ipsum\!

Should we really be lorem-ing?

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Lorum ipsum\!


A whole sentence!

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Test 1

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Test 2

Alexei Andreev

New comment2.

Alexei Andreev

New comment3.

Alexei Andreev

Robert Lecnik mention

Alexei Andreev

Anton Geraschenko, Danny An, Rafael Cosman testing the fix for the incorrectly formatted user popover text.

Anton Geraschenko

It depends on the ipsum\.

Oh, the ipsum.

[Edit: this was meant to be an inline comment attached to "the ipsum" in Anna's comment, but that connection has apparently been lost.]

Anton Geraschenko

This is a long line\. This is a long line\. This is a long line\. This is a long line\. This is a long line\. This is a long line\. Here is a link that wraps on to another line\. This is a long line\. This is a long line\.

This clarifies the previous sentence immensely.

Alexei Andreev

What is life??

Eric Rogstad

what is bold italics

Eric Rogstad


Eric Rogstad


Erictest Rogstadtest


Alexei Andreev

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened\. Happiness never decreases by being shared\.

Sharing is caring!!

Alexei Andreev

Test comment.

Alexei Andreev

First editor comment!

Mars (person)

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened\. Happiness never decreases by being shared\.

Well. Actually.

Lighting other candles from the first, as well as if they're burning nearby, would have various effects on the first candle. The increased heat would make the first candle's wax evaporate more, and thus burn brighter as well as decreasing its lifespan.

If there's not enough ventilation in the room, the addition of other fires would reduce the available oxygen, and thus reduce the burning intensity and increase the lifespan of the initial candle, as well as make the flame more yellow than blue.

If there's no ventilation at all, lighting too many candles will make them all burn out prematurely.

End. Well. Actually.