Join and meet: Examples

by Kevin Clancy May 27 2016 updated Jun 20 2016

A union of sets and the least common multiple of a set of natural numbers can both be viewed as joins. In addition, joins can be useful to the designers of statically typed programming languages.

%%%knows-requisite(Real analysis):

The real numbers

Consider the Partially ordered set of all real numbers ordered by the standard comparison relation. For any non-empty , exists if and only if has an upper bound; this fact falls directly out of the definition of the set of real numbers. %%%


Statically typed programming languages often define a poset of types ordered by the subtyping relation; Scala is one such language. Consider the following Scala program.

A scala program with class inheritance

When a programmer defines a class hierarchy in an object-oriented language, they are actually defining a poset of types. The above program defines the simple poset shown in the following Hasse diagram.

Hasse diagram for the nominal subtyping relation defined by the above program

dot source:

digraph G {
  node [width = 0.1, height = 0.1];
  edge [arrowhead = "none"];
  rankdir = BT;
  Dog -> Animal;
  Cat -> Animal;

Now consider the expression if (b) dog else cat. If b is true, then it evaluates to a value of type Dog. If b is false, then it evaluates to a value of type Cat. What type, then, should if (b) dog else cat have? Its type should be the join of Dog and Cat, which is Animal.

Power sets

Let be a Set. Consider the Partially ordered set , the power set of ordered by inclusion. In this poset, joins are unions: for all , . This can be shown as follows. Let . Then is an upper bound of because a union contains each of its constituent sets. Furthermore, is the least upper bound of . For let be an upper bound of . Then implies for some , and since , we have . Since implies , we have . Hence, .


Consider the poset of divisibility on the positive integers. In this poset, the upper bounds of an integer are exactly its multiples. Thus, the join of a set of positive integers in is their least common multiple. Dually, the meet of a set of positive integers in is their greatest common divisor.


Kevin Clancy

Alexei Andreev This page includes a conditional example that only shows up for people who know real analysis. I'm imagining that someone who reads this may have real analysis familiarity, but has not marked themselves as such on Arbital. I'm not sure what the solution to this is. Maybe it is to automatically add a section at the bottom saying that there is additional content for people who know the subjects that are mentioned in conditionals.

Eric Bruylant

Could you add an intro/summary? It's good to have for both popups and avoiding having two headers at the top.