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  anchorContext: 'On the log\\-odds line, credences range from $-\\infty$ to $+\\infty,$ with the infinite extremes corresponding to probability $0$ and $1$ which can thereby be seen as "infinite credences"\\. That's not to say that $0$ and $1$ probabilities should never be used\\. For an ideal reasoner, the probability $\\mathbb P(X) + \\mathbb P(\\lnot X)$ should be 1 \\(where $\\lnot X$ is the logical negation of $X$\\)\\.3 Nevertheless, these infinite credences of 0 and 1 behave like 'special objects' with a qualitatively different behavior from the ordinary credence spectrum\\. Statements like "After seeing a piece of strong evidence, my belief should never be exactly what it was previously" are false for extreme credences, just as statements like "subtracting 1 from a number produces a lower number" are false if you insist on regarding $\\aleph_0$  infinity  as a number\\.',
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  text: '"Extreme credences" here should likely be "infinite credences".\n\nEven so, previous page made the exact counterpoint: \n\nWhile *strong* evidence may not change your view of things, things, *extreme* evidence absolutely *should* make you revisit your estimate of even an *infinite* credence level.',
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