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  text: 'Currying converts a [-3jy] of N [input inputs] into a function of a single input, which returns a function that takes a second input, which returns a function that takes a third input, and so on, until N functions have been evaluated and N inputs have been taken, at which point the original function is evaluated on the given inputs and the result is returned.\n\nFor example:\n\nConsider a function of four parameters, $F:(X,Y,Z,N)→R$.\n\nThe curried version of the function, $curry(F)$ would have the type signature $X→(Y→(Z→(N→R)))$, and $curry(F)(4)(3)(2)(1)$ would equal $F(4,3,2,1)$.\n\nCurrying is named after the logician Haskell Curry. If you can't remember this derivation and need a mnemonic, you might like to imagine a function being cooked in a curry so thoroughly that it breaks up into small, bite-sized pieces, just as functional currying breaks a function up into smaller functions. (It might also help to note that there is a programming language also named after Haskell Curry (Haskell), that features currying prominently. All functions in Haskell are pre-curried by convention. This often makes [partially applying](https://wiki.haskell.org/Partial_application) functions effortless.)',
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