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  text: 'One of the reasons why a [6w Task AGI] can potentially be safer than an [1g3 Autonomous AGI], is that since Task AGIs only need to carry out activities of limited scope, they [7tf may only need limited material and cognitive powers] to carry out those tasks.  The [7g0 nonadversarial principle] still applies, but takes the form of "[7fx don't run the search]" rather than "make sure the search returns the correct answer".\n\n# Obstacles\n\n• Increasing your material and cognitive efficacy is [10g instrumentally convergent] in all sorts of places and would presumably need to be [2vk averted] all over the place.\n\n• Good limitation proposals are [deceptive_ease not as easy as they look] because [7vh particular domain capabilities can often be derived from more general architectures].  An Artificial *General* Intelligence doesn't have a handcrafted 'thinking about cars' module and a handcrafted 'thinking about planes' module, so you [7vk can't just handcraft the two modules at different levels of ability].\n\nE.g. many have suggested that 'drive' or 'emotion' is something that can be selectively removed from AGIs to 'limit' their ambitions; [43h presumably] these people are using a mental model that is not the standard [18r expected utility agent] model.  To know which kind of limitations are easy, you need a sufficiently good background picture of the AGI's subprocesses that you understand which kind of system capabilities will naturally carve at the joints.\n\n# Related ideas\n\nThe research avenue of [2r8 Mild optimization] can be viewed as pursuing a kind of very general Limitation.\n\n[102 Behaviorism] asks to Limit the AGI's ability to model other minds in non-whitelisted detail.\n\n[4mn Taskishness] can be seen as an Alignment/Limitation hybrid in the sense that it asks for the AI to only *want* or *try* to do a bounded amount at every level of internal organization.\n\n[2pf] can be seen as an Alignment/Limitation hybrid in the sense that a [4l successful impact penalty] would make the AI not *want* to implement larger-scale plans.\n\nLimitation may be viewed as yet another subproblem of the [3ps], since it seems like a type of precaution that a generic agent would desire to construct into a generic imperfectly-aligned subagent.\n\nLimitation can be seen as motivated by both the [7g0] and the [7tf].',
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