{ localUrl: '../page/random_utility_function.html', arbitalUrl: 'https://arbital.com/p/random_utility_function', rawJsonUrl: '../raw/7cp.json', likeableId: '0', likeableType: 'page', myLikeValue: '0', likeCount: '0', dislikeCount: '0', likeScore: '0', individualLikes: [], pageId: 'random_utility_function', edit: '2', editSummary: '', prevEdit: '1', currentEdit: '2', wasPublished: 'true', type: 'wiki', title: 'Random utility function', clickbait: 'A 'random' utility function is one chosen at random according to some simple probability measure (e.g. weight by Kolmorogov complexity) on a logical space of formal utility functions.', textLength: '2447', alias: 'random_utility_function', externalUrl: '', sortChildrenBy: 'likes', hasVote: 'false', voteType: '', votesAnonymous: 'false', editCreatorId: 'EliezerYudkowsky', editCreatedAt: '2017-02-08 18:04:13', pageCreatorId: 'EliezerYudkowsky', pageCreatedAt: '2017-01-11 20:15:52', seeDomainId: '0', editDomainId: '123', submitToDomainId: '0', isAutosave: 'false', isSnapshot: 'false', isLiveEdit: 'true', isMinorEdit: 'false', indirectTeacher: 'false', todoCount: '0', isEditorComment: 'false', isApprovedComment: 'false', isResolved: 'false', snapshotText: '', anchorContext: '', anchorText: '', anchorOffset: '0', mergedInto: '', isDeleted: 'false', viewCount: '68', text: '[summary: A 'random utility function' is a utility function that's been drawn according to some simple probability measure over a logical space of formal, compact specifications for utility functions. For example, we might say that a random utility function is a utility function specified by a random program drawn from the [5v algorithmic complexity] [27p prior] on programs.]\n\nA 'random utility function' is a utility function selected according to some simple probability measure over a logical space of formal, compact specifications of utility functions.\n\nFor example: suppose utility functions are specified by computer programs (e.g. a program that maps an output description to a rational number). We then draw a random computer program from the standard [4mr universal] [27p prior] on computer programs: $2^{-\\operatorname K(U)}$ where $\\operatorname K(U)$ is the algorithmic complexity ([5v Kolmogorov complexity]) of the utility-specifying program $U.$\n\nThis obvious measure could be amended further to e.g. take into account non-halting programs; to not put almost all of the probability mass on extremely simple programs; to put a satisficing criterion on whether it's computationally tractable and physically possible to optimize for $U$ (as assumed in the [1y Orthogonality Thesis]); etcetera.\n\n[5l] is the thesis that the attainable optimum of a random utility function has near-null [55 goodness] with very high probability. That is: the attainable optimum configurations of matter for a random utility function are, with very high probability, the moral equivalent of [7ch paperclips]. This in turn implies that a [41l superintelligence] with a random utility function is with very high probability the moral equivalent of a [10h paperclip maximizer].\n\nA 'random utility function' is *not:*\n\n- A utility function randomly selected from whatever distribution of utility functions may actually exist among agents within the generalized universe. That is, a random utility function is not the utility function of a random actually-existing agent.\n- A utility function with maxentropy content. That is, a random utility function is not one that independently assigns a uniform random value between 0 and 1 to every distinguishable outcome. (This utility function would not be tractable to optimize for--we couldn't optimize it ourselves even if somebody paid us--so it's not covered by e.g. the [1y Orthogonality Thesis].)', metaText: '', isTextLoaded: 'true', isSubscribedToDiscussion: 'false', isSubscribedToUser: 'false', isSubscribedAsMaintainer: 'false', discussionSubscriberCount: '1', maintainerCount: '1', userSubscriberCount: '0', lastVisit: '', hasDraft: 'false', votes: [], voteSummary: 'null', muVoteSummary: '0', voteScaling: '0', currentUserVote: '-2', voteCount: '0', lockedVoteType: '', maxEditEver: '0', redLinkCount: '0', lockedBy: '', lockedUntil: '', nextPageId: '', prevPageId: '', usedAsMastery: 'false', proposalEditNum: '0', permissions: { edit: { has: 'false', reason: 'You don't have domain permission to edit this page' }, proposeEdit: { has: 'true', reason: '' }, delete: { has: 'false', reason: 'You don't have domain permission to delete this page' }, comment: { has: 'false', reason: 'You can't comment in this domain because you are not a member' }, proposeComment: { has: 'true', reason: '' } }, summaries: {}, creatorIds: [ 'EliezerYudkowsky' ], childIds: [], parentIds: [ 'paperclip_maximizer' ], commentIds: [], questionIds: [], tagIds: [], relatedIds: [], markIds: [], explanations: [], learnMore: [], requirements: [], subjects: [], lenses: [], lensParentId: '', pathPages: [], learnMoreTaughtMap: {}, learnMoreCoveredMap: {}, learnMoreRequiredMap: {}, editHistory: {}, domainSubmissions: {}, answers: [], answerCount: '0', commentCount: '0', newCommentCount: '0', linkedMarkCount: '0', changeLogs: [ { likeableId: '0', likeableType: 'changeLog', myLikeValue: '0', likeCount: '0', dislikeCount: '0', likeScore: '0', individualLikes: [], id: '21974', pageId: 'random_utility_function', userId: 'EliezerYudkowsky', edit: '2', type: 'newEdit', createdAt: '2017-02-08 18:04:13', auxPageId: '', oldSettingsValue: '', newSettingsValue: '' }, { likeableId: '0', likeableType: 'changeLog', myLikeValue: '0', likeCount: '0', dislikeCount: '0', likeScore: '0', individualLikes: [], id: '21607', pageId: 'random_utility_function', userId: 'EliezerYudkowsky', edit: '0', type: 'newParent', createdAt: '2017-01-11 20:15:53', auxPageId: 'paperclip_maximizer', oldSettingsValue: '', newSettingsValue: '' }, { likeableId: '0', likeableType: 'changeLog', myLikeValue: '0', likeCount: '0', dislikeCount: '0', likeScore: '0', individualLikes: [], id: '21605', pageId: 'random_utility_function', userId: 'EliezerYudkowsky', edit: '1', type: 'newEdit', createdAt: '2017-01-11 20:15:52', auxPageId: '', oldSettingsValue: '', newSettingsValue: '' } ], feedSubmissions: [], searchStrings: {}, hasChildren: 'false', hasParents: 'true', redAliases: {}, improvementTagIds: [], nonMetaTagIds: [], todos: [], slowDownMap: 'null', speedUpMap: 'null', arcPageIds: 'null', contentRequests: {} }