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  text: '**Navigation for the tree of information**\n\nImplementing something like [MediaWiki's CategoryTree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Physical_sciences), but making it a bit more well designed/intuitive/flexible would give a powerful tool for making Arbital's content easy to explore which would be maintained mostly automatically by tags and subtags.\n\nBrainstorm for improvements:\n\n* An easy way to move up, as well as down, the category system is important.\n* Including clickbait or summary would make it much more attractive.\n* Adjustable filters would be great. Filter by quality, switch between levels of expertise required? Include/exclude blog posts?\n* Including both tagging and parent/child relationship information in the tree.\n* [Alpha Centauri tech tree style navigation](https://i.imgur.com/szHtZa5.png)?  With extra layers exposed if low branching factor, fading away on the left and right? It's pretty, intuitive, and gives room for the summary, but may not scale well if there is a high branching factor. Clicking on a page in the tree recenters the tree on that page, while loading it below the browsing system.\n* Or [this kind of column structure](http://i.stack.imgur.com/Jy2Ts.png)? Less flexible and neat, but more familiar and easier to find 3rd party implementations?\n\n',
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