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Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$$~$ f: X \rightarrow \bigcup_{Y \in X} Y $~$$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$Y \in X$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$f(Y) \in Y$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$$~$ \forall_X \left( \left[\forall_{Y \in X} Y \not= \emptyset \right] \Rightarrow \left[\exists \left( f: X \rightarrow \bigcup_{Y \in X} Y \right) \left(\forall_{Y \in X} \exists_{y \in Y} f(Y) = y \right) \right] \right) $~$$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$Y_1, Y_2, Y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$y_1 \in Y_1, y_2 \in Y_2, y_3 \in Y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$f(Y_1) = y_1$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$f(Y_2) = y_2$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$f(Y_3) = y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)

$~$Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, \ldots$~$

Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


Axiom of Choice: Definition (Formal)


""$ax2+bx+c=0$ will be displ..."


""$ax2+bx+c=0$ will be displ..."


""$ax2+bx+c=0$ will be displ..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."

$~$\mathbb P(X) + \mathbb P(\lnot X)$~$

""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."

$~$\lnot X$~$

""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Extreme credences" here should likely be "infi..."


""Formula" and "Statement" can be interchanged f..."


""That's because we're considering results like ..."

$~$2^6 = 64$~$

""That's because we're considering results like ..."


""We only ran the 2012 US Presidential Election ..."

$~$10 bet that paid out $~$

"$8$ is not a power of $4$, but $\log_4 8$ is $1..."


"$8$ is not a power of $4$, but $\log_4 8$ is $1..."


"$8$ is not a power of $4$, but $\log_4 8$ is $1..."

$~$\log_4 8$~$

"$8$ is not a power of $4$, but $\log_4 8$ is $1..."


"$8$ is not a power of $4$, but $\log_4 8$ is $1..."


"$8$ is not a power of $4$, but $\log_4 8$ is $1..."


"$8$ is not a power of $4$, but $\log_4 8$ is $1..."

$~$log_2 3$~$

"(5) was intended to assume that $n \in \mathbb ..."

$~$n \in \mathbb R^{\ge 1},$~$

"(5) was intended to assume that $n \in \mathbb ..."

$~$\in \mathbb R^{\ge 0}$~$

"(5) was intended to assume that $n \in \mathbb ..."


"(5) was intended to assume that $n \in \mathbb ..."


"(5) was intended to assume that $n \in \mathbb ..."

$~$f(b)=1 \implies f(b^n)=n,$~$

"(8) doesn't follow from (5). The assumption in ..."


"(8) doesn't follow from (5). The assumption in ..."


"(8) doesn't follow from (5). The assumption in ..."


"(8) doesn't follow from (5). The assumption in ..."


"(8) doesn't follow from (5). The assumption in ..."


"(8) doesn't follow from (5). The assumption in ..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."

$$~$ s(d) = \textrm{surprise}(d \mid H) = - \log \Pr (d \mid H) $~$$

"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."

$~$(d \mid H)$~$

"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."

$$~$\textrm{log-likelihood} = -\textrm{surprise}$~$$

"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."

$~$\Pr(d \mid H)$~$

"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."

$$~$\Pr(H \mid d) = \Pr(H \mid t(d))$~$$

"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"1. I propose that this concept be called "unex..."


"> "you're allowed to increase P(BadDriver) a li..."

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid GoodDriver)$~$

"> "you're allowed to increase P(BadDriver) a li..."

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid BadDriver)$~$

"> "you're allowed to increase P(BadDriver) a li..."

$~$\mathbb P(BadDriver)$~$

"A summary of the relevant cardinal arithmetic, ..."

$$~$\aleph_{\alpha} + \aleph_{\alpha} = \aleph_{\alpha} = \aleph_{\alpha} \aleph_{\alpha}$~$$

"A summary of the relevant cardinal arithmetic, ..."

$$~$2^{\aleph_{\alpha}} > \aleph_{\alpha}$~$$

"Actually, there should be diagonal matrices ins..."

$~$\mathbf H$~$

"Actually, there should be diagonal matrices ins..."

$~$H_1, H_2, \ldots$~$

"Actually, there should be diagonal matrices ins..."

$~$\mathbf H,$~$

"Actually, there should be diagonal matrices ins..."

$~$C = AB; c_{ii} = a_{ii} * b_{ii}; ∀ i ≠ j, c_{ij} = 0$~$

"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Ah, one additional thing I'm confused about -- ..."


"Another, speculative point: If $V$ and $U$ we..."


"Another, speculative point: If $V$ and $U$ we..."


"Any relation satisfying 1-3 is a partial order,..."


"Any relation satisfying 1-3 is a partial order,..."


"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."


"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."

$~$r r^{-1}$~$

"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."

$~$r^{-1} r$~$

"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."

$~$r r^{-1}$~$

"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."

$~$r \in X$~$

"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."

$~$r^{-1} r$~$

"Are all the words in the free group, or just th..."

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

"Be wary here. We see on the next (log probabil..."

$~$(1 : 10^{100})$~$

"Be wary here. We see on the next (log probabil..."

$~$(1 : 10^6)$~$

"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."


"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."


"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."

$~$x \cdot x \le n$~$

"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."


"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."


"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."


"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."


"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."


"Because 5 digits is equal to 2, 2.5 digits. (B..."

$~$x^2 \le 100000.$~$

"Broken link :("


"Broken link :("


"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"


"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$x! = \Gamma (x+1),$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$~$\Gamma $~$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$\Gamma(x)=\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x-1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"


"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"


"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{1}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"


"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"


"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$~$x + 1$~$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x+1}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x+1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"


"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$(x+1)\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = (x+1)\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x+1}i = (x+1)\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$= 0+\int_{0}^{\infty}(x+1)t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$= \left (-t^{x+1}e^{-t}) \right]_{0}^{\infty}+\int_{0}^{\infty}(x+1)t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$= \left (-t^{x+1}e^{-t}) \right]_{0}^{\infty}-\int_{0}^{\infty}(x+1)t^{x}(-e^{-t})\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Consider using [3jp] for the proof?"

$$~$=\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x+1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it idiosyncr..."

$~$(S, \le)$~$

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it idiosyncr..."


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it idiosyncr..."


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it idiosyncr..."


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it idiosyncr..."


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it idiosyncr..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Darn it, I wanted to use th..."


"Do the different biases of coin correspond to d..."


"Do the different biases of coin correspond to d..."


"Do the different biases of coin correspond to d..."


"Do the different biases of coin correspond to d..."


"Does this actually work for..."


"Does this actually work for..."


"Does this actually work for..."


"Does this actually work for..."


"Does this make the definiti..."


"Does this make the definiti..."


"Does this make the definiti..."


"Does this make the definiti..."

$~$\operatorname{square} : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$~$

"Does this make the definiti..."


"Does this make the definiti..."

$~$\mathbb R$~$

"Does this make the definiti..."

$~$\mathbb R$~$

"Does this make the definiti..."

$~$\mathbb R$~$

"Does this make the definiti..."

$~$\mathbb C$~$

"Does x correspond to a *statement* (as used in ..."


"Does x correspond to a *statement* (as used in ..."


"For readers who just skimme..."


"For readers who just skimme..."


"For readers who just skimme..."


"For readers who just skimme..."


"For readers who just skimme..."

$~$2^\text{3 trillion}$~$

"Had to re-read this twice. ..."


"Had to re-read this twice. ..."


"Had to re-read this twice. ..."

$~$31a + b$~$

"Had to re-read this twice. ..."

$~$31\cdot 30 + 30 = 960$~$

"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."

$~$\mathcal L(H \mid e) < 0.05$~$

"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."


"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."


"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."


"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."


"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."


"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."

$~$\mathcal L(H \mid e)$~$

"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."


"Have I gone mad, or do you mean "L(H|e) is simp..."


"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."


"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."


"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."


"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."


"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."


"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."


"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."

$~$\log_{10}(316) \approx 2.5,$~$

"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."

$~$316 \approx$~$

"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."

$~$10 \cdot 10 \cdot \sqrt{10},$~$

"Having a long redlink which does not point anyw..."


"How about, "because I'm goi..."


"Huh... Not sure I understand this. I have BS in..."


"Huh... Not sure I understand this. I have BS in..."


"Huh... Not sure I understand this. I have BS in..."


"Huh... Not sure I understand this. I have BS in..."


"Huh... Not sure I understand this. I have BS in..."


"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."


"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."


"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."


"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."

$~$(1/2 : 1/3 : 1/6).$~$

"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."

$~$(3 : 2 : 1)$~$

"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."

$~$(2 : 1 : 3).$~$

"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."

$~$(2 : 3 : 1)$~$

"I believe that this should be $(2 : 3 : 1)$ rat..."

$~$(3 : 2 : 1)$~$

"I can't figure out what this paragraph means --..."


"I can't figure out what this paragraph means --..."


"I can't figure out what this paragraph means --..."


"I can't figure out what this paragraph means --..."


"I can't figure out what this paragraph means --..."

$~$\mathcal T$~$

"I can't figure out what this paragraph means --..."


"I can't figure out what this paragraph means --..."


"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"


"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"


"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"


"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"


"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"

$~$X \to Y$~$

"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"


"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"


"I don't think this is what you mean, is it?"


"I don't understand this sen..."


"I fail to see how this setup is not fair - but ..."

$~$99\cdot 2=198$~$

"I fail to see how this setup is not fair - but ..."


"I fail to see how this setup is not fair - but ..."


"I fail to see how this setup is not fair - but ..."


"I fail to see how this setup is not fair - but ..."


"I fail to see how this setup is not fair - but ..."


"I fail to see how this setup is not fair - but ..."


"I got lost here (and in the following equations..."

$~$\mathbb P(X_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$

"I got lost here (and in the following equations..."


"I got lost here (and in the following equations..."


"I got lost here (and in the following equations..."

$~$\mathbf {pa}_i$~$

"I got lost here (and in the following equations..."


"I got lost here (and in the following equations..."

$~$\mathbf x$~$

"I got lost here -- I feel l..."


"I got lost here -- I feel l..."


"I got lost here -- I feel l..."


"I love the effect, but I wo..."

$~$t = 0$~$

"I love the effect, but I wo..."

$~$4.7 t^2$~$

"I love the effect, but I wo..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I might write this as, "whe..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."

$~$k \geq m$~$

"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I really like this domino analogy. Also, I'd e..."


"I see that there is a description of double sca..."


"I suggest making it explici..."


"I suggest making it explici..."


"I suggest making it explici..."


"I suggest making it explici..."


"I suggest making it explici..."


"I suggest we can assume tha..."


"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$$~$ 1 + 2 + \cdots + n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$~$$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$~$n \ge 1$~$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."


"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$$~$ 1 = \frac{1(1+1)}{2} = \frac{2}{2} = 1.$~$$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."


"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."


"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$$~$1 + 2 + \cdots + k = \frac{k(k+1)}{2}$~$$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$$~$ 1 + 2 + \cdots + k + (k+1) = \frac{(k+1)([k+1]+1)}{2}.$~$$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."


"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$$~$1+2+\cdots + k + (k+1) = \frac{k(k+1)}{2} + k + 1.$~$$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$$~$\frac{k(k+1)}{2} + \frac{2(k+1)}{2} = \frac{(k+2)(k+1)}{2} = \frac{(k+1)([k+1]+1)}{2}.$~$$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."

$$~$ 1 + 2 + \cdots + k + (k+1) = \frac{(k+1)([k+1]+1)}{2}$~$$

"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."


"I think it would be worthwhile to explicitly ca..."


"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."


"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."

$~$\lambda x.f(x)$~$

"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."


"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."


"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."

$~$\lambda x.x+1$~$

"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."


"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y$~$

"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."

$~$\lambda xy.x+y$~$

"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."

$~$\lambda xy$~$

"I think it's confusing to introduce multi-argum..."

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y$~$

"I think that every metric space is dense in its..."

$~$\newcommand{\rats}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\Ql}{\rats^\le} \newcommand{\Qr}{\rats^\ge} \newcommand{\Qls}{\rats^<} \newcommand{\Qrs}{\rats^>}$~$

"I think that every metric space is dense in its..."

$~$\newcommand{\set}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}} \newcommand{\sothat}{\ |\ }$~$

"I think the answer is no. Indeed, there are unc..."


"I think this paragraph and ..."

$~$2^6 < 101 < 2^7$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x+y))$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$(\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x+y)))$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$f\ x\ y$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."


"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."


"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."


"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$(f\ x)\ y$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$f\ (x\ y)$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."


"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x+y))$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$(\lambda x.\lambda y.x)+y$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$\lambda x.(\lambda y.x)+y$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."


"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$\lambda xy.x+y$~$

"I think this sentence would be easier to read w..."

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y$~$

"I think you may need to spe..."


"I think you may need to spe..."


"I think you may need to spe..."


"I think you may need to spe..."


"I think you may need to spe..."


"I think you may need to spe..."


"I think you may need to spe..."


"I think you may need to spe..."


"I would consider leading wi..."

$~$\log_{10}(12) \approx 1.08$~$

"I would consider leading wi..."

$~$\log_2(10) \approx 3.32$~$

"I would expect this sentence only after another..."

$~$2 : 1$~$

"I would expect this sentence only after another..."

$~$8 : 1,$~$

"I would expect this sentence only after another..."

$~$2 : 1$~$

"I would expect this sentence only after another..."

$~$4 : 1.$~$

"I'm curious if the inverse ..."

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

"I'm curious if the inverse ..."

$~$(a_k a_{k-1} \dots a_1)$~$

"If these are included I think it would be good ..."


"If you look on Wikipedia's ..."

$~$A \cdot B = A + A + A$~$

"If you look on Wikipedia's ..."


"If you're going to start us..."

$~$\mathbb P$~$

"If you're going to start us..."


"If you're going to start us..."


"In this page, the terms "probability" and "odds..."


"In this page, the terms "probability" and "odds..."

$~$\mathbb P(X)$~$

"In this page, the terms "probability" and "odds..."


"In this sentence I think yo..."


"In this sentence I think yo..."


"In this sentence I think yo..."


"In this sentence I think yo..."


"In this sentence I think yo..."


"Intro should be re-written ..."

$~$(X, \bullet)$~$

"Intro should be re-written ..."


"Intro should be re-written ..."


"Intro should be re-written ..."


"Is "-1 against" the same as "+1 for"? Expressi..."


"Is "-1 against" the same as "+1 for"? Expressi..."


"Is "-1 against" the same as "+1 for"? Expressi..."


"Is "-1 against" the same as "+1 for"? Expressi..."

$~$(1 : 16)$~$

"Is $\mathbb{N}$ itself called $\omega$, or just..."


"Is $\mathbb{N}$ itself called $\omega$, or just..."


"Is [0, inf) same as R+?"


"Is [0, inf) same as R+?"


"Is [0, inf) same as R+?"


"Is [0, inf) same as R+?"

$$~$d: S \times S \to [0, \infty)$~$$

"Is this a typo? Shouldn't you buy coins if they..."

$~$10^{10} < 2^{35}.$~$

"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this paragraph needed? ..."


"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$A = \{ \{ 1,2 \}, \{ 3,4 \}, 1, 2, 3, 4 \}$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$x = \{1,2\}$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$a = 2$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$a \in x$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$x \in A$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$a \in A$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$B = \{ \{ 1,2 \}, \{ 3,4 \} \}$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$y = \{1,2\}$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$b = 2$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$b \in y$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$y \in B$~$

"Is this what is meant by transitive and nontran..."

$~$b \notin B$~$

"Is what follows the colon m..."


"Is what follows the colon m..."


"Isn't one coin and three di..."

$~$\log_2(6) + \log_2(10) + 3\log_2(2) \approx 8.9$~$

"Isn't one coin and three di..."

$~$2*3^6 = 432,$~$

"Isn't one coin and three di..."

$~$\log_2(2) + 3*\log_2(6) \approx 8.75$~$

"It is really confusing to apply one of the init..."

$~$\mathbb P({positive}\mid {HIV}) = .997$~$

"It is really confusing to apply one of the init..."

$~$\mathbb P({negative}\mid \neg {HIV}) = .998$~$

"It is really confusing to apply one of the init..."

$~$\mathbb P({positive} \mid \neg {HIV}) = .002.$~$

"It would be nice to show how to go from 99.8% t..."

$~$1 : 100,000$~$

"It would be nice to show how to go from 99.8% t..."

$~$500 : 1.$~$

"Just reiterating that it's 18% of **all** stude..."

$~$\mathbb P(sick \mid blackened)$~$

"Just reiterating that it's 18% of **all** stude..."

$~$\mathbb P(sick \wedge blackened)$~$

"Just reiterating that it's 18% of **all** stude..."

$~$\mathbb P(blackened)$~$

"Looks like a mathjax error?"


"Looks like a mathjax error?"


"Looks like a mathjax error?"


"Looks like a mathjax error?"


"Looks like a mathjax error?"


"Looks like a mathjax error?"

$~$\square_{PA}(\ulcorener A\urcorner$~$

"Looks like a mathjax error?"


"Looks like a mathjax error?"


"May need to build the intuition that knowing ho..."


"May need to build the intuition that knowing ho..."


"May need to build the intuition that knowing ho..."


"May need to build the intuition that knowing ho..."


"May need to build the intuition that knowing ho..."


"May need to build the intuition that knowing ho..."


"Maybe insert an equation style definition of th..."

$~${\bf \hat v}$~$

"Maybe insert an equation style definition of th..."

$$~$|\mathbf{\hat v}| = \left|\frac{\mathbf{v}}{|\mathbf{v}|}\right| = \left|\frac{1}{|\mathbf{v}|}\right||\mathbf{v}| = \frac{|\mathbf{v}|}{|\mathbf{v}|}=1$~$$

"Maybe insert an equation style definition of th..."

$~$\hat{\mathbf v} = \frac{1}{| \mathbf v |}\mathbf v = \frac{\mathbf v}{| \mathbf v |}$~$

"Might one of the following ..."

$~$\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^s}$~$

"Might one of the following ..."


"Might one of the following ..."

$~$G_0 \xrightarrow{f_1} G_1 \xrightarrow{f_2} G_2 \xrightarrow{f_3} \cdots \xrightarrow{f_n} G_n$~$

"Might one of the following ..."

$~$\text{im}(f_k) = \text{ker}(f_{k+1})$~$

"Might one of the following ..."

$~$0 \le k < n$~$

"Might one of the following ..."

$~$n\times n$~$

"Might one of the following ..."


"Might one of the following ..."


"Might one of the following ..."

$~$\det(A) = \sum_{\sigma\in S_n}\text{sgn}(\sigma) \prod_{i=1}^n a_{i,\sigma_i}$~$

"Might one of the following ..."


"Might one of the following ..."








"No, the difference between the two sentences li..."


"No, the difference between the two sentences li..."


"No, this kind of factorization is used for *any..."

$~$\mathbb P(X_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$

"No, this kind of factorization is used for *any..."


"No, this kind of factorization is used for *any..."


"No, this kind of factorization is used for *any..."

$~$\mathbf {pa}_i$~$

"No, this kind of factorization is used for *any..."


"No, this kind of factorization is used for *any..."

$~$\mathbf x$~$

"Not 2^100?"


"Not clear what this means?"


"Not clear what this means?"

$~$\langle \mathbb R, \leq \rangle$~$

"Not clear what this means?"


"Not clear what this means?"

$~$0 < 1$~$

"Not clear what this means?"


"Not clear what this means?"

$~$\mathbb R$~$

"Not clear what this means?"

$~$x \in \mathbb R$~$

"Not clear what this means?"

$~$x > 0$~$

"Not clear what this means?"

$~$y \in \mathbb R$~$

"Not clear what this means?"

$~$0 < y < x$~$

"Not clear what this means?"

$~$\mathbb R$~$

"Okay now I'm also confused...."


"Okay now I'm also confused...."


"Okay now I'm also confused...."


"On "Conditions for Goodhart's curse": It seems ..."

$~$V:s \mapsto V(s)$~$

"On "Conditions for Goodhart's curse": It seems ..."


"On "Conditions for Goodhart's curse": It seems ..."


"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."


"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."


"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."

$~$\log_{10}(10^{-6}) - \log_{10}(10^{-2})$~$

"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."


"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."


"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."

$~$\log_{10}(\frac{0.10}{0.90}) - \log_{10}(\frac{0.11}{0.89}) \approx {^-0.954}-{^-0.907} \approx {^-0.046}$~$

"One of these does log( prob/ 1 - prob) the othe..."


"Pedantic remark: Aren't you missing the identit..."


"Pedantic remark: Aren't you missing the identit..."


"Pedantic remark: Aren't you missing the identit..."


"Pedantic remark: Aren't you missing the identit..."


"Pedantic remark: Aren't you missing the identit..."


"Seven tenths?"


"Should the p's and q's in o..."

$~$p \prec q$~$

"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."

$~$p \prec q$~$

"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."


"Should the p's and q's in o..."





$~$\lceil x \rceil$~$




$~$n \ge x.$~$


$~$\lceil 3.72 \rceil = 4, \lceil 4 \rceil = 4,$~$


$~$\lceil -3.72 \rceil = -3.$~$

"Surely they are equivalent. Given a Rice-decidi..."


"Surely they are equivalent. Given a Rice-decidi..."


"Surely they are equivalent. Given a Rice-decidi..."


"Surely they are equivalent. Given a Rice-decidi..."


"Thanks for this analysis and congratulations on..."


"Thanks for this analysis and congratulations on..."


"Thanks for this analysis and congratulations on..."


"Thanks for this analysis and congratulations on..."


"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."

$~$(x : y)$~$

"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."


"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."

$~$(\alpha x : \alpha y).$~$

"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."


"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."


"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."


"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."


"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."

$~$(x : y),$~$

"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."

$~$\left(\frac{x}{y} : 1\right).$~$

"The $x/y$ notation is confusing - these ratios ..."


"The expression P(a_x [ ]-> o_i) is meaningless...."

$~$\ \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \! \! \rightarrow o_i).$~$

"The following would be simpler and more consist..."

$~$\mathbb P(X \wedge Y) = \mathbb P(Y) \cdot \mathbb P(X|Y).$~$

"The inverse of multiplication is division. To t..."

$~$1 : 4$~$

"The inverse of multiplication is division. To t..."

$~$3 : 1$~$

"The inverse of multiplication is division. To t..."

$~$(1 \cdot 3) : (4 \cdot 1) = 3 : 4$~$

"The log used to determine number of bits should..."


"The log used to determine number of bits should..."


"The log used to determine number of bits should..."

$~$\lnot H$~$

"The log used to determine number of bits should..."


"The log used to determine number of bits should..."

$~$\lnot H$~$

"The log used to determine number of bits should..."


"The log used to determine number of bits should..."

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H)$~$

"The log used to determine number of bits should..."

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid \lnot H)$~$

"The log used to determine number of bits should..."

$~$\left(\frac{1}{8} : \frac{1}{4}\right)$~$

"The log used to determine number of bits should..."


"The log used to determine number of bits should..."

$~$(1 : 2),$~$

"The log used to determine number of bits should..."


"The non-existence of a total order on $\mathbb{..."


"The problem I have in mind is deciding whether ..."


"The problem I have in mind is deciding whether ..."


"The problem I have in mind is deciding whether ..."


"The problem I have in mind is deciding whether ..."


"The proof of (5) only goes through for $n\in\ma..."


"The proof of (5) only goes through for $n\in\ma..."

$~$f(b)=1\Rightarrow f(b^q)=q$~$

"The proof of (5) only goes through for $n\in\ma..."


"The proof of (5) only goes through for $n\in\ma..."


"The urls are displaying as:"


"This "do" notation may seem mysterious, as it i..."

$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x | \operatorname{do}(X_j=x_j))$~$

"This confused me at first because I didn't real..."

$~$\mathbb P(X \mid Y)$~$

"This confused me at first because I didn't real..."


"This confused me at first because I didn't real..."


"This definition of the real numbers has a bigge..."

$~$\mathbb{N} \setminus \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}$~$

"This definition of the real numbers has a bigge..."


"This definition of the real numbers has a bigge..."


"This does not seem like it'd be transparent, es..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is a clear explanation, but I think some f..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is not universally agreed-upon, but I use ..."


"This is slightly confusing,..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."


"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."

$~$\frac{1}{m} \times \frac{1}{n}$~$

"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."

$~$\frac{n}{m} = n \times \frac{1}{m}$~$

"This relies on a principle "other way" introduc..."

$~$\frac{n}{m} = n \times \frac{1}{m}$~$

"This seems like a straw alt..."


"This seems like a straw alt..."


"This seems like a straw alt..."


"This seems like a straw alt..."


"This seems like a straw alt..."


"This wording suggests the group contains only s..."

$~$X = \{ a, b \}$~$












$~$x \cdot x$~$








$~$\log_b(316) \approx \frac{5\log_b(10)}{2}$~$

"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"Wait, really? Is this a joke or does being tran..."


"What's $n$ exactly?"


"What's $n$ exactly?"


"What's $n$ exactly?"


"What's $n$ exactly?"


"What's $n$ exactly?"


"Where did the '16' come fro..."

$~$(5 : 3 : 2) \cdot (2 : 1 : 5) \cdot (12 : 10 : 1) = (120 : 30 : 10) \cong (12/16 : 3/16 : 1/16)$~$

"Why is it called a *decision problem*? As a rea..."


"Why is it called a *decision problem*? As a rea..."


"Why is it called a *decision problem*? As a rea..."


"Why is it called a *decision problem*? As a rea..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."


"Would be cool to have an im..."

$~$(-1) \times (-1) = 1$~$

"Would be cool to have an im..."

$~$f(-(-x)) = f(x)$~$

"Would it be appropriate to ..."


"Would it be appropriate to ..."


"Wrong, they are exactly the same distances. I r..."


"Wrong, they are exactly the same distances. I r..."


"Wrong, they are exactly the same distances. I r..."


"Wrong, they are exactly the same distances. I r..."


"Wrong, they are exactly the same distances. I r..."


"Wrong, they are exactly the same distances. I r..."


"[@2] I think there should b..."

$~$\mathbb P(f\mid e\!=\!\textbf {THT}) = \dfrac{\mathcal L(e\!=\!\textbf{THT}\mid f) \cdot \mathbb P(f)}{\mathbb P(e\!=\!\textbf {THT})} = **\dfrac{(1 - x) \cdot x \cdot (1 - x) \cdot 1}{\int_0^1 (1 - x) \cdot x \cdot (1 - x) \cdot 1 \** \operatorname{d}\!f} = 12 \cdot f(1 - f)^2$~$

"[@5hc] Thanks for the edit! I made a couple of ..."


"[@5hc]: I've made the appropriate changes to th..."


"[@5hc]: I've made the appropriate changes to th..."


"in X, **such that**..."

$~$f : X \times X \to X$~$

"in X, **such that**..."

$~$x, y, z$~$

"in X, **such that**..."


"in X, **such that**..."

$~$f(x, f(y, z)) = f(f(x, y), z)$~$

"in X, **such that**..."


"in X, **such that**..."

$~$(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)$~$

"in X, **such that**..."

$~$x, y,$~$

"in X, **such that**..."


"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"

$~$0 + 2\mathbb Z$~$

"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"

$~$1 + 2\mathbb Z$~$

"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"


"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"


"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"


"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"

$~$\text{even}+ \text{even} = \text{even}$~$

"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"

$~$\text{even} + \text{odd} = \text{odd}$~$

"odd + odd doesn't equal even?"

$~$\text{odd} + \text{odd} = \text{odd}$~$














$~$\mathbb P(X \wedge Y) = \mathbb P(Y) \cdot \mathbb P(X|Y).$~$

"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."

$~$f(x\cdot y)=f(x)+f(y)$~$

"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."

$$~$h(g(x\cdot y))=h(g(x))+h(g(y))$~$$

"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"tl;dr: I did some reading on related topics, an..."


"use colon instead?"


"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {CooperateBot},$~$

"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {CooperateBot},$~$

"use colon instead?"

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

"“got” would be clearer."

$~$\mathbb P(X \wedge Y) = \mathbb P(Y) \cdot \mathbb P(X|Y).$~$




















$~$\sum_{k=1}^\infty 9 \cdot 10^{-k}$~$


$~$(\sum_{k=1}^n 9 \cdot 10^{-k})_{n\in\mathbb N}$~$










$~$N\in\mathbb N$~$






















































$~$0.9, 0.99, 0.999, \dotsc$~$































A googol


A googolplex


A googolplex


A googolplex

$~$ 10^{10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}.$~$

A quick econ FAQ for AI/ML folks concerned about technological unemployment

$~$1 to be effectively +$~$

A quick econ FAQ for AI/ML folks concerned about technological unemployment

$~$E = -mc^2,$~$

A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion

$$~$\frac{M + 1}{M + N + 2} : \frac{N + 1}{M + N + 2}$~$$

A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion


AI control on the cheap


AI control on the cheap


AI safety mindset


AI safety mindset
















Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$(X, \bullet)$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x, y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x \bullet y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x \bullet y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x(yz) = (xy)z$~$

Abelian group

$~$x, y, z$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x, y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$G=(X, \bullet)$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x, y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x \bullet y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x \bullet y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x(yz) = (xy)z$~$

Abelian group

$~$x, y, z$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$x, y$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group

$~$\{1, a, a^{-1}, b, b^{-1}, c, c^{-1}, d\}$~$

Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Abelian group


Ability to read logic

$~$(\exists v: \forall w > v: \forall x>0, y>0, z>0: x^w + y^w \neq z^w) \rightarrow ((1 = 0) \vee (1 + 0 = 0 + 1))$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$1 - p$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$1 - p$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$0(1-p) + 4(1-p)p + 1p^2$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$4 -6p$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$p = \frac{2}{3}$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$\$0\cdot\frac{1}{3} + \$4\cdot\frac{2}{3}\frac{1}{3} + \$1\cdot\frac{2}{3}\frac{2}{3} = \$\frac{4}{3} \approx \$1.33.$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$1 : q,$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$4p(1-p) + 1p^2.$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$4(1-p) + 1p.$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$\frac{1}{1+q}(4p(1-p) + p^2) + \frac{q}{1+q}(4(1-p) + p)$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$\frac{-6p - 3q + 4}{q+1}$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$\$4\cdot\frac{4}{9}\frac{5}{9} + \$1\cdot\frac{4}{9}\frac{4}{9} \approx \$1.19.$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$1 : q \cong \frac{1}{1+q} : \frac{q}{1+q}$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$4p(1-q) + 1pq.$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$4(1-p) + 1p.$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$$~$\frac{1}{1+q}(4p(1-q) + pq) + \frac{q}{1+q}(4(1-p) + p)$~$$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$\frac{4 - 6q}{1+q}$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma

$~$4-6q = 0 \implies q=\frac{2}{3}.$~$

Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absent-Minded Driver dilemma


Absolute Complement


Absolute Complement


Absolute Complement


Absolute Complement


Absolute Complement

$~$A^\complement = U \setminus A$~$

Absolute Complement


Absolute Complement


Absolute Complement


Ackermann function

$~$A \cdot B = \underbrace{A + A + \ldots A}_{B \text{ copies of } A}$~$

Ackermann function

$~$A^B = \underbrace{A \times A \times \ldots A}_{B \text{ copies of } A}$~$

Ackermann function

$~$A ^ B$~$

Ackermann function

$~$A \uparrow B$~$

Ackermann function

$~$A \uparrow\uparrow B = \underbrace{A^{A^{\ldots^A}}}_{B \text{ copies of } A}$~$

Ackermann function


Ackermann function


Ackermann function

$~$A \uparrow^2 B = \underbrace{A \uparrow^1 (A \uparrow^1 (\ldots A))}_{B \text{ copies of } A}$~$

Ackermann function

$~$A \uparrow^n B = \underbrace{A \uparrow^{n-1} (A \uparrow^{n-1} (\ldots A))}_{B \text{ copies of } A}$~$

Ackermann function

$~$A(n) = n \uparrow^n n$~$

Ackermann function


Ackermann function


Ackermann function


Ackermann function


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{2}{2} + \frac{3}{3} = 2$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{3} + \frac{8}{3}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{3} + \frac{8}{3} = \frac{13}{3}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{3} + \frac{5}{4}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{3} + \frac{5}{4}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{3} = \frac{4}{12}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{4} = \frac{3}{12}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{3} = \frac{4}{12}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{3} = \frac{20}{12}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{4} = \frac{15}{12}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$5 \times 3 = 15$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{3} + \frac{5}{4}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{20}{12} + \frac{15}{12}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$2 \times 5 = 10$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{n} = \frac{m}{m \times n}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m} = \frac{n}{m \times n}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{1}{m} + \frac{1}{n} = \frac{n}{m \times n} + \frac{m}{m \times n}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{a}{m} + \frac{b}{m} = \frac{a+b}{m}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{4} + \frac{5}{3}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$3 \times 4 = 12$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$5 \times 3$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$5 \times 4 = 20$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{15}{12} + \frac{20}{12} = \frac{35}{12}$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{a}{m} + \frac{b}{n} = \frac{a \times n}{m \times n} + \frac{b \times m}{m \times n} = \frac{a \times n + b \times m}{m \times n}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a \times n + b \times m$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a \times n$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$b \times m$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a, b, m, n$~$

Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers (Math 0)


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{5}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$$~$\frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{5} = \frac{1 \times 5 + 10 \times 1}{10 \times 5} = \frac{5+10}{50} = \frac{15}{50}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{5} = \frac{2}{10}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{10} + \frac{2}{10}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{15} + \frac{1}{10}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$$~$\frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{15} = \frac{1 \times 15 + 10 \times 1}{10 \times 15} = \frac{25}{150} = \frac{1}{6}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{3}{30} + \frac{2}{30} = \frac{5}{30}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{5}{30} = \frac{1}{6}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{25}{150} = \frac{1}{6}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{15}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$$~$\frac{1}{15} + \frac{1}{10} = \frac{1 \times 10 + 15 \times 1}{15 \times 10} = \frac{25}{150} = \frac{1}{6}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{15} = \frac{1}{15} + \frac{1}{10}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{0}{5} + \frac{2}{5}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{0}{7} + \frac{2}{5}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$$~$\frac{0}{7} + \frac{2}{5} = \frac{0 \times 5 + 2 \times 7}{5 \times 7} = \frac{0 + 14}{35} = \frac{14}{35}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{5} + \frac{-1}{10}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$$~$\frac{1}{15} + \frac{-1}{10} = \frac{1 \times 10 + 15 \times (-1)}{15 \times 10} = \frac{10 - 15}{150} = \frac{-5}{150} = \frac{-1}{30}$~$$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{1}{8 \times 7} = \frac{1}{56}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{7 \times 7}{7 \times 8} = \frac{49}{56}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises

$~$\frac{8 \times 13}{8 \times 7} = \frac{104}{56}$~$

Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Addition of rational numbers exercises


Advanced agent properties

$~$\mathbb P(Y|X)$~$

Advanced agent properties


Advanced agent properties


Advanced agent properties


Advanced agent properties


Advanced agent properties


Advanced agent properties


Advanced nonagent


Advanced nonagent

$~$\mathbb E [U | \operatorname{do}(\pi_0), HumansObeyPlan]$~$

Advanced nonagent

$~$\mathbb E [U | \operatorname{do}(\pi_0)],$~$

Algebraic field

$~$(R, +, \times)$~$

Algebraic field


Algebraic field


Algebraic field


Algebraic field

$~$r \in R$~$

Algebraic field

$~$x \in R$~$

Algebraic field

$~$xr = rx = 1$~$

Algebraic field

$~$0 \not = 1$~$

Algebraic structure


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree

$~$a \circ (b * c) = (a \circ b) * (a \circ c)$~$

Algebraic structure tree

$~$(a * b) \circ c = (a \circ c) * (b \circ c)$~$

Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree

$~$a \circ (a * b) = a * (a \circ b) = a$~$

Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algebraic structure tree


Algorithmic complexity


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!

$~$y=mx+b\rightarrow slope=m$~$

All you need for SAT Math Here!

$~$ax+by=c\rightarrow slope=\frac{-a}{b}$~$

All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!

$~$y=mx+{b_1}, y=mx+{b_2}, {b_1}\neq {b_2}$~$

All you need for SAT Math Here!

$~$y=mx+{b_1}, y=\frac{-1}{m}x+{b_2}$~$

All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!

$~$\frac{a_1}{a_2}\neq \frac{b_1}{b_2}$~$

All you need for SAT Math Here!

$~$\frac{a_1}{a_2}=\frac{b_1}{b_2}\neq \frac{c_1}{c_2}$~$

All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


All you need for SAT Math Here!


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles

$~$(ij)(kl) = (ijk)(jkl)$~$

Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles

$~$(ij)(jk) = (ijk)$~$

Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles

$~$(ij)(ij) = e$~$

Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles


Alternating group is generated by its three-cycles

$~$(ijk) = (ij)(jk)$~$

An early stage prioritisation model

$$~$ \textbf{ Expected Value of Project } = \textbf{Decision Relevant Info} + \textbf{Rare Signals} + \textbf{Cross-Domain Skills} $~$$

An early stage prioritisation model

$$~$ \textbf{ Expected Value of Project } = \textbf{Decision Relevant Info} + \textbf{Rare Signals} + \textbf{Cross-Domain Skills} $~$$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$=, \wedge, \implies$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$\forall n. 0 \not = n+1$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$A\implies B$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \phi$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$2^{a_1}3^{a_2}5^{a_3}\cdots p(n)^{a_n}$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$x = 42$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash IsEqualTo42(42)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \exists x IsEqualTo42(x)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\not\vdash IsEqualTo42(7)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash Axiom(\textbf{n})$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$Rule(p_1, p_2,…, p_n, r)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$p_1, …., p_n$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$\exists x. Proof(x,y)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$\ulcorner 1+1=2 \urcorner$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_{PA}(\ulcorner 1+1=2 \urcorner)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash A$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_{PA}(\ulcorner A\urcorner)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_{PA}(\ulcorner A\rightarrow B\urcorner) \rightarrow [\square_{PA}(\ulcorner A \urcorner)\rightarrow \square_{PA}(\ulcorner B \urcorner)]$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_{PA}(\ulcorner A\urcorner) \rightarrow \square_{PA} \square_{PA} (\ulcorner A\urcorner)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$A\rightarrow B$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$\square_{PA}(\ulcorner A \urcorner)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \psi \leftrightarrow \phi(\ulcorner \psi \urcorner)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_{PA}(\ulcorner A\urcorner) \rightarrow A$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash A$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\not\vdash A$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\not\vdash \square_{PA}(\ulcorner A\urcorner) \rightarrow A$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\vdash Proof(\textbf n, \ulcorner A\urcorner)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$Proof(\textbf n,\ulcorner A\urcorner)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$P\wedge \neg P$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$P\wedge \neg P$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$PA\not \vdash \neg \square_{PA}(\bot)$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic

$~$\square_{PA}(\ulcorner A\urcorner$~$

An introductory guide to modern logic


An introductory guide to modern logic


Antisymmetric relation


Antisymmetric relation

$~$(aRb ∧ bRa) → a = b$~$

Antisymmetric relation

$~$a ≠ b → (¬aRb ∨ ¬bRa)$~$

Antisymmetric relation


Antisymmetric relation

$~$\{(0,0), (1,1), (2,2)…\}$~$

Antisymmetric relation

$~$\{(0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,4)…\}$~$

Antisymmetric relation


Arbital Markdown

$~$ax^2 + bx + c = 0$~$

Arbital Markdown

$~$ax^2 + bx + c = 0$~$

Arbital Markdown

$$~$\lim_{N \to \infty} \sum_{k=1}^N f(t_k) \Delta t$~$$

Arbital Markdown

$$~$\lim_{N \to \infty} \sum_{k=1}^N f(t_k) \Delta t$~$$

Arbital examplar pages


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x < 10: \exists y < x: x + y < 10$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$x, y, z…$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\phi(x, y, z…)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x: \forall y: \forall z: … \phi(x, y, z…)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\exists y$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\phi(x, y) \leftrightarrow [(x + y) = (y + x)],$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\Delta_0 = \Pi_0 = \Sigma_0.$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$c + d = d + c$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x_1: \forall x_2: …$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x: (x + 3) = (3 + x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\exists x_1: \exists x_2: …$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\exists y: \forall x: (x + y) = (y + x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\exists y: \exists x: (x + y) = (y + x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x: \exists y < x: (x + y) = (y + x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x < c: \phi(x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\phi(0) \wedge \phi(1) … \wedge \phi(c)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\exists x < c: \phi(x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\phi(0) \vee \phi(1) \vee …$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$z = 2^x \cdot 3^y$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\phi \in \Pi_n$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\phi \in \Delta_0$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\exists x: \phi(x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy

$~$\forall x: \phi(x)$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$y^9 = 9^y.$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$y^9 = 9^y.$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$(x + y) > 10^9$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$y^9 = 9^y$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$y^9 = 9^y,$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$y^9 = 9^y$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$x = 2,$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$z = 2^x \cdot 3^y$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$x^3 + y^3 = z^3$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$w = 2^x \cdot 3^y \cdot 5^z$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$x^3 + y^3 = z^3.$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$x^w + y^w = z^w.$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$X \rightarrow Y$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic

$~$y = f(x) = 4x+1$~$

Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arithmetical hierarchy: If you don't read logic


Arity (of a function)

$~$f(a, b, c, d) = ac - bd$~$

Arity (of a function)


Arity (of a function)

$~$(\mathrm{People} \times \mathrm{Ages})$~$

Associative operation

$~$\bullet : X \times X \to X$~$

Associative operation

$~$x, y, z$~$

Associative operation


Associative operation

$~$x \bullet (y \bullet z) = (x \bullet y) \bullet z$~$

Associative operation


Associative operation

$~$(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)$~$

Associative operation

$~$x, y,$~$

Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation

$~$x, y,$~$

Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation

$~$f(f(x, y), z) = f(x, f(y, z)),$~$

Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation

$~$f_3 : X \times X \times X \to X,$~$

Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation


Associative operation

$~$f_4, f_5, \ldots,$~$

Associative operation


Associative operation

$~$2 \cdot 3 \cdot 4 \cdot 5$~$

Associativity vs commutativity


Associativity vs commutativity


Associativity vs commutativity


Associativity vs commutativity


Associativity vs commutativity

$~$a \cdot (b \cdot (c \cdot d)),$~$

Associativity vs commutativity

$~$((a \cdot b) \cdot c) \cdot d.$~$

Associativity vs commutativity


Associativity vs commutativity

$~$3 + 2 + (-7) + 5 + (-2) + (-3) + 7,$~$

Associativity vs commutativity

$~$3 - 3 + 2 - 2 + 7 - 7 + 5 = 5,$~$

Associativity: Examples

$~$(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)$~$

Associativity: Examples

$~$x, y,$~$

Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples

$~$(x \times y) \times z = x \times (y \times z)$~$

Associativity: Examples

$~$x, y,$~$

Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples

$~$(x \times y) \times z$~$

Associativity: Examples

$~$x \times (y \times z).$~$

Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples


Associativity: Examples

$~$(red\ ?\ green)\ ?\ blue = blue$~$

Associativity: Examples

$~$red\ ?\ (green\ ?\ blue)=red.$~$

Associativity: Intuition

$~$f : X \times X \to X$~$

Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition

$~$3 + 4 + 5 + 6,$~$

Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition

$~$[a, b, c, d, \ldots]$~$

Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition

$~$[a, b]$~$

Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition

$~$[b, c]$~$

Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition

$~$[a, b, c]$~$

Associativity: Intuition

$~$f : X \times X \to Y$~$

Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition

$~$f(f(red, green), blue))=blue,$~$

Associativity: Intuition

$~$f(red, f(green, blue))=red.$~$

Associativity: Intuition

$~$f(green, blue)$~$

Associativity: Intuition


Associativity: Intuition


Asymptotic Notation

$$~$\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = 0$~$$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) = x^2$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{x}{x^2} = 0$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$x = o(x^2)$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) - f(x)$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) \in o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = 200x + 10000$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) = x^2$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) > f(x)$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$$~$\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = \lim{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{200x + 10000}{x^2} = 0$~$$

Asymptotic Notation

$$~$\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{200x + 10000}{x^2} = \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{200}{2x}$~$$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = 20x^2 - 10x + 5$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) = 2x^2 - x + 10$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) = o(f(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$$~$\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{g(x)}{f(x)} = \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{2x^2 - x + 10}{20x^2 - 10x + 5} = \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{4x - 1}{40x - 10}$~$$

Asymptotic Notation

$$~$= \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{4}{40} = \frac{1}{10}$~$$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) \neq o(f(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$$~$\forall_{c>0} \exists_{n>0} \text{ such that } \forall_{x>n} c \cdot f(x) \leq g(x)$~$$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$200 x + 10000 = o(x^2)$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$c(200x + 10000)$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(f(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))\ \ \implies\ \ g(x) \neq o(f(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x)) \text{ and } g(x) = o(h(x))\ \ \implies\ \ f(x)= o(h(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))\ \ \implies\ \ c + f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))\ \ \implies\ \ c \cdot f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = 1$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = log(log(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = log(x)$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x \cdot log(x)$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x^{1+\epsilon}$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$0 < \epsilon < 1$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x^2$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x^3$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x^4$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = e^{cx}$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = x!$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = 0$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$0 < \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} < \infty$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = \Theta(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = \infty$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = \omega(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$g(x) = \omega(f(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = O(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = o(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = \Theta(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = \Omega(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = \omega(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$f(x) = \Theta(g(x))$~$

Asymptotic Notation

$~$\Theta(n\ lg(n))$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$n\ lg(n)$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation

$~$n lg(n) = o(n^2)$~$

Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Asymptotic Notation


Author's guide to Arbital


Author's guide to Arbital

$~$\approx 2.718…$~$




$~$\forall w. weight(w)\rightarrow 0<w \wedge w < 1$~$






$~$[P(0) \wedge \forall n. P(n)\rightarrow P(n+1)]\rightarrow \forall n. P(n)$~$



Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$$~$ f: X \rightarrow \bigcup_{Y \in X} Y $~$$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$Y \in X$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$f(Y) \in Y$~$

Axiom of Choice

$$~$ \forall_X \left( \left[\forall_{Y \in X} Y \not= \emptyset \right] \Rightarrow \left[\exists \left( f: X \rightarrow \bigcup_{Y \in X} Y \right) \left(\forall_{Y \in X} \exists_{y \in Y} f(Y) = y \right) \right] \right) $~$$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$Y_1, Y_2, Y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$y_1 \in Y_1, y_2 \in Y_2, y_3 \in Y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$f(Y_1) = y_1$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$f(Y_2) = y_2$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$f(Y_3) = y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, \ldots$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$X_1, X_2, X_3, \ldots$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$\prod_{i \in \mathbb{N}} X_i$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$(x_1, x_2, x_3, \ldots )$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$x_1 \in X_1$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$x_2 \in X_2$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$f: C \rightarrow C$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$x_0 \in C$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$f(x_0) = x_0$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$(x , y)$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$(A_i)_{i \in I}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$X \subseteq I$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$X \in \mathcal{U}$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$(A_i)_{i \in X}$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$(A_i)_{i \in I}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$x \in X$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$\{x \in X : \phi(x) \}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$A, B, C, \ldots$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$xy = yx$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$xy \not= yx$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$A \times A$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$u \in X$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$u \geq c$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$c \in C$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$m \in X$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$x \in X$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$m \not< x$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$v_1 \in V$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$\{v_1\} \subseteq \{v, v_2\} \subseteq \{v_1, v_2, v_3 \} \subseteq \cdots$~$

Axiom of Choice

$~$ \{v_1\} \cup \{v_1, v_2\} \cup \{v_1, v_2, v_3 \} \cdots = \{v_1, v_2, v_3, \ldots \}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$v \in V$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$M \cup \{v\}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$\{v_1, v_2\}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$\{42, 48, 64, \ldots\}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice

$~$(x_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$~$

Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$$~$ f: X \rightarrow \bigcup_{Y \in X} Y $~$$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$Y \in X$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$f(Y) \in Y$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$$~$ \forall_X \left( \left[\forall_{Y \in X} Y \not= \emptyset \right] \Rightarrow \left[\exists \left( f: X \rightarrow \bigcup_{Y \in X} Y \right) \left(\forall_{Y \in X} \exists_{y \in Y} f(Y) = y \right) \right] \right) $~$$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$Y_1, Y_2, Y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$y_1 \in Y_1, y_2 \in Y_2, y_3 \in Y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$f(Y_1) = y_1$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$f(Y_2) = y_2$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$f(Y_3) = y_3$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)

$~$Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, \ldots$~$

Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)


Axiom of Choice Definition (Intuitive)



$~$\operatorname{Bag}(1, 1, 2, 3) = \operatorname{Bag}(2, 1, 3, 1) \neq \operatorname{Bag}(1, 2, 3).$~$

Bayes' rule

$~$2 \times \dfrac{1}{4} = \dfrac{1}{2}.$~$

Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb {P}(h_1)$~$

Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb {P}(h_2)$~$

Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb {P}(e_0\mid h_1)$~$

Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb {P}(e_0\mid h_2)$~$

Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule


Bayes' rule

$$~$\frac{\mathbb {P}(h_1\mid e_0)}{\mathbb {P}(h_2\mid e_0)} = \frac{\mathbb {P}(h_1)}{\mathbb {P}(h_2)} \cdot \frac{\mathbb {P}(e_0\mid h_1)}{\mathbb {P}(e_0\mid h_2)}$~$$

Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf{H}\mid e) \propto \operatorname{\mathbb {P}}(e\mid \mathbf{H}) \cdot \operatorname{\mathbb {P}}(\mathbf{H}).$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition

$~$\mathbb P(H_i)$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition

$~$\mathbb P(e_0\mid H_i)$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition

$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e_0)$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition

$$~$\dfrac{\mathbb P(H_1)}{\mathbb P(H_2)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e_0\mid H_1)}{\mathbb P(e_0\mid H_2)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_1\mid e_0)}{\mathbb P(H_2\mid e_0)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition

$~$\alpha \cdot \beta$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Definition

$~$2 \times \dfrac{1}{4} = \dfrac{1}{2}.$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition

$~$\mathbb P(X\wedge Y) = \mathbb P(X\mid Y) \cdot \mathbb P(Y):$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition

$$~$ \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i) / \mathbb P(e)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j) / \mathbb P(e)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)} $~$$

Bayes' rule: Definition

$$~$\log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(H_i)} {\mathbb P(H_j)} \right ) + \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)} {\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} \right ) = \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)} {\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)} \right ) $~$$

Bayes' rule: Definition

$$~$\begin{array}{rll} (1/2 : 1/3 : 1/6) \cong & (3 : 2 : 1) & \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \\ \times & (2 : 3 : 1) & \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \\ = & (24 : 6 : 9) & \cong (8 : 2 : 3) \end{array}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Definition

$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e),$~$

Bayes' rule: Definition

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e\mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Definition

$$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf{H}\mid e) \propto \mathbb P(e\mid \mathbf{H}) \cdot \mathbb P(\mathbf{H}).$~$$

Bayes' rule: Definition


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_x\mid e) \propto \mathcal L_e(H_x) \cdot \mathbb P(H_x)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Functional form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_x\mid e) \propto \mathcal L_e(H_x) \cdot \mathbb P(H_x)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathbb P(b),$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathbb P(b)\cdot \mathrm{d}b$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$[b + \mathrm{d}b]$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathrm db$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$[a, b]$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\int_a^b \mathbb P(b) \, \mathrm db.$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathbb P(b) = 1$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathbb P(b)\, \mathrm db = \mathrm db$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathcal L_{t_1}(b)$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$b = 0.6,$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$b = 0.33,$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathcal L_{t_1}(b)$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathcal L_{t_1}(b) = 1 - b.$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathbb O(b\mid t_1) = \mathcal L_{t_1}(b) \cdot \mathbb P(b) = 1 - b,$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\int_0^1 (1 - b) \, \mathrm db = \frac{1}{2}.$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form

$~$\mathbb P(b \mid t_1) = \dfrac{\mathbb O(b \mid t_1)}{\int_0^1 \mathbb O(b \mid t_1) \, \mathrm db} = 2 \cdot (1 - f)$~$

Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form


Bayes' rule: Functional form

$$~$\mathbb P(b \mid t_1h_2t_3) = \frac{\mathcal L_{t_1h_2t_3}(b) \cdot \mathbb P(b)}{\mathbb P(t_1h_2t_3)} = \frac{(1 - b) \cdot b \cdot (1 - b) \cdot 1}{\int_0^1 (1 - b) \cdot b \cdot (1 - b) \cdot 1 \, \mathrm{d}b} = {12\cdot b(1 - b)^2}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$$~$ \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)} {\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)} \right ) = \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(H_i)} {\mathbb P(H_j)} \right ) + \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)} {\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} \right ). $~$$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$$~$ \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)} {\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)} \right ) = \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(H_i)} {\mathbb P(H_j)} \right ) + \log \left ( \dfrac {\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)} {\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} \right ). $~$$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(1 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(1 : 2) \times (4 : 1) \times (2 : 1),$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(1 \times 4 \times 2 : 2 \times 1 \times 1) = (8 : 2) = (4 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\log_2 (\frac{1}{1}) = 0$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\log_2 (\frac{1}{2}) = {-1}$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\log_2 (\frac{4}{1}) = {+2}$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\log_2 (\frac{2}{1}) = {+1}$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$0 + {^-1} + {^+2} + {^+1} = {^+2}$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(2^{+2} : 1) = (4 : 1),$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\lnot H,$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$2 : 1$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(1 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(2 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(4 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(8 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(16 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(32 : 1).$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\frac{1}{2} = 50\%$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\frac{2}{3} \approx 67\%$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\frac{4}{5} = 80\%$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\frac{8}{9} \approx 89\%$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\frac{16}{17} \approx 94\%$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\frac{32}{33} \approx 97\%.$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(2 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\log_{10}(10^{-6}) - \log_{10}(10^{-2})$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\log_{10}(\frac{0.10}{0.90}) - \log_{10}(\frac{0.11}{0.89}) \approx {^-0.954}-{^-0.907} \approx {^-0.046}$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$2 : 1,$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$1 : 2$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$(1 : 16)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\mathbb P({positive}\mid {HIV}) = .997$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\mathbb P({negative}\mid \neg {HIV}) = .998$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\mathbb P({positive} \mid \neg {HIV}) = .002.$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$1 : 100,000$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$500 : 1.$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\log_{10}(500) \approx 2.7$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$500 : 1$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\mathbb P(X) + \mathbb P(\lnot X)$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$\lnot X$~$

Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form


Bayes' rule: Log-odds form

$~$e = 10\log_{10}(o)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(1 : 2) \times (10 : 1) = (10 : 2) = (5 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H \mid e)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathcal L_e(\boldsymbol H).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(1 : 2) \times (10 : 1) = (10 : 2) = (5 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H = (H_1, H_2, H_3),$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(6 : 2 : 1),$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H;$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H) \propto \mathbb P(\boldsymbol H).$~$$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(H_1, H_2, H_3).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H) = (80 : 8 : 4) = (20 : 2 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(e_w\mid \boldsymbol H) = (0.6, 0.9, 0.3).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathcal L_{e_w}(\boldsymbol H) = P(e_w \mid \boldsymbol H).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H\mid e)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\boldsymbol H$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H) \times \mathcal L_{e}(\boldsymbol H) = \mathbb O(\boldsymbol H\mid e)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathcal L_{e}(\boldsymbol H)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb O(\boldsymbol H\mid e).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathcal L_e(\boldsymbol H) = (0.6, 0.9, 0.3)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(2 : 3 : 1).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(20 : 2 : 1).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(0.6 : 0.9 : 0.3)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(2 : 3 : 1).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form


Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(20 : 2 : 1) \times (2 : 3 : 1) = (40 : 6 : 1).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(2 : 8) \times (9 : 3) \ = \ (1 : 4) \times (3 : 1) \ = \ (3 : 4),$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(x : y)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(x : y)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)


Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(\alpha x : \alpha y).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(1 : 2 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$\frac{1}{4} : \frac{2}{4} : \frac{1}{4}.$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(a : b : c)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(\frac{a}{a + b + c} : \frac{b}{a + b + c} : \frac{c}{a + b + c}).$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$A, B, C$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(A), \mathbb P(B), \mathbb P(C)$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)


Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$\textbf{Prior odds} \times \textbf{Likelihood ratio} = \textbf{Posterior odds}$~$

Bayes' rule: Odds form (Intro, Math 1)

$~$(1 : 9 ) \times (3 : 1) \ = \ (3 : 9) \ \cong \ (1 : 3)$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e\mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(X \mid Y) = \frac{\mathbb P(X \wedge Y)}{\mathbb P (Y)}$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(Y) = \sum_k \mathbb P(Y \wedge X_k)$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e\mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\sum_k (\text {expression containing } k)$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbf H$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbf H$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$H_1, H_2, H_3$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(H_2 \mid heads).$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_2 \mid heads) = \frac{\mathbb P(heads \mid H_2) \cdot \mathbb P(H_2)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(heads \mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_2 \mid heads) = \frac{\mathbb P(heads \mid H_2) \cdot \mathbb P(H_2)}{[\mathbb P(heads \mid H_1) \cdot \mathbb P(H_1)] + [\mathbb P(heads \mid H_2) \cdot \mathbb P(H_2)] + [\mathbb P(heads \mid H_3) \cdot \mathbb P(H_3)]}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_2 \mid heads) = \frac{0.70 \cdot 0.35 }{[0.50 \cdot 0.40] + [0.70 \cdot 0.35] + [0.20 \cdot 0.25]} = \frac{0.245}{0.20 + 0.245 + 0.05} = 0.\overline{49}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(H_k)$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(H_4)=\frac{1}{5}$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$e_1, e_2, \ldots.$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$E = e_j,$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_4 \mid e_3) = \frac{\mathbb P(e_3 \mid H_4) \cdot \mathbb P(H_4)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e_3 \mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form


Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid GoodDriver)$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid BadDriver)$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P(BadDriver)$~$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(X \mid Y) = \frac{\mathbb P(X \wedge Y)}{\mathbb P (Y)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(Y) = \sum_k \mathbb P(Y \wedge X_k)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$ \mathbb P(H_i \mid e) = \frac{\mathbb P(H_i \wedge e)}{\mathbb P (e)} \tag{defn. conditional prob.} $~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$ \mathbb P(H_i \mid e) = \frac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P (e \wedge H_k)} \tag {law of marginal prob.} $~$$

Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$ \mathbb P(H_i \mid e) = \frac{\mathbb P(e \mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P (e \mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)} \tag {defn. conditional prob.} $~$$

Bayes' rule: Proportional form

$~$2 \times \dfrac{1}{4} = \dfrac{1}{2}.$~$

Bayes' rule: Proportional form


Bayes' rule: Proportional form


Bayes' rule: Proportional form


Bayes' rule: Proportional form

$$~$\dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Proportional form

$~$(1 : 4) \times (3 : 1) = (3 : 4).$~$

Bayes' rule: Proportional form

$~$(1 : 4) \times (3 : 1) = (3 : 4).$~$

Bayes' rule: Proportional form

$~$\frac{1}{4} \times \frac{3}{1} = \frac{3}{4},$~$

Bayes' rule: Proportional form

$~$0.25 \times 3 = 0.75.$~$

Bayes' rule: Proportional form

$~$(0.25 : 1) \cdot (3 : 1) = (0.75 : 1),$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\begin{array}{rll} (1/2 : 1/3 : 1/6) = & (3 : 2 : 1) & \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \\ \times & (2 : 3 : 1) & \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \\ = & (24 : 6 : 9) & = (8 : 2 : 3) \end{array}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$\mathbf H$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$H_1, H_2, \ldots$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$\mathbf H,$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\mathbb O(\mathbf H) \times \mathcal L_e(\mathbf H) = \mathbb O(\mathbf H \mid e)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$\mathbb O(\mathbf H)$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form


Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$\mathcal L_e(\mathbf H)$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form


Bayes' rule: Vector form


Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$\mathbb O(\mathbf H \mid e)$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form


Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\begin{array}{r} \mathbb O(\mathbf H) \\ \times\ \mathcal L_{e_1}(\mathbf H) \\ \times\ \mathcal L_{e_2}(\mathbf H \wedge e_1) \\ \times\ \mathcal L_{e_3}(\mathbf H \wedge e_1 \wedge e_2) \\ = \mathbb O(\mathbf H \mid e_1 \wedge e_2 \wedge e_3) \end{array}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form


Bayes' rule: Vector form


Bayes' rule: Vector form


Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$(1/2 : 1/3 : 1/6).$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$(2 : 3 : 1)$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$(2 : 1 : 3).$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\begin{array}{rll} (1/2 : 1/3 : 1/6) = & (3 : 2 : 1) & \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \\ \times & (2 : 3 : 1) & \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \\ = & (24 : 6 : 9) & = (8 : 2 : 3) = (8/13 : 2/13 : 3/13) \end{array}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e\mid H_k)P(H_k)}$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$(5 : 3 : 2)$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\left(\frac{10}{50} : \frac{3}{30} : \frac{10}{20}\right) = \left(\frac{1}{5} : \frac{1}{10} : \frac{1}{2}\right) = (2 : 1 : 5)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\left(\frac{30}{50} : \frac{15}{30} : \frac{1}{20}\right) = \left(\frac{3}{5} : \frac{1}{2} : \frac{1}{20}\right) = (12 : 10 : 1)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$(5 : 3 : 2) \times (2 : 1 : 5) \times (12 : 10 : 1) = (120 : 30 : 10) = \left(\frac{12}{16} : \frac{3}{16} : \frac{1}{16}\right)$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$$~$\mathbb P({workplace}\mid \neg {romance} \wedge {museum}) \neq \mathbb P({workplace}\mid \neg {romance})$~$$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$\mathbb P({museum} \wedge {workplace} \mid \neg {romance})$~$

Bayes' rule: Vector form

$~$\mathbb P({museum}\mid \neg {romance}) \cdot \mathbb P({workplace}\mid \neg {romance}).$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$up, down,$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$up, down,$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(\cdot\mid Thag)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(up\mid Thag) + \mathbb P(down\mid Thag) + \mathbb P(other\mid Thag) = 1.$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(up\mid Thag), \mathbb P(down\mid Thag),$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(other\mid Thag)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(down\mid Grek)!$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(up\mid Grek)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(other\mid Grek)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(down\mid Thag)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(up\mid Thag) = 1.$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(up\mid Thag) = 1$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(down\mid Thag) = 1$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(down\mid Grek) = 0.95$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(down\mid Grek) = 0$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(down\mid Grek) = 0.95$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(down\mid Thag) = 0.95$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(blue\mid Thag) = 0.90$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(blue\mid \neg Thag) < 0.01$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\dfrac{\mathbb P(Thag\mid blue)}{\mathbb P(\neg Thag\mid blue)} > 90 \cdot \dfrac{\mathbb P(Thag)}{\mathbb P(\neg Thag)}$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$H \rightarrow E,$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\neg E$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\neg H$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(UranusLocation\mid currentNewton)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(UranusLocation\mid newModel)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(UranusLocation\mid Neptune \wedge Newton),$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(UranusLocation\mid Neptune \wedge Other).$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(MercuryLocation\mid Einstein)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(MercuryLocation\mid Newton),$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(MercuryLocation\mid Other)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(newObservation\mid Other),$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(MercuryLocation\mid Newton)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\mathbb P(observation\mid hypothesis)$~$

Bayesian view of scientific virtues


Bayesian view of scientific virtues

$~$\neg observation$~$

Belief revision as probability elimination

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Belief revision as probability elimination

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Belief revision as probability elimination

$$~$\begin{array}{l|r|r} & Sick & Healthy \\ \hline Test + & 18\% & 24\% \\ \hline Test - & 2\% & 56\% \end{array}$~$$

Binary function


Binary function


Binary function


Binary function


Binary function


Binary notation


Binary notation

$~$(7 \times 10^0) + (0 \times 10^1) + (2 \times 10^2) + (8 \times 10^3)$~$

Binary notation


Binary notation


Binary notation


Binary notation

$~$(0 \times 2^0) + (1 \times 2^1) + (0 \times 2^2) + (1 \times 2^3) + (1 \times 2^4)$~$

Binary notation





$~$\mathbb B$~$


$~$2 : 1$~$


$~$\mathbb B$~$


$~$2 : 1$~$









Bit (abstract)

$~$\mathbb B$~$

Bit (abstract)

$~$\mathbb B$~$

Bit (abstract)

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Bit (abstract)

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Bit (abstract)

$~$\mathbb B$~$

Bit (abstract)

$~$\mathbb B$~$

Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)

$~$\log_2(10) \approx 3.32$~$

Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)


Bit (of data)










Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem

$~$ax+by = c$~$

Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem

$~$ax+by = c$~$

Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem

$~$\mathrm{hcf}(a,b) \mid c$~$

Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem

$~$d \times \mathrm{hcf}(a,b) = c$~$

Bézout's theorem

$~$a, b$~$

Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem

$~$ax + by = \mathrm{hcf}(a,b)$~$

Bézout's theorem

$~$a (xd) + b (yd) = d \mathrm{hcf}(a, b) = c$~$

Bézout's theorem

$~$d \times \mathrm{hcf}(a,b) = c$~$

Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Bézout's theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$1 < 2$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$a < b$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$b < a$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$f: A \to B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$g: B \to A$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$h: A \to B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$a \in A$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$f(a) = b$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$a \in A$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$f(a) = b$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$a \in A$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$$~$\dots, f^{-1}(g^{-1}(a)), g^{-1}(a), a, f(a), g(f(a)), \dots$~$$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$gfgf(a) = a$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$b \in B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$$~$\dots g^{-1} f^{-1}(b), f^{-1}(b), b, g(b), f(g(b)), \dots$~$$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$a \in A$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$g^{-1} f^{-1}(b)$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$h(a) = f(a)$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$h(a) = f(a)$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$h(a) = g^{-1}(a)$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$h(a) = f(a)$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$b \in B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$b \in B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$b \in B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$f: X \to X$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$f(x) = x$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$f: A \to B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$g: B \to A$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$P \cup Q$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$R \cup S$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$A \to B$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$P \mapsto A \setminus g(B \setminus f(P))$~$

Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Cantor-Schröder-Bernstein theorem

$~$P = A \setminus g(B \setminus f(P))$~$










$~$|A| = n$~$








$~$\{0, …, (n-1)\}$~$




$~$\mathbb N$~$


$~$\mathbb N$~$








$~$X = \{a, b, c, d\}, |X|=4.$~$












$~$\{9, 15, 12, 20\}$~$


$~$\{1, 2, 3, 4\}$~$












$~$f : S \to \{1, 2, 3, \ldots, n\}$~$


$~$g : \{1, 2, 3, \ldots, n\} \to T$~$


$~$g \circ f$~$










$~$\aleph_1, \aleph_2, \aleph_3,$~$

Cartesian product


Cartesian product


Cartesian product

$~$A \times B,$~$

Cartesian product

$~$(a, b)$~$

Cartesian product

$~$a \in A$~$

Cartesian product

$~$b \in B.$~$

Cartesian product

$~$\mathbb B \times \mathbb N$~$

Cartesian product

$~$\mathbb B^3 = \mathbb B \times \mathbb B \times \mathbb B$~$

Cartesian product


Cartesian product


Cartesian product


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$X \rightarrow Z$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$g \circ f$~$

Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$h:Z \rightarrow W$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$h(gf) = (hg)f$~$

Category (mathematics)


Category (mathematics)

$~$1_X : X \rightarrow X$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$f:W \rightarrow X$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$g:X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$1_X f = f$~$

Category (mathematics)

$~$g 1_X = g$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$\text{dom}(f) = X$~$

Category theory

$~$\text{cod}(f) = Y$~$

Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$X \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$g \circ f$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$h:Z \rightarrow W$~$

Category theory

$~$h(gf) = (hg)f$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$1_X : X \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$f:W \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$g:X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$1_X f = f$~$

Category theory

$~$g 1_X = g$~$

Category theory

$~$(P, \leq)$~$

Category theory

$~$x \rightarrow y$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$x \leq y$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$X \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$g \circ f$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$h:Z \rightarrow W$~$

Category theory

$~$h(gf) = (hg)f$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$1_X : X \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$f:W \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$g:X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$1_X f = f$~$

Category theory

$~$g 1_X = g$~$

Category theory

$~$x \in X$~$

Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$(g \circ f)(x)$~$

Category theory

$~$\mathbb{A}, \mathbb{B}, \mathbb{C}$~$

Category theory

$~$A, B, C, W, X, Y, Z$~$

Category theory

$~$e, f, g, h, u, v, w$~$

Category theory

$~$a, b, c, x, y, z$~$

Category theory

$~$E, F, G, H$~$

Category theory

$~$\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow T$~$

Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow T$~$

Category theory

$~$g: X \rightarrow T$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow \{a\}$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: P \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$g: P \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$u: W \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$v:W \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$h: W \rightarrow P$~$

Category theory

$~$fh = u$~$

Category theory

$~$gh = v$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow T$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \leftarrow T$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: T \rightarrow T'$~$

Category theory

$~$g: T' \rightarrow T$~$

Category theory

$~$gf = 1_T$~$

Category theory

$~$fg = 1_{T'}$~$

Category theory

$~$f: T \leftarrow T'$~$

Category theory

$~$g: T' \leftarrow T$~$

Category theory

$~$fg = 1_T$~$

Category theory

$~$gf = 1_{T'}$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$F: \mathbb{A} \rightarrow \mathbb{B}$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$F_1(f): F_0(X) \rightarrow F_1(Y)$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$1_X: X \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$F_1(1_X): F_0(X) \rightarrow F_0(X)$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$F_1(g) \circ F_1(f): F_0(X) \rightarrow F_0(Z)$~$

Category theory

$~$F_1(g \circ f): F_0(X) \rightarrow F_0(Z)$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$F(f): F(X) \rightarrow F(Y)$~$

Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow Y$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$gf = 1_X$~$

Category theory

$~$fg = 1_Y$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$g,h: W \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$fg = fh$~$

Category theory

$~$g = h$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$g,h: X \rightarrow Z$~$

Category theory

$~$gf = hf$~$

Category theory

$~$g = h$~$

Category theory


Category theory


Category theory


Category theory

$~$X = Y$~$

Category theory

$~$f: X \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory


Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$gf = 1_X$~$

Category theory

$~$g: Y \rightarrow X$~$

Category theory

$~$fg = 1_Y$~$

Cauchy sequence


Cauchy sequence


Cauchy sequence


Cauchy sequence

$~$\varepsilon > 0$~$

Cauchy sequence


Cauchy sequence

$~$m, n > N$~$

Cauchy sequence

$~$d(x_m, x_n) < \varepsilon$~$

Cauchy sequence

$~$|x_m - x_n|$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$$~$X = \{ (x_1, x_2, \dots, x_p) : x_1 x_2 \dots x_p = e \}$~$$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$(e, e, \dots, e)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$$~$(h, (x_1, \dots, x_p)) \mapsto (x_2, x_3, \dots, x_p, x_1)$~$$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$(x_1, \dots, x_p)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$(x_{i+1}, x_{i+2} , \dots, x_p, x_1, \dots, x_i)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$x_1 x_2 \dots x_p = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$$~$x_{i+1} x_{i+2} \dots x_p x_1 \dots x_i = (x_1 \dots x_i)^{-1} (x_1 \dots x_p) (x_1 \dots x_i) = (x_1 \dots x_i)^{-1} e (x_1 \dots x_i) = e$~$$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$(h^i h^j)(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_p) = h^i(h^j(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_p))$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$\bar{x} = (x_1, \dots, x_p) \in X$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$|C_p| = p$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$\bar{x} \in X$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$x_p = (x_1 \dots x_{p-1})^{-1}$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$|G|^{p-1} = |X|$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$|\mathrm{Orb}_{C_p}((e, e, \dots, e))| = 1$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$p \mid |X|$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$\{ \bar{x} \}$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$\bar{x} = (x_1, \dots, x_p)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$(x, x, \dots, x) \in X$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence

$~$x^p = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$x \not = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$x^p = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$i < p$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$\{ a, b, c, d, e\}$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(e, e, a, b, a)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$x \not = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(x, x, \dots, x)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(x, x, \dots, x)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(e, e, a, b, a)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$aba = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$x^p = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$abcbb = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(a, a, b, e, \cdot)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$b^{-1} a^{-2}$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$aabe(a^{-1} a^{-2}) = e$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_p)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(a_2, a_3, \dots, a_p, a_1)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$(a, a, \dots, a)$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$$~$(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_p), (a_2, a_3, \dots, a_p, a_1), \dots, (a_{p-1}, a_p, a_1, \dots, a_{p-2}), (a_p, a_1, a_2, \dots, a_{p-1})$~$$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$|G|^{p-1} - 1$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version

$~$|G|^{p-1} - 1$~$

Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Cauchy's theorem on subgroup existence: intuitive version


Causal decision theories

$~$\mathcal U$~$

Causal decision theories

$~$\mathcal O$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \!\! \rightarrow o_i)$~$$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U| \operatorname{do}(a_x)] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(o_i | \operatorname{do}(a_x))$~$$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(o_i|a_0).$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$\neg O$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(K|\neg O),$~$

Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(\neg O \ \square \!\! \rightarrow K).$~$

Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(\neg O \ \square \!\! \rightarrow K),$~$

Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(K|\neg O).$~$

Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(\bullet \ || \ \bullet)$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(X_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbf {pa}_i$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Causal decision theories

$$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x) = \prod_i \mathbb P(x_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$$

Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x | \operatorname{do}(X_j=x_j))$~$

Causal decision theories

$$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x | \operatorname{do}(X_j=x_j)) = \prod_{i \neq j} \mathbb P(x_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$$

Causal decision theories

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$X_j = x_j$~$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U| \operatorname{do}(a_x)] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(o_i | \operatorname{do}(a_x))$~$$

Causal decision theories


Causal decision theories

$~$W, X, Y, Z$~$

Causal decision theories

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & \text{One-boxing predicted} & \text{Two-boxing predicted} \\ \hline \text{W: Take both boxes, no fee:} & \$500,500 & \$500 \\ \hline \text{X: Take only Box B, no fee:} & \$500,000 & \$0 \\ \hline \text{Y: Take both boxes, pay fee:} & \$1,000,100 & \$100 \\ \hline \text{Z: Take only Box B, pay fee:} & \$999,100 & -\$900 \end{array}$~$$

Causal decision theories


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups

$~$G \times G \to G$~$

Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups

$~$(g, h) \mapsto gh$~$

Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups

$~$\Phi: G \to \mathrm{Sym}(G)$~$

Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups

$~$g \mapsto (h \mapsto gh)$~$

Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups

$~$g \in \mathrm{ker}(\Phi)$~$

Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups

$~$(h \mapsto gh)$~$

Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups

$~$gh = h$~$

Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups


Cayley's Theorem on symmetric groups





$~$\lceil x \rceil$~$




$~$n \ge x.$~$


$~$\lceil 3.72 \rceil = 4, \lceil 4 \rceil = 4,$~$


$~$\lceil -3.72 \rceil = -3.$~$


$~$\mathbb R \to \mathbb Z.$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$\lambda x.M$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$x\ (x\ (x\ x))$~$

Church encoding

$~$((x\ x)\ x)\ x$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$\lambda f.\lambda x.M$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$0=\lambda f.\lambda x.x$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$1=\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ x$~$

Church encoding

$~$2=\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ x)$~$

Church encoding

$~$3=\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ (f\ x))$~$

Church encoding

$~$4=\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ (f\ (f\ x)))$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$n=\lambda f.\lambda x.f^n(x)$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$\lambda n$~$

Church encoding

$~$\lambda f.\lambda x$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$$~$S=\lambda n.\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (n\ f\ x).$~$$

Church encoding

$~$(n\ f\ x)$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$f\ (n\ f\ x)$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$f\ x$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$$~$S^\prime=\lambda n.\lambda y.\lambda x.n\ f\ (f\ x).$~$$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$\lambda a.\lambda b.a$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$S\ 3=4$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$$~$+=\lambda m.\lambda n.\lambda f.\lambda x.m\ f\ (n\ f\ x)$~$$

Church encoding

$~$n\ f\ x$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$m\ f$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$+\ 2\ 3$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$+\ m\ n$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$m\times n$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$m\times n$~$

Church encoding

$~$(f^n)^m(x)=f^{m\times n}(x)$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$\lambda x.n\ f\ x$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$n\ f$~$

Church encoding

$~$n\ f$~$

Church encoding


Church encoding

$$~$\times=\lambda m.\lambda n.\lambda f.\lambda x.m\ (n\ f) x$~$$

Church encoding


Church encoding

$$~$\times=\lambda m.\lambda n.\lambda f.m\ (n\ f).$~$$

Church encoding


Church encoding


Church encoding

$~$\times\ 2\ 3=6$~$

Church-Turing thesis: Evidence for the Church-Turing thesis


Church-Turing thesis: Evidence for the Church-Turing thesis


Church-Turing thesis: Evidence for the Church-Turing thesis


Church-Turing thesis: Evidence for the Church-Turing thesis


Church-Turing thesis: Evidence for the Church-Turing thesis



















$~$x, y, z \in S$~$


$~$f(x, y, z) \in S$~$


$~$\mathbb Z$~$


$~$\mathbb Z_5 = \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}$~$


$~$1 + 5$~$


$~$\mathbb Z_5$~$

Codomain (of a function)


Codomain (of a function)

$~$f : X \to Y$~$

Codomain (of a function)


Codomain (of a function)


Codomain (of a function)


Codomain (of a function)


Codomain (of a function)


Codomain (of a function)

$~$\operatorname{square} : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$~$

Codomain (of a function)


Codomain (of a function)

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Codomain (of a function)

$~$\mathbb Z$~$

Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image

$~$f : X \to Y$~$

Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image


Codomain vs image

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Codomain vs image

$~$2^{65536} − 3$~$

Codomain vs image

$~$\{0, 1\},$~$

Codomain vs image

$~$\{0, 1\}$~$

Codomain vs image

$~$\{0, 1\}$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\mathbb P(X),$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\mathbb P(\neg X),$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\mathbb P(X) + \mathbb P(\neg X) = 1.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$X >_P Y$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$$~$\text{onions} >_P \text{pineapple} >_P \text{mushrooms} >_P \text{onions}$~$$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x > y, y > z \implies x > z$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x, y, z$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x > y > z > x.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\text{mushroom} >_P \text{pineapple} >_P \text{onion}$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\text{onions} >_P \text{pineapple}.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$$~$\mathbb P(heads) \cdot U(\text{1 orange}) + \mathbb P(tails) \cdot U(\text{3 plums}) \\ = 0.50 \cdot €2 + 0.50 \cdot €1.5 = €1.75$~$$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$1 \cdot U(\text{1 apple}) = €1.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$$~$\mathbb P(\text{heads}) \cdot U(\text{0.8 apples}) + \mathbb P(\text{tails}) \cdot U(\text{0.8 apples}) \\ = 0.6 \cdot €0.8 + 0.7 \cdot €0.8 = €1.04.$~$$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$N \cdot \$x$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x + y < \$1,$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x + y.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x + y > \$1,$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x + y.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x + y - \$1 > \$0.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$$~$\mathbb P(Q \wedge R) = \mathbb P(Q) \cdot \mathbb P(R \mid Q)$~$$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$z = x \cdot y.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\mathbb P(Q)$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\mathbb P(R \mid Q)$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$\mathbb P(Q \wedge R),$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$A, B, C$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$X, Y, Z$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x, y, z$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$$~$\begin{array}{rrrl} -Ax & + 0 & - Cz & \geqq 0 \\ A(1-x) & - By & - Cz & \geqq 0 \\ A(1-x) & + B(1-y) & + C(1-z) & \geqq 0 \end{array}$~$$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$x, y, z \in (0..1)$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$z = x * y.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$$~$\begin{array}{rcl} U(\text{gain \$1 million}) & > & 0.9 \cdot U(\text{gain \$5 million}) + 0.1 \cdot U(\text{gain \$0}) \\ 0.5 \cdot U(\text{gain \$0}) + 0.5 \cdot U(\text{gain \$1 million}) & > & 0.45 \cdot U(\text{gain \$5 million}) + 0.55 \cdot U(\text{gain \$0}) \end{array}$~$$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$L > M$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$p > 0$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities

$~$p \cdot L + (1-p)\cdot N > p \cdot M + (1-p) \cdot N.$~$

Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Coherent decisions imply consistent utilities


Colon-to notation

$~$f : X \to Y$~$

Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation

$~$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation

$~$x \mapsto x^2$~$

Colon-to notation

$~$f : \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Colon-to notation


Colon-to notation


Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf u$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf w$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf s$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf u$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf w$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf d$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf d$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf z$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf r$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf s$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v = 3\mathbf {x} + 4 \mathbf {y}$~$

Combining vectors


Combining vectors


Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors


Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors


Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf v$~$

Combining vectors


Combining vectors


Combining vectors

$~$p = O + 2\mathbf x + 3\mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$q = O - 3\mathbf x + \mathbf y$~$

Combining vectors

$~$p = (2, 3)$~$

Combining vectors

$~$q = (-3,1)$~$

Combining vectors

$~$\mathbf s, \mathbf t$~$

Combining vectors


Combining vectors


Combining vectors

$~$q = (-3,2)$~$

Communication: magician example

$~$\log_2(2 \times 6 \times 6) \approx 6.17$~$

Communication: magician example


Communication: magician example


Communication: magician example

$~$2 \cdot 6 \cdot 6 = 72$~$

Commutative operation


Commutative operation


Commutative operation


Commutative operation

$~$3 + 4 = 4 + 3.$~$

Commutativity: Examples

$~$x+y = y+x$~$

Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples

$~$x \times y = y \times x$~$

Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples

$~$x \times y$~$

Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples

$~$x \times y$~$

Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples

$~$r ? p = p,$~$

Commutativity: Examples

$~$r ? s = r,$~$

Commutativity: Examples

$~$p ? s = s,$~$

Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples

$~$x / y$~$

Commutativity: Examples

$~$y / x$~$

Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples


Commutativity: Examples

$~$2 \times 3$~$

Commutativity: Examples

$~$3 \times 5$~$

Commutativity: Examples

$~$2 \times 3$~$

Commutativity: Intuition

$~$f(x, y)$~$

Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition

$~$f(x, y)$~$

Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition

$~$\{b, d, e, l, u, r\}$~$

Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition

$~$(x_1, x_2).$~$

Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition

$~$f : X^2 \to Y$~$

Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition

$~$f(x_1, x_2)$~$

Commutativity: Intuition

$~$(x_1, x_2);$~$

Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition

$~$\operatorname{swap} : X^2 \to X^2$~$

Commutativity: Intuition

$~$(x_1, x_2)$~$

Commutativity: Intuition

$~$(x_2, x_1),$~$

Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition


Commutativity: Intuition

$~$f(x_1, x_2)=f(x_2, x_1)$~$

Commutativity: Intuition

$~$(x_1, x_2)$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee \emptyset$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee L$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee \emptyset$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$A \subseteq P$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\{ p \in P \mid \forall a \in A. p \leq a \}$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$a \in A$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L \leq a$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$p \in P$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$p \in A^L$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$p \leq \bigvee A^L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee \emptyset$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\langle \mathcal P(X), \subseteq \rangle$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$Y \subset \mathcal P(X)$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee Y = \bigcup Y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee Y = \bigcup Y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$A \in Y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$A \subseteq \bigcup Y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigcup Y$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$B \in \mathcal P(X)$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$A \in Y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$A \subseteq B$~$

Complete lattice

$~$x \in \bigcup Y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$x \in A$~$

Complete lattice

$~$A \in Y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$A \subseteq B$~$

Complete lattice

$~$x \in B$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigcup Y \subseteq B$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigcup Y$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F : X \to X$~$

Complete lattice

$~$x \in X$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$x \leq F(x)$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F(x) \leq x$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$A \subseteq X$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\mu F$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\mu F$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\mu F$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\nu F$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F : L \to L$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\mu F$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\nu F$~$

Complete lattice

$~$L = \langle \mathbb R, \leq \rangle$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F(x) = x$~$

Complete lattice

$~$x \leq y \implies F(x) = x \leq y = F(y)$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\mu F$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\nu F$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F : L \to L$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\mu F$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\nu F$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F : L \to L$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$\mu F$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigwedge \{x \in L \mid F(x) \leq x\}$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\nu F$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee \{x \in L \mid x \leq F(x) \}$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigwedge \{x \in L \mid F(x) \leq x\}$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigvee \{x \in L \mid F(x) \leq x \}$~$

Complete lattice

$~$\bigwedge \{x \in L \mid F(x) \leq x\}$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$U = \{x \in L \mid F(x) \leq x\}$~$

Complete lattice

$~$y = \bigwedge U$~$

Complete lattice

$~$F(y) = y$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$V \subseteq U$~$

Complete lattice

$~$y \leq u$~$

Complete lattice

$~$u \in U$~$

Complete lattice

$~$y \leq v$~$

Complete lattice

$~$v \in V$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$u \in U$~$

Complete lattice

$~$y \leq u$~$

Complete lattice

$~$F(y) \leq F(u) \leq u$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F(y) \leq y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$y \in U$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$F(y) \leq y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$F(F(y)) \leq F(y)$~$

Complete lattice

$~$F(y) \in U$~$

Complete lattice


Complete lattice

$~$y \leq F(y)$~$

Complete lattice

$~$y \leq F(y)$~$

Complete lattice

$~$F(y) \leq y$~$

Complete lattice

$~$F(y) = y$~$

Complex number

$~$z = a + b\textrm{i}$~$

Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number

$~$\frac{1}{2}, \frac{5}{3}$~$

Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complex number


Complexity theory


Complexity theory


Complexity theory


Complexity theory


Complexity theory


Complexity theory

$~$13 \cdot 17 = 221$~$

Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo

$~$1000 x^{42}+10^{100}$~$

Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo

$~$P\subset NP$~$

Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Complexity theory: Complexity zoo


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages

$~$\lceil \log_2(n) \rceil$~$

Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages

$~$3^{10} < 2^{16}.$~$

Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Compressing multiple messages


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$1 \mapsto 2$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$2 \mapsto 3$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$3 \mapsto 4$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$4 \mapsto 1$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$r := (1234)$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$r^2 = (13)(24)$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$r^3 = (4321)$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$f:= (1 4)(2 3)$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$(13)(24)\circ(14)(23) = (1 2)(3 4)$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$rf = (1234)(14)(23)$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$(13) = r^3f$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$(24)(24) = ()$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$(4321)(1234) = ()$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$e := ()$~$

Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)


Concrete groups (Draft)

$~$\circ : G \times G \to G$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X\mid Y)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(yellow\mid banana)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(banana\mid yellow)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X\mid Y)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(yellow\mid banana)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(banana\mid yellow)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X\mid Y)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(blue \wedge round)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(blue\mid round) := \frac{\mathbb{P}(blue \wedge round)}{\mathbb{P}(round)} = \frac{\text{5% blue and round marbles}}{\text{20% round marbles}} = \frac{5}{20} = 0.25.$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X\mid Y) := \frac{\mathbb{P}(X \wedge Y)}{\mathbb{P}(Y)}.$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X\mid Y) := \frac{\mathbb{P}(X \wedge Y)}{\mathbb{P}(Y)}$~$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$~$X \wedge Y$~$

Conditional probability

$~$X \wedge Y$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(observation\mid hypothesis)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(hypothesis\mid observation)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X\mid Y)$~$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(left\mid right)$~$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(yellow\mid banana)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(banana\mid yellow)$~$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(left \mid right),$~$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$~$X \wedge Y$~$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$$~$\mathbb P(left \mid right) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(left \wedge right)}{\mathbb P(right)}.$~$$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$$~$\begin{array}{l\mid r\mid r} & Red & Blue \\ \hline Square & 1 & 2 \\ \hline Round & 3 & 4 \end{array}$~$$

Conditional probability

$$~$\mathbb P(red\mid round) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(red \wedge round)}{\mathbb P(round)} = \dfrac{3}{3 + 4} = \dfrac{3}{7}$~$$

Conditional probability

$$~$\mathbb P(square\mid blue) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(square \wedge blue)}{\mathbb P(blue)} = \dfrac{2}{2 + 4} = \dfrac{1}{3}$~$$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(red hair\mid Scarlet) = 99\%,$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(redhair\mid Scarlet),$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(Scarlet\mid redhair),$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(redhair\mid Scarlet)$~$

Conditional probability


Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(redhair\mid Scarlet)$~$

Conditional probability

$~$\mathbb P(Scarlet\mid redhair)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(\text{left} \mid \text{right})$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(\text{left} \land \text{right})}{\mathbb P(\text{right})}.$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(yellow \mid banana)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(banana \mid yellow)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(\text{left} \mid \text{right})$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(\text{left} \land \text{right})}{\mathbb P(\text{right})}.$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(yellow \mid banana)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(banana \mid yellow)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(v)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(V = v)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(yellow)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P({ColorOfNextObjectInBag}=yellow)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P,$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(x \land y)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(x\mid y)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(x \wedge y)}{\mathbb P(y)}.$~$$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P({sick}\mid {positive})$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P({sick}\mid {positive})$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\frac{\mathbb P({sick} \land {positive})}{\mathbb P({positive})}.$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(sick \mid positive)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(x\mid y)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher


Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(positive \mid sick)$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(sick \mid positive).$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\frac{18}{20} = 0.9$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(positive \mid sick) = 90\%,$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(sick \mid positive) \approx 43\%.$~$

Conditional probability: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(\text{left} \mid \text{right})$~$

Conjugacy class


Conjugacy class


Conjugacy class


Conjugacy class


Conjugacy class

$~$\{ x g x^{-1} : x \in G \}$~$

Conjugacy class


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$~$n_1, \dots, n_k$~$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$$~$\sigma = (a_{11} a_{12} \dots a_{1 n_1})(a_{21} \dots a_{2 n_2}) \dots (a_{k 1} a_{k 2} \dots a_{k n_k})$~$$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$~$\tau \in S_n$~$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$~$\tau \sigma \tau^{-1}(\tau(a_{ij})) = \tau \sigma(a_{ij}) = a_{i (j+1)}$~$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$~$a_{i (n_i+1)}$~$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$~$a_{i 1}$~$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$$~$\tau \sigma \tau^{-1} = (\tau(a_{11}) \tau(a_{12}) \dots \tau(a_{1 n_1}))(\tau(a_{21}) \dots \tau(a_{2 n_2})) \dots (\tau(a_{k 1}) \tau(a_{k 2}) \dots \tau(a_{k n_k}))$~$$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$$~$\pi = (b_{11} b_{12} \dots b_{1 n_1})(b_{21} \dots b_{2 n_2}) \dots (b_{k 1} b_{k 2} \dots b_{k n_k})$~$$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$~$\tau(a_{ij}) = b_{ij}$~$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group

$~$\tau \sigma \tau^{-1} = \pi$~$

Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy class is cycle type in symmetric group


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements

$~$5!/2 = 60$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements

$~$(3, 1, 1)$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements

$~$(2, 2, 1)$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements

$~$(12)(12345)(12)^{-1} = (21345)$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements

$$~$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Representative}& \text{Size of class} & \text{Cycle type} & \text{Order of element} \\ \hline (12345) & 12 & 5 & 5 \\ \hline (21345) & 12 & 5 & 5 \\ \hline (123) & 20 & 3,1,1 & 3 \\ \hline (12)(34) & 15 & 2,2,1 & 2 \\ \hline e & 1 & 1,1,1,1,1 & 1 \\ \hline \end{array}$~$$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof

$~$5! = 120$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof

$$~$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Representative}& \text{Size of class} & \text{Cycle type} & \text{Order of element} \\ \hline (12345) & 12 & 5 & 5 \\ \hline (21345) & 12 & 5 & 5 \\ \hline (123) & 20 & 3,1,1 & 3 \\ \hline (12)(34) & 15 & 2,2,1 & 2 \\ \hline e & 1 & 1,1,1,1,1 & 1 \\ \hline \end{array}$~$$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof

$~$\tau e \tau^{-1} = \tau \tau^{-1} = e$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof

$~$\{ \rho (12345) \rho^{-1}: \rho \ \text{even} \}$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof

$~$\{ \rho (12345) \rho^{-1}: \rho \ \text{odd} \}$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof

$~$(21345) = (12)(12345)(12)^{-1}$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof

$~$\tau (12345) \tau^{-1} = (\tau(1), \tau(2), \tau(3), \tau(4), \tau(5))$~$

Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the alternating group on five elements: Simpler proof


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$5! = 120$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$$~$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Representative}& \text{Size of class} & \text{Cycle type} & \text{Order of element} \\ \hline (12345) & 24 & 5 & 5 \\ \hline (1234) & 30 & 4,1 & 4 \\ \hline (123) & 20 & 3,1,1 & 3 \\ \hline (123)(45) & 20 & 3,2 & 6 \\ \hline (12)(34) & 15 & 2,2,1 & 2 \\ \hline (12) & 10 & 2,1,1,1 & 2 \\ \hline e & 1 & 1,1,1,1,1 & 1 \\ \hline \end{array}$~$$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$4 \times 3 \times 2 = 24$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$3 \times 2 \times 1 = 6$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$\binom{5}{3} = 10$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$2 \times 10 = 20$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$\binom{5}{3} = 10$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$2 \times 10 = 20$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$\binom{5}{2} \times \binom{3}{2} / 2 = 15$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements

$~$\binom{5}{2} = 10$~$

Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on five elements


Conjunctions and disjunctions

$~$P \land Q$~$

Conjunctions and disjunctions

$~$P \lor Q$~$

Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions

$~$R \equiv P \land Q $~$

Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions


Conjunctions and disjunctions

$~$S \equiv P \lor Q$~$

Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition


Consequentialist cognition





$~$T\vdash X$~$


$~$T\vdash \neg X$~$




$~$\neg\square_{PA}(\ulcorner 0=1\urcorner)$~$





Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$~$\mathbb P_t(X)$~$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$~$\mathbb Q_t(X)$~$

Context disaster


Context disaster

$~$\pi \in \Pi$~$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$~$\mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [W \mid \pi]$~$

Context disaster

$~$\mathbb P_t$~$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$$~$\underset{\pi \in \Pi}{\operatorname {optimum}} F(\pi)$~$$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$$~$\mathbb E_{\mathbb Q, t} [V \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_1}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [U \mid \pi] \big ] > 0 \\ \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [V \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_1}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [U \mid \pi] \big ] > 0 \\ \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, u} [V \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_2}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, u} [U \mid \pi] \big ] < 0$~$$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$$~$\mathbb E_{\mathbb Q, t} [V \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_1}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [U \mid \pi] \big ] > 0 \\ \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [V \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_1}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [U \mid \pi] \big ] < 0 \\ \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, u} [V \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_2}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, u} [U \mid \pi] \big ] < 0$~$$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$$~$\mathbb E_{\mathbb Q, t} [V_\infty \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_1}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [U_\infty \mid \pi] \big ] > 0 \\ \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [V_{u} \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_1}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [U_\infty \mid \pi] \big ] > 0 \\ \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [V_\infty \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_1}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, t} [U_\infty \mid \pi] \big ] < 0 \\ \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, u} [V_\infty \mid \big [ \underset{\pi \in \Pi_2}{\operatorname {optimum}} \mathbb E_{\mathbb P, u} [U_\infty \mid \pi] \big ] < 0$~$$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster

$~$\mathbb Q_t$~$

Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Context disaster


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent instrumental strategies


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convergent strategies of self-modification


Convex set


Convex set


Convex set


Convex set


Convex set


Convex set

$$~$\forall x, y \in S, \theta \in [0, 1]: \theta x + (1 - \theta) y \in S$~$$

Cosmic endowment

$~$\approx 4 \times 10^{20}$~$

Cosmic endowment

$~$\approx 10^{42}$~$

Cosmic endowment

$~$\approx 10^{25}$~$

Cosmic endowment

$~$\approx 10^{54}$~$


$~$\mathbb{Z}^+ = \{1, 2, 3, 4, \ldots\}$~$






$~$\mathbb Q$~$








$~$q > 0$~$


$~$\mathbb Z^+ \times \mathbb Z^+$~$


$~$\mathbb Z$~$




$~$|a| + |b|$~$






$~$0 / 1$~$


$~$-1 / 1$~$


$~$1 / 1$~$


$~$-2 / 1$~$


$~$-1 / 2$~$


$~$1 / 2$~$


$~$2 / 1$~$














$~$(\mathbb Z^+)^n$~$
















$~$E\circ f$~$








$~$\mathbb N^n$~$




$~$n\in \mathbb N$~$


$~$E_n: \mathbb N \to \mathbb N^n$~$


$~$\mathbb N ^n$~$




$~$\mathbb N^2$~$


$~$E: \mathbb N \to \Sigma^* , n\hookrightarrow E_{J_1(n)}(J_2(n))$~$


















$~$E': \mathbb N^* \to P_\omega(A)$~$


$~$n_0 n_1 n_2 … n_r$~$


$~$\{a\in A:\exists m\le k E(n_m)=a\}\subseteq A$~$





Creating a /learn/ link












Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$a_1, \dots, a_k$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$\sigma(a_i) = a_{i+1}$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$1 \leq i < k$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$\sigma(a_k) = a_1$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$\sigma(x) = x$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$x \not \in \{a_1, \dots, a_k \}$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$\sigma = (a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$\sigma = (a_1, a_2, \dots, a_k)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k) = (a_2 a_3 \dots a_k a_1)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_k a_{k-1} \dots a_1)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$$~$\begin{pmatrix}1 & 2 & 3 \\ 2 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{pmatrix}$~$$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$n \geq 3$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$n \geq 5$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$$~$\begin{pmatrix}1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 2 & 1 & 4 & 3 \\ \end{pmatrix}$~$$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$c_1 = (a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$\sigma = c_3 c_2 c_1$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$a_1 \mapsto a_2 \mapsto a_3 \dots \mapsto a_k \mapsto a_1$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$a_1 \mapsto a_{i+1}$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 a_3)(a_4 a_5)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$3 \times 2 = 6$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 a_3)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_4 a_5)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$[(a_1 a_2 a_3)(a_4 a_5)]^n = (a_1 a_2 a_3)^n (a_4 a_5)^n$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 a_3)^n (a_4 a_5)^n$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 a_3)^n = (a_4 a_5)^n = e$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 a_3)^n$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 a_3)^n$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 a_3)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(a_4 a_5)^n$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups

$~$(345)(123) = (12453)$~$

Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle notation in symmetric groups


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cycle type of a permutation


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$7+9 = 16$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$16- 12 = 4$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$4 + 12 = 16$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$16 - 12 = 4$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$12 - 5 = 7$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$7+9 = 16$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$16-12 = 4$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$7 +5 = 12$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$12 - 12 = 0$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$7 \bullet 9 = 4$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$5 \bullet 7 = 12$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$7 \bullet 9 = 1$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$7 + 9 = 16$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$16 - 15 = 1$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$15 - 5 = 10$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$5 + 10 = 15$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$5 \bullet 10 = 0$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$-5 = 10$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$-5 = 7$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$1 \bullet 1 \bullet 1 \bullet \cdots \bullet 1$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$-1 = 11$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$-1 = 14$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$h \bullet h = t$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$h \bullet t = h$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$t \bullet h = h$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$t \bullet t = t$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$1 \bullet 1 = 0$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$1 \bullet 0 = 1$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$0 \bullet 1 = 1$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)

$~$0 \bullet 0 = 0$~$

Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic Group Intro (Math 0)


Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$(G, +)$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$g \in G$~$

Cyclic group

$~$h \in G$~$

Cyclic group

$~$n \in \mathbb{Z}$~$

Cyclic group

$~$h = g^n$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$g + g + \dots + g$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$G = \langle g \rangle$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$(\mathbb{Z}, +) = \langle 1 \rangle = \langle -1 \rangle$~$

Cyclic group

$~$\{ e, g \}$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$g^2 = e$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$g^2 = g^0 = e$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$n > 2$~$

Cyclic group

$~$a, b \in G$~$

Cyclic group


Cyclic group


Cyclic group

$~$a = g^i, b = g^j$~$

Cyclic group

$~$ab = g^i g^j = g^{i+j} = g^{j+i} = g^j g^i = ba$~$

Cyclic group

$~$\{ g^0, g^1, g^{-1}, g^2, g^{-2}, \dots \}$~$

Data capacity


Data capacity


Data capacity

$~$\log_2(36) \approx 5.17$~$

Data capacity

$~$\log_2(8) = 3$~$

Data capacity


Data capacity


Data capacity


Data capacity

$~$5 \cdot 8 = 40$~$

Death in Damascus

$~$\operatorname {do}()$~$

Death in Damascus


Death in Damascus


Death in Damascus


Death in Damascus


Death in Damascus

$~$DY, AY, DN, AN$~$

Death in Damascus

$$~$ \begin{array}{r|c|c} & \text {Damascus fatal} & \text {Aleppo fatal} \\ \hline \ {DN} & \text {Die} & \text{Live} \\ \hline \ {AN} & \text {Live} & \text {Die} \\ \hline \ {DY} & \text {Die, \$-1} & \text{Live, \$+10} \\ \hline \ {AY} & \text {Live, \$+10} & \text {Die, \$-1} \end{array} $~$$

Death in Damascus


Death in Damascus


Decimal notation


Decimal notation

$~$(2 \cdot 100) + (4 \cdot 10) + (6 \cdot 1),$~$

Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem

$$~$ CONNECTED = \{s\in\{0,1\}^*:\text{$s$ represents a connected graph}\} $~$$

Decision problem


Decision problem


Decision problem

$$~$ PRIMES = \{ x\in \mathbb{N}:\text{$x$ is prime}\} $~$$

Decision problem


Decision problem

$$~$ PRIMES = \{s\in\{0,1\}^*:\text{$s$ represent a prime number in base $2$}\} $~$$


$~$\log_2(10)\approx 3.32$~$

Dependent messages can be encoded cheaply

$~$m_1, m_2, m_3$~$

Dependent messages can be encoded cheaply


Dependent messages can be encoded cheaply


Dependent messages can be encoded cheaply

$~$(m_1, m_2, m_3)$~$
















$~$(x, f(x))$~$


$~$t = 0$~$


$~$4.7 t^2$~$




$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} mileage = speed$~$$








$~$4.7 t^2$~$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} 4.7 t^2 = speed$~$$


$$~$distance\ traveled = 2t$~$$


$~$distance\ traveled = 2t$~$


$~$distance\ traveled = t^2$~$




$~$d = t^2$~$








$~$\frac{\Delta d}{\Delta t}$~$










$$~$∆t=(t+h) - t$~$$


$$~$∆d=2ht + h^2$~$$




$$~$\frac{\Delta d}{\Delta t}=\frac{2ht + h^2}{h}=2t+h$~$$












































$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}c=0$~$$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}ct=c$~$$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}ct^2=2ct$~$$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}ct^2=3ct^2$~$$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}ct^n=nct^{n-1}$~$$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}e^t=e^t$~$$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}sin(t)=cos(t)$~$$


$$~$\frac{\mathrm{d} }{\mathrm{d} t}cos(t)=-sin(t)$~$$

Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma

$~$T\vdash S\iff F(\ulcorner S \urcorner)$~$

Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma

$~$T\vdash S\leftrightarrow \phi(\ulcorner S\urcorner)$~$

Diagonal lemma

$~$\neg \square_{PA} (x)$~$

Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma


Diagonal lemma

$~$PA\vdash G\leftrightarrow \neg \square_{PA} (\ulcorner G\urcorner)$~$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$$~$ \vec{y_{n}}=\mathbf{W_n}^T \times \vec{y_{n-1}} + \vec{b_n} $~$$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$~$l_n \times 1$~$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$~$l_{n-1} \times l_{n}$~$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$$~$ f(x)=w\times x $~$$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$~$f(x)=m\times x$~$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation


Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$$~$ \vec{y_{n}}=\mathbf{W_n}^T \times \vec{y_{n-1}} + 1 \times \vec{b_n} $~$$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$$~$ \vec{y_{n}}= \left[ \begin{array}{c} x, \\ 1 \end{array} \right]^T \cdot \left[ \begin{array}{c} \mathbf{W_n}, \\ \vec{b_n} \end{array} \right] $~$$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$$~$ \vec{y_{n}} = \vec{y_{new_{n-1}}}^T \times \vec{W_{new}} $~$$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$$~$ \vec{W_{new}} =\vec{W_{new}}-\frac{\delta W_{new}}{\delta Error} $~$$

Difference Between Weights and Biases: Another way of Looking at Forward Propagation

$$~$ \vec{W_{new}} =Activation(\vec{W_{new}}-\frac{\delta W_{new}}{\delta Error}) $~$$

Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral group

$$~$D_{2n} \cong \langle a, b \mid a^n, b^2, b a b^{-1} = a^{-1} \rangle$~$$

Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral group

$~$n > 2$~$

Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral group

$~$a = (123 \dots n)$~$

Dihedral group

$~$b = (2, n)(3, n-1) \dots (\frac{n}{2}+1, \frac{n}{2}+3)$~$

Dihedral group


Dihedral group

$~$b = (2, n)(3, n-1)\dots(\frac{n-1}{2}, \frac{n+1}{2})$~$

Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral group

$~$\langle a, b \mid b^2, b a b^{-1} = a^{-1} \rangle$~$

Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral group


Dihedral groups are non-abelian

$~$n \geq 3$~$

Dihedral groups are non-abelian


Dihedral groups are non-abelian


Dihedral groups are non-abelian

$~$\langle a, b \mid a^n, b^2, bab^{-1} = a^{-1} \rangle$~$

Dihedral groups are non-abelian

$~$ba = a^{-1} b = a^{-2} a b$~$

Dihedral groups are non-abelian

$~$ab = ba$~$

Dihedral groups are non-abelian


Dihedral groups are non-abelian


Dihedral groups are non-abelian

$~$n > 2$~$

Dihedral groups are non-abelian


Dihedral groups are non-abelian


Direct sum of vector spaces


Direct sum of vector spaces


Direct sum of vector spaces

$~$U \oplus W,$~$

Direct sum of vector spaces


Direct sum of vector spaces


Direct sum of vector spaces


Direct sum of vector spaces


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(b_1 b_2 \dots b_m)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$a_i, b_j$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(b_1 b_2 \dots b_m)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(b_1 b_2 \dots b_m)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$\sigma(a_i) = (b_1 b_2 \dots b_m)[(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)(a_i)] = (b_1 b_2 \dots b_m)(a_{i+1}) = a_{i+1}$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$\tau(a_i) = (a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)[(b_1 b_2 \dots b_m)(a_i)] = (a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)(a_i) = a_{i+1}$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_k)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$(b_1 b_2 \dots b_m)$~$

Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups


Disjoint cycles commute in symmetric groups

$~$\{1,2,\dots, n\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = \{6,7\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B = \{8, 9\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B = \{6,7,8,9\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \cup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$\{1,2\} \sqcup \{1,3\} = \{1,2,3\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$\{1,2\} \cup \{1,3\} = \{1,2,3\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = \{6,7\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B = \{6,8\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$(a, 1)$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$$~$A' = \{ (a, 1) : a \in A \}$~$$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$$~$B' = \{ (b,2) : b \in B \}$~$$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$a \mapsto (a,1)$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' \sqcup B'$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = \{6,7\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = \{6,7\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' = \{ (6, 1), (7, 1) \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B' = \{ (6, 2), (8, 2) \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$$~$A \sqcup B = \{ (6,1), (7,1), (6,2), (8,2) \}$~$$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \cup B = \{ 6, 7, 8 \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = \{1,2\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B = \{3,4\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \cup B = \{1,2,3,4\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' \cup B' = \{(1,1), (2,1), (3,2), (4,2) \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' = \{(1,1), (2,1)\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B' = \{(3,2), (4,2) \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = B = \{6,7\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' = \{(6,1), (7,1)\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B' = \{(6,2), (7,2)\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$$~$A \sqcup B = \{(6,1),(7,1),(6,2),(7,2)\}$~$$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = \mathbb{N}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B = \{ 1, 2, x \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' = \{ (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (3,1), \dots\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B' = \{(1,2), (2,2), (x,2)\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$$~$\{(0,1), (1,1),(2,1),(3,1), \dots, (1,2),(2,2),(x,2)\}$~$$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A = \mathbb{N}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B = \{x, y\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$\{ 0,1,2,\dots, x, y \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$\{(0,1), (1,1), (2,1), \dots, (x,2), (y,2)\}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B \sqcup C$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \cup B \cup C$~$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' = \{(a, 1) : a \in A \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B' = \{ (b, 2) : b \in B \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$C' = \{ (c, 3) : c \in C \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B \sqcup C$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' \cup B' \cup C'$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$$~$\bigsqcup_{i \in I} A_i = \bigcup_{i \in I} A_i$~$$

Disjoint union of sets


Disjoint union of sets

$$~$\bigsqcup_{i \in I} A_i = \bigcup_{i \in I} A'_i$~$$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A'_i = \{ (a, i) : a \in A_i \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$$~$\bigsqcup_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \{0, 1,2,\dots,n\} = \{(0,0)\} \cup \{(0,1), (1,1) \} \cup \{ (0,2), (1,2), (2,2)\} \cup \dots = \{ (n, m) : n \leq m \}$~$$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' \cup B'$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$A' = \{ (a, 2) : a \in A \}$~$

Disjoint union of sets

$~$B' = \{ (b,1) : b \in B \}$~$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$1 + \frac{1}{3} = \frac{1}{1} + \frac{1}{3} = \frac{3 \times 1 + 1 \times 1}{3 \times 1} = \frac{3+1}{3} = \frac{4}{3}$~$$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m} \times \frac{1}{n}$~$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{a}{m} / n = \frac{a}{m \times n}$~$$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{1} = 1$~$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{1} = 1$~$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)


Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{-1}{-1} = 1$~$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{m} \times \frac{b}{n} = \frac{a \times b}{m \times n}$~$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{1}{-m} = \frac{1}{-m} \times 1 = \frac{1}{-m} \times \frac{-1}{-1} = \frac{-1 \times 1}{-m \times -1} = \frac{-1}{m}$~$$

Division of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{-b} = \frac{-a}{b}$~$

Domain (of a function)


Domain (of a function)

$~$f : X \to Y$~$

Domain (of a function)


Domain (of a function)


Domain (of a function)

$~$(x, y)$~$

Domain (of a function)


Effective number of political parties

$~$1, 2, \ldots, n$~$

Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties

$~$\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^n p_i^2}$~$

Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties

$~$k = 1$~$

Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties


Effective number of political parties

$~$(p_1 \cdot p_1) + (p_2 \cdot p_2) + \ldots + (p_n \cdot p_n) = \sum_{i=1}^n p_i^2$~$

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

$~$Av = \lambda v$~$

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

$~$|\lambda| > 1$~$

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

$~$|\lambda| < 1$~$

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

$~$\lambda < 0$~$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$2 + 2 = 4$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2 < 4$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$5 > 1$~$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$2 + (3 \times 4) = 14$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$(2 + 3) \times 4 = 20$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2 + 3 \times 4$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2 + (3 \times 4)$~$

Elementary Algebra


Elementary Algebra

$~$(2 + 2) + 3 = 4 + 3$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2^3 \times 2^4$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2^3 = 2 \times 2 \times 2$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2 \times 2 \times 2 = 8$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2^3 = 8$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2^4 = 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 = 16$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2^3 \times 2^4 = 8 \times 16$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$2^3\times 2^4 = 128$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$0 \times 3 = 0$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$0 \times -4 = 0$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$0 \times 1224 = 0$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$0 \times \text{any number} = 0$~$

Elementary Algebra

$~$0 \times x = 0$~$

Elementary Algebra


Elementary Algebra

$$~$ a + b = b + a$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$ a \times b = b\times a$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$ 0 + a = a$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$ 1 \times a = a$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$ (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$ (a \times b ) \times c = a \times (b\times c)$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$ a \times (b + c) = a\times b + a\times c$~$$

Elementary Algebra

$$~$ a + (-a) = a - a = 0 $~$$

Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empirical probabilities are not exactly 0 or 1


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set

$~$A = B$~$

Empty set


Empty set

$~$\{ \emptyset \}$~$

Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set

$$~$\exists B \forall x : x∉B$~$$

Empty set


Empty set


Empty set


Empty set

$~$\forall x : x∉A$~$

Empty set

$~$\forall x: x∉B$~$

Empty set

$~$\forall x : (x ∈ A \Leftrightarrow x ∈ B)$~$

Empty set


Empty set


Empty set

$~$(x ∈ A \Leftrightarrow x ∈ B)$~$

Empty set

$~$x \not \in A$~$

Empty set

$~$x \not \in B$~$

Empty set


Empty set

$~$\forall a \exists b \forall x : x \in b \Leftrightarrow (x \in a \wedge \phi(x))$~$

Empty set


Empty set


Empty set

$~$\forall a \exists b \forall x : x \in b \Leftrightarrow (x \in a \wedge \bot)$~$

Empty set

$~$x \in b \Leftrightarrow (x \in a \wedge \bot)$~$

Empty set

$~$x \in b \Leftrightarrow \bot$~$

Empty set

$~$x \notin b$~$

Empty set

$~$\forall a \exists b \forall x : x \notin b$~$

Empty set


Empty set


Empty set

$~$\{\emptyset\} \not= \emptyset$~$

Empty set

$~$\emptyset ∈ \{\emptyset\}$~$

Empty set

$~$\emptyset ∉ \emptyset$~$

Empty set


Empty set


Empty set

$~$|\{\emptyset\}| = 1$~$

Empty set


Empty set

$~$|\emptyset| = 0$~$

Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits

$~$m, n \in$~$

Emulating digits

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Emulating digits

$~$m < n,$~$

Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits

$~$m > n,$~$

Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits

$~$(x, y)$~$

Emulating digits

$~$0 \le x < n$~$

Emulating digits

$~$0 \le y < n$~$

Emulating digits

$~$(x, y)$~$

Emulating digits

$~$xn + y.$~$

Emulating digits

$~$x = y = 0$~$

Emulating digits

$~$n^2 - 1$~$

Emulating digits

$~$x = y = n-1$~$

Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits

$~$(x, y, z)$~$

Emulating digits

$~$xn^2 + yn + z$~$

Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits

$~$n^a > m,$~$

Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Emulating digits


Encoding trits with GalCom bits

$~$\log_2(3) \approx 1.585$~$

Encoding trits with GalCom bits

$~$2 - \frac{1}{3} \approx 1.67$~$

Environmental goals

$~$E_{1,t} \ldots E_{n,t}$~$

Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals

$~$E_1 \ldots E_m$~$

Environmental goals

$~$E_{m+1} \ldots E_n$~$

Environmental goals

$~$E_{m+1} \ldots E_n$~$

Environmental goals


Environmental goals

$~$E_1 \ldots E_m$~$

Environmental goals


Environmental goals

$~$E_{m+1, t} \ldots E_{n,t} = 0 \implies R_t=E_{1, t}.$~$

Environmental goals

$~$E_{m+1} \ldots E_n,$~$

Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals

$~$S_{1, t}$~$

Environmental goals

$~$E_{1, t},$~$

Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Environmental goals


Equaliser (category theory)

$~$f, g: A \to B$~$

Equaliser (category theory)


Equaliser (category theory)

$~$e: E \to A$~$

Equaliser (category theory)

$~$ge = fe$~$

Equaliser (category theory)

$~$ge = fe$~$

Equaliser (category theory)


Equaliser (category theory)

$~$x: X \to A$~$

Equaliser (category theory)

$~$fx = gx$~$

Equaliser (category theory)

$~$\bar{x} : X \to A$~$

Equaliser (category theory)

$~$e \bar{x} = x$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$x \in S$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim x$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x,y \in S$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$y \sim x$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x,y,z \in S$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$y \sim z$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim z$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$x \in S$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$[x]=\{y \in S \mid x \sim y\}$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$S/\sim = \{[x] \mid x \in S\}$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x \in [x]$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$U \in A$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x,y \in U$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$[x] \in A$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$f: S \to U$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$f^*: S/\sim \to U$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$f(x) \neq f(y)$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$f: S \to S$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$f^*: S/\sim \to S/\sim$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$f(x) \sim f(y)$~$

Equivalence relation

$~$x \sim y$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation

$~$n \in \mathbb N$~$

Equivalence relation


Equivalence relation


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid ab$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid a$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid b$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid ab$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid b$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$x, y$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$ax+py = 1$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid ab$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid a$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid b$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$c \mid a$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$c \mid p$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$d \mid c$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$c \mid p$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$c = p$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$c \mid a$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$c = 1$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$abx + pby = b$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p \mid b$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers

$~$p, q$~$

Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclid's Lemma on prime numbers


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$n > 0$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$n < 0$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\phi: \mathbb{R} \setminus \{ 0 \} \to \mathbb{N}^{\geq 0}$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\phi(a) \leq \phi(b)$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$a = qb+r$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\phi(r) < \phi(b)$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$I \subseteq R$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\alpha: R \to S$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$r \in R$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\alpha(x) = 0$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$r = 0$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\alpha(ar) = \alpha(a) \alpha(r) = \alpha(a) \times 0 = 0$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$x = ar+b$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\phi(b) < \phi(r)$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\alpha(x) = \alpha(ar)+\alpha(b)$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\alpha(r) = 0$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\alpha(x) = \alpha(b)$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\alpha(x) = 0$~$

Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains


Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains

$~$\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{2} (1+\sqrt{-19})]$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$T: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C}$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$(A, \alpha)$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$\alpha: TA \to A$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$\theta: F(G) \to G$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n)$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_n$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$w_1 = (a_1, \dots, a_m)$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group

$~$w_2 = (b_1, \dots, b_n)$~$

Every group is a quotient of a free group

$$~$\theta(w_1 w_2) = \theta(a_1, \dots, a_m, b_1, \dots, b_m) = a_1 \dots a_m b_1 \dots b_m = \theta(w_1) \theta(w_2)$~$$

Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every group is a quotient of a free group


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$\tau_1, \dots, \tau_k$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$\sigma = \tau_k \tau_{k-1} \dots \tau_1$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_{r-1} a_r) (a_{r-2} a_r) \dots (a_2 a_r) (a_1 a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_1 a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_2 a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_{i-1} a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_i a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_{i+1} a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions

$~$(a_{i+2} a_r), \dots, (a_{r-1} a_r)$~$

Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Every member of a symmetric group on finitely many elements is a product of transpositions


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism

$~$x,y \in X$~$

Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism

$~$f : [0,1] \to [0,2]$~$

Examination through isomorphism

$~$g : [0,2] \to [0,1]$~$

Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism

$~$A \times (B \times C)$~$

Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism

$~$(A \times B) \times C$~$

Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism


Examination through isomorphism

$~$(A,B,C) \mapsto A \times (B \times C)$~$

Examination through isomorphism

$~$(A,B,C) \mapsto (A \times B) \times C$~$

Examination through isomorphism


Example: Dragon Pox

$$~$ \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Example: Dragon Pox

$$~$ \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(D) = 0.4$~$

Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(S \mid D) = 0.7$~$

Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(S \mid \neg D) = 0.2$~$

Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox

$~$(\neg C)$~$

Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox

$~$(\neg L)$~$

Example: Dragon Pox

$$~$ \begin{align} \bP(L \mid \;\;D,\;\;C) &= 0.4\\ \bP(L \mid \;\;D,\neg C) &= 0.1\\ \bP(L \mid \neg D,\;\;C) &= 0.7\\ \bP(L \mid \neg D,\neg C) &= 0.9 \end{align} $~$$

Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(D) = 0.4$~$

Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(S \mid D) = 0.7$~$

Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(S \mid \neg D) = 0.2$~$

Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox

$~$(\neg C)$~$

Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox


Example: Dragon Pox

$$~$ \begin{align} \bP(L \mid \;\;D,\;\;C) &= 0.4\\ \bP(L \mid \;\;D,\neg C) &= 0.1\\ \bP(L \mid \neg D,\;\;C) &= 0.7\\ \bP(L \mid \neg D,\neg C) &= 0.9 \end{align} $~$$

Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(L \mid D,C) > \bP(L \mid D,\neg C)$~$

Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\neg D$~$

Example: Dragon Pox

$~$\bP(L \mid \neg D,C) < \bP(L \mid \neg D,\neg C)$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^6 < 101 < 2^7$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^{12} < 8000 < 2^{13}$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^{13} < 15,000 < 2^{14}$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$10^n > 2^{3n}$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$n \ge 11,$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$10^{10} < 2^{35}.$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^{33} < 10^{10} < 2^{34},$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^{332} < 10^{100} < 2^{333},$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^p > 10$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^p < 10$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^p = 10,$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 = 32$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10.$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^p = 10$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$\log_2(6) \approx 2.58$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^2 < 6 < 2^3$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^{25} < 6^{10} < 2^{26}$~$

Exchange rates between digits

$~$2^{258} < 6^{100} < 2^{259}.$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits

$~$\log_x(b) = \frac{1}{\log_b(x)}$~$

Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Exchange rates between digits


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor

$~$T_n(\mathbb{P}_{\leq n})$~$

Existence Proof of Logical Inductor

$~$\text{fix}(\mathbb{V})(\phi) := \max{(0,\min{(1, \mathbb{V}(\phi) + T(\mathbb{P}_{\leq n-1},\mathbb{V})[\phi])})}$~$

Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor

$~$\mathbb{V}^{\text{fix}}(\phi)= \max{(0,\min{(1, \mathbb{V}^{\text{fix}}(\phi) + T(\mathbb{P}_{\leq n-1},\mathbb{V}^{\text{fix}})[\phi])})}$~$

Existence Proof of Logical Inductor

$~$\mathcal{V}' \to \mathcal{V}'$~$

Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor

$~$B(n,b, T_n, \mathbb{P}_{\leq n-1})$~$

Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Existence Proof of Logical Inductor


Expected value

$~$V = x_{1},$~$

Expected value

$~$V = x_{2}, …, $~$

Expected value

$~$V = x_{k}$~$

Expected value


Expected value

$~$V = x_{i}$~$

Expected value


Expected value

$~$x \in \mathbb{R}$~$

Expected value


Expected value

$~$\lim_{dx \to 0}$~$

Expected value


Expected value


Expected value


Explicit Bayes as a counter for 'worrying'

$~$\mathbb P(\text{cancel}|\text{desirable})$~$

Explicit Bayes as a counter for 'worrying'

$~$\mathbb P(\text{cancel}|\text{undesirable})$~$














$~$10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 = 1000$~$




$~$2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 = 16.$~$










$~$n \approx 3.16,$~$


$~$n \cdot n \approx 10.$~$


$~$f(x) = c \times a^x$~$








$~$f(x) = 100 \times 1.02^x$~$






$~$f(x) = 1 \times 2^x$~$


$~$f(x) = f(x-1) \times 1.02$~$


$~$\Delta f(x) = f(x+1) - f(x) = 0.02 \times f(x)$~$


$~$f(x) = f(x-1) + 0.02 \times f(0)$~$





Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$X \to Y$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$f : X \to Y$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$|X| = n$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$Y^X \cong Y^n$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$Z^{X \times Y} \cong (Z^X)^Y$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$Z^{X + Y} \cong Z^X \times Z^Y$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$Z^1 \cong Z$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$Z^0 \cong 1$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces


Exponential notation for function spaces

$~$\text{Hom}_{\mathcal{C}}(X, Y)$~$

Exponential notation for function spaces


Extensionality Axiom

$$~$ \forall A \forall B : ( \forall x : (x \in A \iff x \in B) \Rightarrow A=B)$~$$

Extensionality Axiom

$~$\{1,2\} = \{2,1\}$~$

Extensionality Axiom


Extensionality Axiom


Extensionality Axiom


Extensionality Axiom


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

$~$(1 : 9 ) \times (3 : 1) \ = \ (3 : 9) \ \cong \ (1 : 3)$~$

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

$$~$\text{Likelihood ratio} = \dfrac{\text{Probability of seeing the evidence, assuming the claim is true}}{\text{Probability of seeing the evidence, assuming the claim is false}}$~$$

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

$~$(10^{94} : 1)$~$

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

$~$(1 : 10^{100})$~$

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

$~$(1 : 10^6)$~$
















































































































































$~$5! = 5 \times 4!$~$


$~$4! = 4 \times 3!$~$






$~$n \times n - 1!$~$


$~$(n \times n)-1!$~$


$$~$n! = n \times (n-1)!$~$$


$~$n! = n \times (n-1)!$~$


$~$(n-1)! = (n-1) \times (n-2)!$~$


$~$(n-2)! = (n-2) \times (n-3)!$~$


$$~$n! = n \times (n-1)! = n \times (n-1) \times (n-2)! = n \times (n-1) \times (n-2) \times (n-3)!$~$$


$$~$n \times (n-1) \times (n-2) \times \dots \times 5 \times 4 \times 3!$~$$


$~$3! = 6$~$


$~$3 \times 2 \times 1$~$


$$~$n! = n \times (n-1) \times \dots \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1$~$$


















$~$2! = 2$~$




$~$1! = 1$~$




$~$0! = 1$~$










$~$0! = 1$~$




























$~$6 = 3*2*1 = 3!$~$












$$~$1 = \prod_{i=1}^{1}i = 1!$~$$




































$$~$x! = \Gamma (x+1),$~$$


$~$\Gamma $~$


$$~$\Gamma(x)=\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x-1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$




$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$




$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{1}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$






$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$


$~$x + 1$~$


$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x+1}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x+1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$




$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = \int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$


$$~$(x+1)\prod_{i=1}^{x}i = (x+1)\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$


$$~$\prod_{i=1}^{x+1}i = (x+1)\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$


$$~$= 0+\int_{0}^{\infty}(x+1)t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$


$$~$= \left (-t^{x+1}e^{-t}) \right]_{0}^{\infty}+\int_{0}^{\infty}(x+1)t^{x}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$


$$~$= \left (-t^{x+1}e^{-t}) \right]_{0}^{\infty}-\int_{0}^{\infty}(x+1)t^{x}(-e^{-t})\mathrm{d} t$~$$


$$~$=\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x+1}e^{-t}\mathrm{d} t$~$$

Faithful simulation


Faithful simulation


Faithful simulation


Faithful simulation


Faithful simulation


Faithful simulation


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f: F \to G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f: F \to G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$x \in F$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(x) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f: F \to G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(x) = f(y)$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$x = y$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(x) = f(y)$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(x)-f(y) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(x-y) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(z) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$z = 0_F$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$z = x-y$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(z) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(z^{-1}) f(z) = f(z^{-1}) \times 0_G = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(z^{-1} \times z) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(1_F) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$F \setminus \{ 0_F \}$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$G \setminus \{0_G\}$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$F \setminus \{0_F\}$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$F \setminus \{0_G\}$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective


Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$z \not = 0_F$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$f(z) = 0_G$~$

Field homomorphism is trivial or injective

$~$z = 0_F$~$

Field structure of rational numbers

$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{p}{q} = \frac{aq+bp}{bq}$~$

Field structure of rational numbers

$~$\frac{a}{b} \frac{c}{d} = \frac{ac}{bd}$~$

Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers

$~$a \not = 0$~$

Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers

$~$0 < \frac{c}{d}$~$

Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers


Field structure of rational numbers

$~$\frac{a}{b} < \frac{c}{d}$~$

Field structure of rational numbers

$~$0 < \frac{c}{d} - \frac{a}{b}$~$

Finite set


Finite set

$~$n \in \mathbb{N}$~$

Finite set


Finite set


Finite set

$~$\{ 1,2 \}$~$

Finite set

$~$\{ \mathbb{N} \}$~$

Finite set


Finite set


First order linear equations

$$~$ u'=a(t)u+b(t) $~$$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations

$~$[\alpha, \beta]$~$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations

$$~$ u'=a(t)u $~$$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations

$~$[\alpha, \beta]$~$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations

$$~$ u' = au+b $~$$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations

$~$t_0\in [\alpha, \beta]$~$

First order linear equations

$~$u=h\dot v$~$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations

$$~$ u'=(hv)'=h'v+hv'=au+b=a(hv)+b $~$$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations

$$~$ v'=bh^{-1}=be^{-\int_{t_0}^ta} $~$$

First order linear equations

$$~$ v=\int_{t_0}^tbe^{\int_{t}^sa}ds $~$$

First order linear equations


First order linear equations


First order linear equations


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\phi(p, q_1,…,q_n)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow \phi(p,q_1,…,q_n)] \leftrightarrow \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow H(q_1,..,q_n)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow \phi(p)] \leftrightarrow \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow H]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\boxdot A = A\wedge \square A$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\psi(p, q_1…,q_n)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow\psi(p, q_1,…,q_n)] \leftrightarrow \boxdot[p_i\leftrightarrow H(q_1,…,q_n)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash H(q_1,…,q_n)\leftrightarrow \phi(H(q_1,…,q_n),q_1,…,q_n)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow\psi(p, q_1,…,q_n)] \leftrightarrow \boxdot[p_i\leftrightarrow H(q_1,…,q_n)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[H(q_1,…,q_n)\leftrightarrow\psi(H(q_1,…,q_n), q_1,…,q_n)] \leftrightarrow \boxdot[H(q_1,…,q_n)\leftrightarrow H(q_1,…,q_n)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[H(q_1,…,q_n)\leftrightarrow H(q_1,…,q_n)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[H(q_1,…,q_n)\leftrightarrow\psi(H(q_1,…,q_n), q_1,…,q_n)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash H\leftrightarrow I$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot(p\leftrightarrow \phi(p))\leftrightarrow (p\leftrightarrow H)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash H\leftrightarrow I$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash F(I)\leftrightarrow F(H)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$F(q)=\boxdot(p\leftrightarrow q)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot(p\leftrightarrow H)\leftrightarrow \boxdot(p\leftrightarrow I)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot(p\leftrightarrow \phi(p))\leftrightarrow (p\leftrightarrow I)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot (p\leftrightarrow H)\leftrightarrow \boxdot (p\leftrightarrow I)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash\boxdot (H\leftrightarrow H)\leftrightarrow \boxdot (H\leftrightarrow I)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot (H\leftrightarrow H)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash (H\leftrightarrow I)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow \phi(p)] \leftrightarrow \boxdot[p\leftrightarrow H]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\square^n \bot$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\square^n A = \underbrace{\square,\square,\ldots,\square}_{n\text{-times}} A$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$[[\bot]]_A = \emptyset$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$[[B\to C]]_A = (\mathbb{N} \setminus [[B]]_A)\cup [[C]]_A$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$[[\square D]]_A=\{m:\forall i < m i\in [[D]]_A\}$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$(p\leftrightarrow A) is valid, and $~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$ a $~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$-sentence. Then $~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$ iff $~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$p\leftrightarrow A$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\square^{n+1}\bot\wedge \square^n \bot$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$p\leftrightarrow \neg\square p$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\neg\square p$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\square B$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\neg\square p$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$$~$ \begin{array}{cccc} \text{world= } & p & \square (p) & \neg \square (p) \\ 0 & \bot & \top & \bot \\ 1 & \top & \bot & \top \\ 2 & \top & \bot & \top \\ \end{array} $~$$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$[[p]]_{\neg\square p} = \mathbb{N}\setminus \{0\}$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$H = \square^{0+1}\bot \wedge \square^0\bot = \neg\square\bot$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square [p\leftrightarrow \neg\square p]\leftrightarrow \square[p\leftrightarrow \neg\square \bot]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_{PA} [G\leftrightarrow \neg\square_{PA} G]\leftrightarrow \square_{PA}[G\leftrightarrow \neg\square_{PA} \bot]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$PA\vdash G\leftrightarrow \neg\square_{PA} G$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_PA[ G\leftrightarrow \neg\square_{PA} G]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$PA\vdash \square_{PA}[G\leftrightarrow \neg\square_{PA} \bot]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$PA\vdash G\leftrightarrow \neg\square_{PA} \bot$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$H\leftrightarrow\square H$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$$~$ \begin{array}{ccc} \text{world= } & p & \square (p) \\ 0 & \top & \top \\ 1 & \top & \top \\ \end{array} $~$$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$\phi(p, q_1,…,q_n)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$B(\square D_1(p), …, \square D_{k}(p))$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$B_i = B(\square D_1(p), …, \square D_{i-1}(p),\top, \square D_{i+1}(p),…,\square D_k(p))$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$H=B(\square D_1(H_1),…,\square D_k(H_k))$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$p\leftrightarrow \neg\square(q\to p)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$B(d)=\neg d$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$D_1(p)=q\to p$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$B_1(p)=\neg \top = \bot$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$H=B(\square D_1(\bot))=\neg\square \neg q$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$p\leftrightarrow \square [\square(p\wedge q)\wedge \square(p\wedge r)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$D_1(p)=\square(p\wedge q)\wedge \square(p\wedge r)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$B(\square D_1(p=\top))=\square[\square(\top\wedge q)\wedge \square(\top\wedge r)]=\square[\square(q)\wedge \square(r)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$H_1, …,H_n$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \wedge_{i\le n} \{\boxdot (p_i\leftrightarrow A_i(p_1,…,p_n)\}\leftrightarrow \wedge_{i\le n} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow H_i)\}$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot(p_1\leftrightarrow A_i(p_1,…,p_n)) \leftrightarrow \boxdot(p_1\leftrightarrow H(p_2,…,p_n))$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \wedge_{i\le j} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow A_i(p_1,…,p_n)\}\leftrightarrow \wedge_{i\le j} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow H_i(p_{j+1},…,p_n))\}$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot(A\leftrightarrow B)\rightarrow [F(A)\leftrightarrow F(B)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow H_i(p_{j+1},…,p_n)\rightarrow [\boxdot(p_{j+1}\leftrightarrow A_{j+1}(p_{1},…,p_n))\leftrightarrow \boxdot(p_{j+1}\leftrightarrow A_{j+1}(p_{1},…,p_{i-1},H_i(p_{j+1},…,p_n),p_{i+1},…,p_n))]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \wedge_{i\le j} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow A_i(p_1,…,p_n)\}\rightarrow \boxdot(p_{j+1}\leftrightarrow A_{j+1}(H_1,…,H_j,p_{j+1},…,p_n))$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot(p_{j+1}\leftrightarrow A_{j+1}(H_1,…,H_j,p_{j+1},…,p_n)) \leftrightarrow \boxdot[p_{j+1}\leftrightarrow H_{j+1}'(p_{j+2},…,p_n)]$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \boxdot[p_{j+1}\leftrightarrow H_{j+1}'(p_{j+2},…,p_n)]\rightarrow [\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow H_i(p_{j+1},…,p_n)) \leftrightarrow \boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow H_i(H_{j+1}',…,p_n))$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \wedge_{i\le j+1} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow A_i(p_1,…,p_n)\}\rightarrow \wedge_{i\le j+1} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow H_i'(p_{j+2},…,p_n))\}$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \wedge_{i\le j+1} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow A_i(p_1,…,p_n)\}\leftrightarrow \wedge_{i\le j+1} \{\boxdot(p_i\leftrightarrow H_i'(p_{j+2},…,p_n))\}$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash H_i\leftrightarrow A_i(H_1,…,H_n)$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Fixed point theorem of provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \wedge_{i\le n} \{\boxdot (H_i\leftrightarrow A_i(H_1,…,H_n)\}\leftrightarrow \wedge_{i\le n} \{\boxdot(H_i\leftrightarrow H_i)\}$~$

Fixed point theorem of provability logic


Flag the load-bearing premises

$~$\neg X$~$

Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic


Formal Logic

$~$A \rightarrow B$~$

Formal Logic


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$x \in X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_x : \mathrm{Sym}(X^r) \to \mathrm{Sym}(X^r)$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_n \mapsto a_1 a_2 \dots a_n x$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_n \not = x^{-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_{n-1} x^{-1} \mapsto a_1 a_2 \dots a_{n-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{x^{-1}} : \mathrm{Sym}(X^r) \to \mathrm{Sym}(X^r)$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_n \mapsto a_1 a_2 \dots a_n x^{-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_n \not = x$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_{n-1} x \mapsto a_1 a_2 \dots a_{n-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$X^r \to X^r$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_x \cdot \rho_y = \rho_x \circ \rho_y$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_x \rho_y$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{a_n} \rho_{a_{n-1}} \dots \rho_{a_1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$$~$\rho_{a_n} \rho_{a_{n-1}} \dots \rho_{a_1}(\varepsilon) = \rho_{a_n} \rho_{a_{n-1}} \dots \rho_{a_3}(\rho_{a_2}(a_1)) = \rho_{a_n a_{n-1} \dots a_3}(a_1 a_2) = \dots = a_1 a_2 \dots a_n$~$$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_n$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{a_i}, \rho_{a_{i+1}}$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$w = a_1 a_2 \dots a_n$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{a_1} \rho_{a_2} \dots \rho_{a_n}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{a_1} \circ \rho_{a_2} \circ \dots \circ \rho_{a_n}$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_n$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$b_1 b_2 \dots b_m$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{a_1} \rho_{a_2} \dots \rho_{a_n} = \rho_{b_1} \rho_{b_2} \dots \rho_{b_m}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_1 \dots a_n = b_1 \dots b_m$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{a_1} \rho_{a_2} \dots \rho_{a_n}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$a_n a_{n-1} \dots a_2 a_1$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{b_1} \rho_{b_2} \dots \rho_{b_m}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$b_m b_{m-1} \dots b_2 b_1$~$

Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group


Formal definition of the free group

$~$x \in X$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{x_1} \dots \rho_{x_n}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$x_1, \dots, x_n \in X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$x_1 \dots x_n$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$x_i, x_{i+1}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{x_1} \dots \rho_{x_n}$~$

Formal definition of the free group

$~$\rho_{x_1} \rho_{x_1^{-1}} \rho_{x_2} = \rho_{x_2}$~$

Fractional bits

$~$\log_2(8) = 3$~$

Fractional bits

$~$\log_2(1024) = 10$~$

Fractional bits

$~$\log_2(3) \approx 1.58.$~$

Fractional bits


Fractional bits

$~$n \ge 5$~$

Fractional bits

$~$n - 5.$~$

Fractional bits: Digit usage interpretation

$~$10 \cdot 10 \cdot \sqrt{10} \approx 316,$~$

Fractional bits: Digit usage interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$\lceil \log_2(n) \rceil$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$\log_2(7) \neq 2.875,$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$(m, n)$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$7m + n,$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$\lceil \log_2(49) \rceil = 6$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$64 - 49 = 15$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$6 - \frac{15}{49} \approx 5.694$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$(9 - \frac{169}{343})\approx 8.507$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$\approx 2.836$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$\lceil \log_2(n) \rceil$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$x < \log_2(b)$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$\log_b(2) \cdot x$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation

$~$\log_b(2) \cdot \log_2(b) = 1$~$

Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional bits: Expected cost interpretation


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$\log_{3.16}(5.62) \approx 1.5$~$

Fractional digits

$~$3.16^{1.5} \approx 5.62,$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$5a + b.$~$

Fractional digits

$~$\log_{10}(5) + \log_{10}(2) = 1$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$x \cdot y \le n$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$n = x \cdot y,$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$n = x \cdot y$~$

Fractional digits

$~$\log_b(x) + \log_b(y) = \log_b(n),$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$x \cdot x < 10.$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$31a + b$~$

Fractional digits

$~$31 \cdot 30 + 30 = 960 \le 999$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$x \cdot x \le n$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$x^2 \le 100000.$~$

Fractional digits

$~$\log_b(316) \approx \frac{5\log_b(10)}{2}$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$x \cdot x = n,$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$y \cdot y \cdot y = 216,$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$y = \sqrt[3]{2 \cdot 12 \cdot 9} = 6$~$

Fractional digits

$~$\sqrt[2]{1 \cdot 10} \approx 3.16.$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$\sqrt[3]{1 \cdot 1 \cdot 10} \approx 2.15.$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$1 < n \le 10$~$

Fractional digits

$~$\log_{3.16}(5.62) \approx 1.5$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$x \cdot x$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$10^2 = 100.$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$x > 1.$~$

Fractional digits

$~$\sqrt[n]{10} > 1$~$

Fractional digits


Fractional digits


Fractional digits

$~$0 < x < 1,$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$X = \{ a, b \}$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$(a^{-1}, b^{-1}, b^{-1})$~$

Free group

$~$a^{-1} b^{-2}$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$aba \cdot bab = ababab$~$

Free group

$~$aba^2 \cdot a^3b = aba^5b$~$

Free group

$~$aba^{-1} \cdot a = ab$~$

Free group


Free group

$~$ab \cdot b^{-1} a^{-1} = \varepsilon$~$

Free group

$~$abb^{-1}a^{-1} = aa^{-1}$~$

Free group


Free group

$~$a a^{-1} = \varepsilon$~$

Free group

$~$\{ a \}$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$i \in \mathbb{Z}$~$

Free group

$~$a^{i_1} b^{j_1} a^{i_2} b^{j_2} \dots a^{i_n} b^{j_n}$~$

Free group

$$~$a^{i_1} b^{j_1} a^{i_2} b^{j_2} \dots a^{i_n} b^{j_n} \mapsto 2^{\mathrm{sgn}(i_1)+2} 3^{|i_1|} 5^{\mathrm{sgn}(j_1)+2} 7^{|j_1|} \dots$~$$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$X = \{ a, b \}$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$b \cdot b = a$~$

Free group


Free group

$~$b^2 = a$~$

Free group


Free group

$~$a, b$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$a \cdot b$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$a \cdot b$~$

Free group


Free group

$~$a^{-1} \cdot a$~$

Free group


Free group

$~$a^{-1} a$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$\langle X \mid R \rangle$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$a, b$~$

Free group

$~$ab \not = ba$~$

Free group

$~$\rho_a \rho_b \not = \rho_b \rho_a$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$x \in \mathbb{Q}$~$

Free group

$~$n \not = 0$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group

$~$(\mathbb{Q}, +)$~$

Free group

$~$n \times x = 0$~$

Free group


Free group

$~$x = 0$~$

Free group

$~$n \not = 0$~$

Free group

$~$x = 0$~$

Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group


Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$f: X \to G$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$\overline{f}: FX \to G$~$

Free group universal property

$~$\overline{f}(\rho_{a_1} \rho_{a_2} \dots \rho_{a_n}) = f(a_1) \cdot f(a_2) \cdot \dots \cdot f(a_n)$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$f: X \to G$~$

Free group universal property

$~$FX \to G$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$\{ e, a, b\}$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$a + a = b$~$

Free group universal property

$~$a+b = e = b+a$~$

Free group universal property

$~$b+b = a$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$a+a = b$~$

Free group universal property

$~$a+a+a = e$~$

Free group universal property

$~$G = (\mathbb{Z}, +)$~$

Free group universal property

$~$f: C_3 \to \mathbb{Z}$~$

Free group universal property

$~$a \mapsto 1$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$\{ e, a, b\}$~$

Free group universal property

$~$\overline{f}: C_3 \to \mathbb{Z}$~$

Free group universal property

$~$\overline{f}(a) = 1$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$\overline{f}(e) = \overline{f}(a+a+a) = 1+1+1 = 3$~$

Free group universal property

$~$\overline{f}(e) = 3$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property

$~$a+a+a = e$~$

Free group universal property


Free group universal property


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_n$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$a_1 \not = a_n^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r w^\prime r^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r = \varepsilon$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$w^\prime = w$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$a v a^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$a \in X$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r v^\prime r^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$w = a r v^\prime r^{-1} a^{-1} = (ar) v^\prime (ar)^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r w^\prime r^{-1} = s v^\prime s^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$s^{-1} r w^\prime r^{-1} s = v^\prime$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$v^\prime = r w^\prime r^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$w = r w^\prime r^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r = e$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$v^\prime = w^\prime = w$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$v^\prime = w^\prime$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r w^\prime r^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free

$~$(rw^\prime r^{-1})^n = r (w^\prime)^n r^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r, (w^\prime)^n, r^{-1}$~$

Free groups are torsion-free


Free groups are torsion-free

$~$r (w^\prime)^n r^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$x x^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$$~$X^{-1} = \{ x^{-1} \mid x \in X \}$~$$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$X = \{ 1, 2 \}$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$(1, 2^{-1}, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2^{-1}, 1^{-1}, 1^{-1})$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$1 2^{-1} 2 1 1 1 2^{-1} 1^{-1} 1^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$1 2^{-1} 2 1^3 2^{-1} 1^{-2}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r r^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r^{-1} r$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r \in X$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$X = \{ a, b, c \}$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$\{ a^{-1}, b^{-1}, c^{-1} \}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$\{ x, y, z \}$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$X \cup X^{-1} = \{ a,b,c, a^{-1}, b^{-1}, c^{-1} \}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$a^{-1} a$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$\{ x, y, z \}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$\{ a, b, c \}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$\{ a^{-1}, b^{-1}, c^{-1} \}$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r r^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r^{-1} r$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r r^{-1}$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r \in X$~$

Freely reduced word

$~$r^{-1} r$~$

Freely reduced word


Freely reduced word













$~$(4, 3)$~$




$~$(19, 2)$~$




$~$f : X \to Y$~$














$~$- : (\mathbb N \times \mathbb N) \to \mathbb N,$~$










$~$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$


$~$f(x) = x^2$~$

Function: Physical metaphor


Function: Physical metaphor


Function: Physical metaphor


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$3 \times 5$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$3 \times 5 \times 1$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$17 \times 23 \times 23$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$17 \times 23^2$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$\{ 17, 23, 23\}$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$a \times b$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$n = 1274$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$49 \times 26$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$2 \times 13$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$2 \times 7^2 \times 13$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$n = 2$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$p_1 p_2 \dots p_r$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$q_1 q_2 \dots q_s$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$p_1 = p_2 = q_3 = q_7$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$p_i = q_i$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$p_1 p_2 \dots p_r$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$q_1 q_2 \dots q_s$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$q_2 \dots q_s$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$q_3 \dots q_s$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$p_1 = q_1$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$p_2 \dots p_r = q_2 \dots q_s$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$r-1 = s-1$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

$~$i \geq 2$~$

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$[a, b, c, \ldots]$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$f : X \times X \to X$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$[a, b, c, \ldots]$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$[a, b, c, d, e],$~$

Generalized associative law

$~$a \cdot b$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$[a, b, c, d, e]$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$(x\cdot y) \cdot z = x \cdot (y \cdot z).$~$

Generalized associative law

$~$x \cdot y$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$[a, b, c, d]$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$f : X \times X \to X$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$n \ge 1$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$[a, b, c, \ldots]$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$[x, y, z, \ldots]$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$f(\alpha, \chi)$~$

Generalized associative law

$~$[a, b, c, \ldots, x, y, z, \ldots]:$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law

$~$f_n : X^n \to X$~$

Generalized associative law

$~$n \ge 0,$~$

Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized associative law


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$x : A \to X$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$I = \{*\}$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$f(i) = x$~$

Generalized element

$~$i \in I$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$f : I \to X$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$I \to X$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$\text{Set} \times \text{Set}$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$(2^A, 2^{X + B})$~$

Generalized element

$~$(2^{Y + A}, 2^{B})$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$(2^A)^X\times(2^{X+B})^Y \cong 2^{X\times A + Y \times (X + B)} \cong 2^{X \times A + Y \times B + X \times Y}$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$(2^{Y+A})^X \times (2^B)^Y \cong 2^{X\times(Y+A) + Y \times B} \cong 2^{X \times A + Y \times B + X \times Y}$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$f(x) := f\circ x$~$

Generalized element


Generalized element


Generalized element

$~$f(xu) = f(x) u$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$|a|^2 + |b|^2 = |a+b|^2$~$

Geometric product

$~$(a+b)^2 = a^2 + ab + ba + b^2$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$a^2 = |a|^2$~$

Geometric product

$~$|a+b|^2 = |a|^2 + ab + ba + |b|^2$~$

Geometric product

$~$ab + ba$~$

Geometric product

$~$ab + ba$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$|a+b|^2 = (|a| + |b|)^2 = |a|^2 + 2|a||b| + |b|^2$~$

Geometric product

$~$ab + ba$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$ab = - ba$~$

Geometric product

$~$ab = ba = |a||b|$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$ae^{\text{I}\pi/2} = b$~$

Geometric product

$~$e^{\text{I}\pi/2} = \frac{ab}{|a|^2}$~$

Geometric product

$~$ab = |a|^2e^{\text{I}\pi/2}$~$

Geometric product

$~$|a| = |b|$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$a|b|/|a|e^{\text{I}\pi/2} = b$~$

Geometric product

$~$ab = |a||b|e^{\text{I}\pi/2}$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$ab = |a||b|I$~$

Geometric product

$~$I^2 = -1$~$

Geometric product


Geometric product

$~$a = a_xx+a_yy$~$

Geometric product

$~$b = b_xx+b_yy$~$

Geometric product

$~$ab = (a_xx + a_yy)(b_xx + b_yy) = a_xb_xx^2 + a_yb_xyx + a_xb_yxy+a_yb_yy^2 = a_xb_x + a_yb_y - a_yb_xI + a_xb_yI$~$

Geometric product

$~$e^{\text{I}\pi/4} = \frac{1 + I}{\sqrt{2}}$~$

Geometric product

$~$e^{\text{I}\theta} = \cos(\theta) + \text{I}\sin(\theta)$~$

Geometric product


Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf a$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf b$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf z$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf a$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf b$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf a$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf b$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf B$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf I$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$(\mathbf {x},\mathbf{y})$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$(\mathbf {x},\mathbf{y})$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf w$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf y$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf z$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$(\mathbf {w},\mathbf{z})$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf a$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf b$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf a$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf b$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf b$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf a$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$\mathbf B$~$

Geometry of vectors: direction


Geometry of vectors: direction

$~$R = e^{\mathbf B}$~$

Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse


Goodhart's Curse

$~$\|U - V\|$~$

Graham's number

$~$f(x) = 3\uparrow^n 3$~$

Graham's number

$~$f^n(x) = \underbrace{f(f(f(\cdots f(f(x)) \cdots ))}_{n\text{ applications of }f}$~$

Graham's number


Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor

$~$c \mid a$~$

Greatest common divisor

$~$c \mid b$~$

Greatest common divisor

$~$d \mid a$~$

Greatest common divisor

$~$d \mid b$~$

Greatest common divisor

$~$d \mid c$~$

Greatest common divisor


Greatest common divisor


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset

$~$z \in P$~$

Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset

$~$z \leq x$~$

Greatest lower bound in a poset

$~$z \leq y$~$

Greatest lower bound in a poset

$~$z \in P$~$

Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset


Greatest lower bound in a poset

$~$w \leq z$~$












$~$g \circ f$~$


$~$h \circ (g \circ f)$~$


$~$h \circ g$~$


$~$(h \circ g) \circ f$~$




$~$(X, \bullet)$~$






$~$x, y$~$




$~$x \bullet y$~$




$~$x \bullet y$~$




$~$x(yz) = (xy)z$~$


$~$x, y, z \in X$~$






$~$x \in X$~$






$~$x^{-1} \in X$~$










$~$(X, \bullet)$~$








$~$\bullet : G \times G \to G$~$


$~$x \bullet y$~$






$~$x, y$~$




$~$x \bullet y$~$




$~$x \bullet y$~$








$~$x \in X$~$






$~$x^{-1} \in X$~$




$~$x(yz) = (xy)z$~$


$~$x, y, z \in X$~$






$~$G \times G \to G$~$




















$~$ze = ez = z.$~$






































$~$xy = e$~$
















$~$g \circ f$~$


$~$h \circ (g \circ f)$~$


$~$h \circ g$~$


$~$(h \circ g) \circ f$~$


$~$(\mathbb{Z}, +)$~$






$~$\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z \to \mathbb Z$~$




$~$0+x = x = x + 0$~$






$~$x + (-x) = 0$~$


$~$G = (X, \bullet)$~$












$~$x \bullet y$~$








$~$x, y \in X$~$




$~$x, y \in G$~$













Group action


Group action


Group action

$~$\alpha : G \times X \to X$~$

Group action

$~$(g, x) \mapsto gx$~$

Group action


Group action

$~$ex = x$~$

Group action

$~$x \in X$~$

Group action


Group action

$~$g(hx) = (gh)x$~$

Group action

$~$g, h \in G, x \in X$~$

Group action


Group action


Group action


Group action


Group action

$~$G \to \text{Aut}(X)$~$

Group action


Group action


Group action

$~$X \to X$~$

Group action

$~$X = \mathbb{R}^2$~$

Group action


Group action


Group action

$~$f : \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^2$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho: G \times X \to X$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$X \to X$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$x \mapsto \rho(g, x)$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(g^{-1})(\rho(g, x))$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(g^{-1}, \rho(g, x))$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(g^{-1} g, x) = \rho(e, x) = x$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(g)(\rho(g^{-1})(x)) = x$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$G \times X$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho: G \to \mathrm{Sym}(X)$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(gh) = \rho(g) \rho(h)$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(gh)(x) = \rho(gh, x)$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(g, \rho(h, x))$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group

$~$\rho(g)(\rho(h, x))$~$

Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group action induces homomorphism to the symmetric group


Group conjugate

$~$x, y$~$

Group conjugate


Group conjugate

$~$h \in G$~$

Group conjugate

$~$hxh^{-1} = y$~$

Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate

$$~$\sigma = (a_{11} a_{12} \dots a_{1 n_1})(a_{21} \dots a_{2 n_2}) \dots (a_{k 1} a_{k 2} \dots a_{k n_k})$~$$

Group conjugate

$~$\tau \in S_n$~$

Group conjugate

$$~$\tau \sigma \tau^{-1} = (\tau(a_{11}) \tau(a_{12}) \dots \tau(a_{1 n_1}))(\tau(a_{21}) \dots \tau(a_{2 n_2})) \dots (\tau(a_{k 1}) \tau(a_{k 2}) \dots \tau(a_{k n_k}))$~$$

Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate

$~$g \in G$~$

Group conjugate

$~$h \in G$~$

Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate

$~$\rho: G \times G \to G$~$

Group conjugate

$~$\rho(g, k) = g k g^{-1}$~$

Group conjugate

$~$\rho(gh, k) = (gh)k(gh)^{-1} = ghkh^{-1}g^{-1} = g \rho(h, k) g^{-1} = \rho(g, \rho(h, k))$~$

Group conjugate

$~$\rho(e, k) = eke^{-1} = k$~$

Group conjugate


Group conjugate

$~$g \in G$~$

Group conjugate

$~$kgk^{-1} = g$~$

Group conjugate

$~$kg = gk$~$

Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group conjugate

$~$g \in G$~$

Group conjugate


Group conjugate


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset

$~$\{ gh : h \in H \}$~$

Group coset

$~$g \in G$~$

Group coset


Group coset

$~$Hg = \{ hg: h \in H \}$~$

Group coset


Group coset

$~$\{ e, (123), (132), (12), (13), (23) \}$~$

Group coset


Group coset

$~$\{ e, (123), (132) \}$~$

Group coset

$~$(12) A_3$~$

Group coset

$~$\{ (12), (12)(123), (12)(132) \}$~$

Group coset

$~$\{ (12), (23), (13) \}$~$

Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group coset


Group homomorphism

$~$(G, +)$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$(H, *)$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$f(a) * f(b) = f(a+b)$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$a, b \in G$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$(G, +)$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$(H, *)$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$f(a) * f(b) = f(a+b)$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$a, b \in G$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$1_G: G \to G$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$1_G(g) = g$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$g \in G$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$\{ e \}$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$e * e = e$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$g \mapsto e$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$g \in G$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$e \mapsto e_G$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$(G, +)$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$g \mapsto g^{-1}$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$g +_{\mathrm{op}} h := h + g$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$G, H$~$

Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism


Group homomorphism

$~$g \mapsto e_H$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$C_2 = \{ e_{C_2}, g \}$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$C_3 = \{e_{C_3}, h, h^2 \}$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$e_{C_2} \mapsto e_{C_3}, g \mapsto e_{C_3}$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$f: C_2 \to C_3$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$e_{C_2} \mapsto e_{C_3}, g \mapsto h$~$

Group homomorphism

$~$e_{C_3} = f(e_{C_2}) = f(gg) = f(g) f(g) = h h = h^2$~$

Group isomorphism

$~$(\{ a \}, +_a)$~$

Group isomorphism

$~$(\{ b \}, +_b)$~$

Group isomorphism


Group isomorphism

$~$(x, x)$~$

Group isomorphism


Group isomorphism

$~$\{a \} \to \{ b \}$~$

Group isomorphism

$~$a \mapsto b$~$

Group orbit


Group orbit

$~$x \in X$~$

Group orbit


Group orbit


Group orbit


Group orbit

$~$Gx = \{gx : g \in G\}$~$

Group orbit


Group orbit


Group orbit


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition

$~$x \in X$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$x \in X$~$

Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition

$~$e(x) = x$~$

Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition


Group orbits partition

$~$a, b \in X$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$g(a) = h(b) = x$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$g, h \in G$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$h^{-1}g(a) = b$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$\mathrm{Orb}_G(a) = \mathrm{Orb}_G(b)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r \in \mathrm{Orb}_G(b)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r = k(b)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$k \in G$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r = k(h^{-1}g(a)) = kh^{-1}g(a)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r \in \mathrm{Orb}_G(a)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r \in \mathrm{Orb}_G(a)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r = m(b)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$m \in G$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r = m(g^{-1}h(b)) = m g^{-1} h (b)$~$

Group orbits partition

$~$r \in \mathrm{Orb}_G(b)$~$

Group presentation

$~$\langle X \mid R \rangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\langle X \mid R \rangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Group presentation

$~$G \cong F(X) / \llangle R \rrangle^{F(X)}$~$

Group presentation

$~$\llangle R \rrangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\langle X \mid R \rangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$X = \{ a, b \}$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\{ a^{-1}, b^{-1} \}$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$X \cup X^{-1}$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\phi: F(G) \to G$~$

Group presentation

$~$(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n)$~$

Group presentation

$~$a_1 a_2 \dots a_n$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\langle x \mid x^2 \rangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\langle x \mid x^4 \rangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\langle X \mid R \rangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$x^2 = e$~$

Group presentation

$~$\langle x \mid x^4 \rangle$~$

Group presentation

$~$\langle x, y \mid xyx^{-1}y^{-1} \rangle$~$

Group presentation

$~$xyx^{-1}y^{-1} = e$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$x^n y^m$~$

Group presentation

$~$n, m$~$

Group presentation

$~$xyx = xxy = x^2y$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$(m, n)$~$

Group presentation

$~$m, n$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\langle x, y \mid x^2, y \rangle$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$\langle a, b \mid aba^{-1}b^{-2}, bab^{-1}a^{-2} \rangle$~$

Group presentation

$~$ab = b^2 a$~$

Group presentation

$~$ba = a^2 b$~$

Group presentation

$~$aba^{-1} b^{-2} = e$~$

Group presentation

$~$ab = b^2 a$~$

Group presentation

$~$b ba$~$

Group presentation

$~$ba = a^2 b$~$

Group presentation

$~$b a^2 b$~$

Group presentation

$~$ab = b a^2 b$~$

Group presentation

$~$a = b a^2$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$e = ba$~$

Group presentation

$~$a = b^{-1}$~$

Group presentation

$~$ab = b^2 a = b b a$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$e = b$~$

Group presentation


Group presentation

$~$a = b^{-1}$~$

Group presentation


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory

$~$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Group theory

$~$n : f(x) \mapsto f(x - n)$~$

Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory

$~$f(x) = \sum \left( a_n \cos 2 \pi n x + b_n \sin 2 \pi n x \right)$~$

Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory

$~$(0, 0, 0)$~$

Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory


Group theory

$~$\mathbb Z$~$

Group theory

$~$\mathbb Q$~$

Group theory

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Group theory


Group theory

$~$\mathbb Z \to \mathbb Q \to \mathbb R$~$

Group theory


Group theory


Group theory: Examples

$~$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$f(-x) = f(x)$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$f(-x) = - f(x)$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$f(x) = x^2$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$f(x) = \cos x$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$f(x) = x^3$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$f(x) = \sin x$~$

Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples

$~$\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Group theory: Examples

$$~$ (\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}) \to (\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}) $~$$

Group theory: Examples

$~$\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples

$~$(-1) \times (-1) = 1$~$

Group theory: Examples

$~$f(-(-x)) = f(x)$~$

Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples

$$~$f(x) = \underbrace{\frac{f(x) + f(-x)}{2}}_{\text{even}} + \underbrace{\frac{f(x) - f(-x)}{2}}_{\text{odd}}.$~$$

Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group theory: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples

$~$\{ 1, 2, \dots n \} \to \{ 1, 2, \dots n \}$~$

Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples

$~$G \to S_n$~$

Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples

$~$\langle r, f \mid r^n, f^2, (rf)^2 \rangle$~$

Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples

$~$n > 2$~$

Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples

$~$n \times n$~$

Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Examples


Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$e_1, e_2 \in G$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$e_1 = e_2$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$eg = ge = g$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$g \in G$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$e_1 e_2 = e_2 e_1 = e_1$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$e_2 e_1 = e_1 e_2 = e_2$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$e_1 = e_2$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$g \in G$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$h_1, h_2 \in G$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$h_1 = h_2$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$hg = gh = e$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$h_1 g = g h_1 = e$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$h_2 g = g h_2 = e$~$

Group: Exercises

$$~$h_1 g h_2 = (h_1 g) h_2 = (e) h_2 = h_2$~$$

Group: Exercises

$$~$h_1 g h_2 = h_1 (g h_2) = h_1 (e) = h_1.$~$$

Group: Exercises

$~$h_1 = h_2$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$(x, y) \mapsto x + y$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$x \mapsto -x$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$(x, y) \mapsto xy$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$0 \in \mathbb{R}$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$0 \times x = 0$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$(x, y) \mapsto xy$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$x \mapsto \frac{1}{x}$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$(\mathbb{R}, +)$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$(x, y) \mapsto x + y - 1$~$

Group: Exercises

$~$(\mathbb{R}, +)$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$x \mapsto 2 - x$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises

$~$(x, y) \mapsto \frac{x + y}{1 + xy}$~$

Group: Exercises


Group: Exercises


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$g \circ f$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$h \circ (g \circ f)$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$h \circ g$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$(h \circ g) \circ f$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$(X, \bullet)$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$\bullet: X \times X \to X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x(yz) = (xy)z$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$x, y, z \in X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x \in X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x^{-1} \in X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$(X, \bullet)$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$\bullet : G \times G \to G$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$x \bullet y$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x \in X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x^{-1} \in X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x(yz) = (xy)z$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$x, y, z \in X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$ze = e = ez = z.$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$xy = e$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$g \circ f$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$h \circ (g \circ f)$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$h \circ g$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$(h \circ g) \circ f$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$(\mathbb{Z}, +)$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z \to \mathbb Z$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$0+x = x = x + 0$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x + (-x) = 0$~$

Groups as symmetires

$~$G = (X, \bullet)$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x \bullet y$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x, y \in X$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires

$~$x, y \in G$~$

Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Groups as symmetires


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\not\vdash \neg P(\ulcorner S\urcorner)$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner X\urcorner)\rightarrow X$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash X$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash \neg \bot$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash \neg P(\ulcorner \bot\urcorner)$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash \bot$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\neg\vdash \neg P(\ulcorner \bot\urcorner)$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner X\urcorner)\rightarrow X$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash \neg X \rightarrow \neg P(\ulcorner X\urcorner)$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T + \neg X\vdash \neg P(\ulcorner X\urcorner)$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T+\neg X$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$\neg P(\ulcorner X\urcorner)$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$\neg X$~$

Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem


Gödel II and Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash X$~$

Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$(1 : 4) \cdot (3 : 1) = (3 : 4)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$3/7 = 43\%$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$1 : 9$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$12 : 4$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$3 : 1.$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$(1 : 9) \cdot (3 : 1) = (3 : 9) \cong (1 : 3).$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$1 : 3$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\frac{1}{1+3} = \frac{1}{4} = 25\%.$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P(X)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\neg X$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$X \wedge Y$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P(X \wedge Y)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\mathbb P(X|Y) := \dfrac{\mathbb P(X \wedge Y)}{\mathbb P(Y)} \tag*{(definition of conditional probability)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P(X|Y)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\frac{18}{18+24} = \frac{3}{7}.$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P(X \wedge Y) = \mathbb P(Y) \cdot \mathbb P(X|Y).$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(sick)}{\mathbb P(healthy)} \tag*{(prior odds)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(positive | sick)}{\mathbb P(positive | healthy)} \tag*{(likelihood ratio)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(sick | positive)}{\mathbb P(healthy | positive)} \tag*{(posterior odds)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(sick)}{\mathbb P(healthy)} \cdot \frac{\mathbb P(positive | sick)}{\mathbb P(positive | healthy)} = \frac{\mathbb P(sick | positive)}{\mathbb P(healthy | positive)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$ \frac{\mathbb P(H_j)}{\mathbb P(H_k)} \cdot \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 | H_j)}{\mathbb P(e_0 | H_k)} = \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 \wedge H_j)}{\mathbb P(e_0 \wedge H_k)} = \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 \wedge H_j)/\mathbb P(e_0)}{\mathbb P(e_0 \wedge H_k)/\mathbb P(e_0)} = \frac{\mathbb P(H_j | e_0)}{\mathbb P(H_k | e_0)} $~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$ \frac{0.20}{0.80} \cdot \frac{0.90}{0.30} = \frac{0.18}{0.24} = \frac{0.18/0.42}{0.24/0.42} = \frac{0.43}{0.57} $~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\{X_1, X_2, …, X_i\}$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\mathbb P(Y) = \sum_i \mathbb P(Y \wedge X_i) \tag*{(law of marginal probability)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$ \mathbb P(H_k | e_0) = \frac{\mathbb P(H_k \wedge e_0)}{\mathbb P(e_0)} = \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 \wedge H_k)}{\sum_i P(e_0 \wedge H_i)} = \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 | X_k) \cdot \mathbb P(X_k)}{\sum_i \mathbb P(e_0 | X_i) \cdot \mathbb P(X_i)} $~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P(sick | positive)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P(positive | sick)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$ \begin{array}{rll} & (3 : 2 : 1) & \cong (\frac{1}{2} : \frac{1}{3} : \frac{1}{6}) \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \cong ( \frac{1}{2} : \frac{1}{4} : \frac{3}{4} ) \\ \times & (2 : 3 : 1) & \cong ( \frac{1}{2} : \frac{3}{4} : \frac{1}{4} ) \\ \times & (2 : 1 : 3) & \\ = & (24 : 6 : 9) & \cong (8 : 2 : 3) \cong (\frac{8}{13} : \frac{2}{13} : \frac{3}{13}) \end{array} $~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\mathbb P(H_k | e_0) = \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 | X_k) \cdot \mathbb P(X_k)}{\sum_i \mathbb P(e_o | X_i) \cdot \mathbb P(X_i)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb O(H_i)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathcal L(e_0 | H_i)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb O(H_i | e_0)$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\mathbb O(H_i | e_0) = \mathcal L(e_0 | H_i) \cdot \mathbb O(H_i)$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb O$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb P$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$~$\mathbb O$~$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule


High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i | e_0) \propto \mathcal L(e_0 | H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i) \tag*{(functional form of Bayes' rule)}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(\neg \text{sabotage} | \text {conspiracy})}{\mathbb P(\neg \text {sabotage} | \neg \text {conspiracy})}$~$$

High-speed intro to Bayes's rule

$$~$ \frac{\mathbb P(\text {conspiracy} | \neg \text{sabotage})}{\mathbb P(\neg \text {conspiracy} | \neg \text{sabotage})} < \frac{\mathbb P(\text {conspiracy})}{\mathbb P(\neg \text {conspiracy})} \cdot \frac{\mathbb P(\neg \text{sabotage} | \text {conspiracy})}{\mathbb P(\neg \text {sabotage} | \neg \text {conspiracy})} $~$$

How many bits to a trit?

$~$\log_2(3) \approx 1.585.$~$

How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?

$~$\log_2(3) = 1.58496250072\ldots$~$

How many bits to a trit?

$~$(\approx \lceil 1.585 \rceil = 2)$~$

How many bits to a trit?

$~$\log_2(3) \approx 1.585$~$

How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?


How many bits to a trit?

$~$\log_2(3) = 1.58496250072\ldots$~$

How many bits to a trit?

$~$(\approx \lceil 1.585 \rceil = 2)$~$





Ideal target

$~$\Delta U$~$

Ideal target


Ideal target


Ideal target


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms

$~$f: R \to S$~$

Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms

$~$k \in K$~$

Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms

$~$r \in R$~$

Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms

$~$f(kr) = f(k)f(r) = 0 \times r = 0$~$

Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Ideals are the same thing as kernels of ring homomorphisms


Identity element


Identity element


Identity element


Identity element

$~$a \in S$~$

Identity element


Identity element


Identity element


Identity element

$~$a \in S$~$

Identity element


Identity element

$~$a \in S$~$

Identity element

$~$i * a = a$~$

Identity element


Identity element

$~$a \in S$~$

Identity element

$~$a * i = a$~$

Identity element





$~$A \leftrightarrow B$~$


$~$A \rightarrow B$~$

Image (of a function)


Image (of a function)

$~$f : X \to Y$~$

Image (of a function)


Image (of a function)


Image (of a function)

$~$\operatorname{im}(f) = \{f(x) \mid x \in X\}.$~$

Image (of a function)


Image (of a function)


Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity

$~$f: G \to H$~$

Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity

$~$f(e_G) = e_H$~$

Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity


Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity


Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity


Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity


Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity

$~$f(e_G) f(e_G) = f(e_G e_G) = f(e_G)$~$

Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity


Image of the identity under a group homomorphism is the identity

$~$f(e_G) = e_H$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$r \not = 0$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle r \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$2 \Rightarrow 1$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$3 \Rightarrow 2$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle r \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$1 \Rightarrow 3$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle r \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle r \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle r \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$J = \langle a \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$r = a c$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle a \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$a = r c^{-1}$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle r \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$j \in J$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$\langle r \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$j \in J = \langle a \rangle$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same


In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$j = a d$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$j = r c^{-1} d$~$

In a principal ideal domain, "prime" and "irreducible" are the same

$~$j \in \langle r \rangle$~$

In notation

$~$x \in X$~$

In notation


In notation


In notation


In notation

$~$r \in \mathbb{R}$~$

In notation


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$x \not \in H$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$x \in Hy$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$x = y$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$xH = Hx$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$xHx^{-1} = H$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$h \in H$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal


Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$hH = H$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$Hh^{-1} = H$~$

Index two subgroup of group is normal

$~$xh H (xh)^{-1} = xhHh^{-1} x^{-1} = xHx^{-1} = H$~$

Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory


Indirect decision theory



$~$\mathrm P$~$




$~$o \in O$~$


$~$\log \frac{1}{\mathrm P(o)}$~$


$~$\mathrm P$~$








$~$\mathrm P$~$




$~$o \in O$~$


$~$\log_2\frac{1}{\mathrm P(o)}$~$


$~$\mathrm P$~$

Injective function

$~$f: X \to Y$~$

Injective function

$~$f(x) = f(y)$~$

Injective function


Injective function


Injective function

$~$\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Injective function


Injective function

$~$n \mapsto n+5$~$

Injective function

$~$n+5 = m+5$~$

Injective function

$~$n = m$~$

Injective function


Injective function

$~$k+5 = 2$~$

Injective function


Injective function

$~$f: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Injective function

$~$f(n) = 6$~$

Injective function


Injective function

$~$f(1) = f(2)$~$

Injective function

$~$1 \not = 2$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathcal U$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$U_k \in \mathcal U$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\pi_k \in X$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\pi_k \in \neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$X \subset \Pi$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X \subset \Pi$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, Y_4.$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\pi_1, \pi_2, \pi_3, \pi_4$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$X \subset \Pi$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathcal U_C$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathcal L$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$o_\mathcal L$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathbb P [o | \pi_i]$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathcal P,$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathcal P_B$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathcal P$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathcal P_B$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$U_k \in U_K$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\pi_k \in X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$$~$\pi_k = \underset{\pi_i \in \Pi}{\operatorname{argmax}} \mathbb E [ U_k | \pi_i ]$~$$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$$~$\big ( \underset{\pi_i \in \Pi}{\operatorname{argmax}} \mathbb E [ U_k | \pi_i ] \big ) \in X$~$$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\pi_k \in X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\pi_k = \underset{\pi_i \in \Pi}{\operatorname{argmax}} \mathbb E [ U_k | S_i, \pi_i ]$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$$~$\big ( \underset{\pi_i \in X}{\operatorname{argmax}} \mathbb E [ U_k | S_k, \pi_i ] \big ) \ < \ \big ( \underset{\pi_i \in \neg X}{\operatorname{argmax}} \mathbb E [ U_k | S_k, \pi_i ] \big )$~$$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\pi_i \in X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$W_j \subset \neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathbb E [ U | \pi_i ],$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathbb E [ U | \pi_j ] > \mathbb E [ U | \pi_i]$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathbb P (press | \pi_i) = 0.999…$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\mathbb P (press | \pi_j) = 0.9999…$~$

Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence


Instrumental convergence

$~$\neg X$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals

$~$W_1, W_2, … W_25$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals

$~$W_1, W_2, W_3…W_N$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals

$~$W_1 \subset W_1'$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals

$~$\mathbb E[U_0|W_1]$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals

$~$\mathbb E[U|W_1,W_2,…].$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals

$~$W_2, W_3, …$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals

$~$U_0, W_1.$~$

Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals


Instrumental goals are almost-equally as tractable as terminal goals





























$~$(a, b)$~$




$~$(a,b) \sim (c,d)$~$


$~$a+d = b+c$~$










$~$[a,b] + [c,d] = [a+c,b+d]$~$


$~$[a, b] \times [c, d] = [ac+bd, bc+ad]$~$


$~$[a,b] \leq [c,d]$~$


$~$a+d \leq b+c$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$6 - 4$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$4 - 6$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$(-6) + (-8) + (-12) + (-20)$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$6 + 8 + 12 + 20 = 46 \to (-6) + (-8) + (-12) + (-20) = -46$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$5 - 2$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$5 + (-2)$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$6 - 2 + 7 - 5$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$6 + (-2) + 7 + (-5)$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$6 + 7 + (-5) + (-2)$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)


Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$13 + 8 - 5 + 6 + 4 - 12 - 9 + 1$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$13 + 8 + (-5) + 6 + 4 + (-12) + (-9) + 1$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$13 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 1 + (-5) + (-12) + (-9)$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$(13 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 1) + ((-5) + (-12) + (-9)) = 32 + (-26)$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$32 + (-26) = 32 - 26 = 6$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$8 - 6 + 4 - 13 + 7 - 5 - 9 + 12$~$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$8 + (-6) + 4 + (- 13) + 7 + (- 5) + (- 9) + 12 \\ \Downarrow$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$8 + 4 + 7 + 12 + (-6) + (-13) + (-5) + (-9) \\ \Downarrow$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$(8 + 4 + 7 + 12) + ((-6) + (-13) + (-5) + (-9)) = 31 + (-33)$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$31 + (-33) = 31 - 33$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$$~$31 - 33 = -(33 - 31) = -2$~$$

Integers: Intro (Math 0)

$~$\{ \ldots, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, \ldots \}$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$2 \times 3$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$a \times b = 0$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$ab = 0$~$

Integral domain

$~$a \not = 0$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$a^{-1} a b = 0 \times a^{-1}$~$

Integral domain

$~$b = 0$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$n = r \times s$~$

Integral domain

$~$r, s$~$

Integral domain

$~$r s = n = 0$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$a \not = 0$~$

Integral domain

$~$ab = ac$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$ab = ac$~$

Integral domain

$~$ab-ac = 0$~$

Integral domain

$~$a(b-c) = 0$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$r s = 0$~$

Integral domain

$~$r, s \not = 0$~$

Integral domain

$~$rs = r \times 0$~$

Integral domain

$~$s \not = 0$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$r \in R$~$

Integral domain

$~$S = \{ ar : a \in R\}$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$ar = br$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$a = b$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$| \cdot |$~$

Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain


Integral domain

$~$1 \in S$~$

Integral domain

$~$1 = ar$~$

Integral domain







$~$A \cap B$~$






$~$C = A \cap B$~$


$$~$x \in C \leftrightarrow (x \in A \land x \in B)$~$$














$~$\{1,2\} \cap \{2,3\} = \{2\}$~$


$~$\{1,2\} \cap \{8,9\} = \{\}$~$


$~$\{0,2,4,6\} \cap \{3,4,5,6\} = \{4,6\}$~$

Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding


Intradependent encoding

$~$26^4 = 456976$~$

Intradependent encoding

$~$\log_2(26^4) - 1 \approx 17.8$~$

Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intradependent encodings can be compressed


Intro to Number Sets


Intro to Number Sets


Intro to Number Sets


Intro to Number Sets


Intro to Number Sets


Intro to Number Sets


Intro to Number Sets


Intro to Number Sets


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(1 : 4),$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(90 : 30) = (3 : 1)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$(1 : 4) \times (3 : 1) = (3 : 4),$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$3/(3+4) \approx 43\%.$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$ \textbf{Prior odds} \times \textbf{Relative likelihoods} = \textbf{Posterior odds}$~$$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(X)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(X)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb \neg X$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(\neg X)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(blackened \mid sick) = 0.9$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(blackened \mid \neg sick) = 0.3$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(sick \mid blackened) = 3/7$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(X \mid Y)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$X \wedge Y$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$\mathbb P(X \mid Y) := \frac{\mathbb P(X \wedge Y)}{\mathbb P(Y)}$~$$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(sick \mid blackened)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(sick \wedge blackened)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(blackened)$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(blackened \mid \neg sick),$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$\textbf{Prior odds} \times \textbf{Relative likelihoods} = \textbf{Posterior odds}$~$$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$\dfrac{\mathbb P({sick})}{\mathbb P(healthy)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P({blackened}\mid {sick})}{\mathbb P({blackened}\mid healthy)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P({sick}\mid {blackened})}{\mathbb P(healthy\mid {blackened})}.$~$$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$1 : 4$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(sick)=\frac{1}{4+1}=\frac{1}{5}=20\%$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(positive \mid sick)}{\mathbb P(positive \mid healthy)}=\frac{0.90}{0.30},$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$3 : 1.$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(sick \mid positive)}{\mathbb P(healthy \mid positive)} = \frac{3}{4}$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$3 : 4$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$3 : 4$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$(\frac{3}{3+4} : \frac{4}{3+4}) = (\frac{3}{7} : \frac{4}{7}) \approx (0.43 : 0.57)$~$$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$\dfrac{\mathbb P(H_j)}{\mathbb P(H_k)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \mid H_j)}{\mathbb P(e \mid H_k)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_j \mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_k \mid e)}$~$$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form


Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$~$\mathbb P(X \wedge Y) = \mathbb P(Y) \cdot \mathbb P(X|Y).$~$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$ \frac{\mathbb P(H_j)}{\mathbb P(H_k)} \cdot \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 | H_j)}{\mathbb P(e_0 | H_k)} = \frac{\mathbb P(e_0 \wedge H_j)}{\mathbb P(e_0 \wedge H_k)} = \frac{\mathbb P(H_j \wedge e_0)/\mathbb P(e_0)}{\mathbb P(H_k \wedge e_0)/\mathbb P(e_0)} = \frac{\mathbb P(H_j | e_0)}{\mathbb P(H_k | e_0)} $~$$

Introduction to Bayes' rule: Odds form

$$~$ \frac{0.20}{0.80} \cdot \frac{0.90}{0.30} = \frac{0.18}{0.24} = \frac{0.18/0.42}{0.24/0.42} = \frac{0.43}{0.57} $~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(o_i|a_x)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x]$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathcal O$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathcal U$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb P(o_i|a_x)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb P(o_i|a_x).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb P(o_i),$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\ \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \! \! \rightarrow o_i).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb P(K| \neg O)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb P(\neg O \ \square \!\! \rightarrow K)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \!\! \rightarrow o_i)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$\mathsf Q(s) = \big ( \underset{\pi_x \in \Pi}{argmax} \ \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(\ulcorner \mathsf Q = \pi_x \urcorner \triangleright o_i) \big ) (s)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\pi_x \in \Pi$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\ulcorner \mathsf Q = \pi_x \urcorner$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb P(X \triangleright o_i)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$X \triangleright Y$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathbb P(\bullet \ || \ \bullet).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$X \triangleright Y$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q,$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q.$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(city)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(city)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(desert)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q,$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(city)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(city)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\ulcorner \mathsf Q \urcorner$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(warning)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(message)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\operatorname {do}().$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\operatorname {do}()$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q,$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q(city)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$(o_1, o_2)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & D_2 & C_2 \\ \hline D_1 & (\$1, \$1) & (\$3, \$0) \\ \hline C_1 & (\$0, \$3) & (\$2, \$2) \end{array}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$(\$1, \$1)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$(\$2, \$2).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathcal T$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathcal T$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\operatorname{Prov}(\mathcal T, \ulcorner S \urcorner)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$~$\mathcal T$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & Y_2 & Z_2 \\ \hline W_1 & (\$0, \$49) & (\$49, \$0) \\ \hline X_1 & (\$1, \$0) & (\$0, \$1) \end{array}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$p = \big ( \dfrac{\$5}{\$10 - q} \big ) ^ {1.01}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c|c} & Defect_2 & Cooperate_2 & Nuke_2 \\ \hline Defect_1 & (\$1, \$1) & (\$3, \$0) & (-\$100, -\$100) \\ \hline Cooperate_1 & (\$0, \$3) & (\$2, \$2) & (-\$100, -\$100) \\ \hline Nuke_1 & (-\$100, -\$100) & (-\$100, -\$100) & (-\$100, -\$100) \end{array}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Analytic Philosophers

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & \text{One-boxing predicted} & \text{Two-boxing predicted} \\ \hline \text{W: Take both boxes, no fee:} & \$500,500 & \$500 \\ \hline \text{X: Take only Box B, no fee:} & \$500,000 & \$0 \\ \hline \text{Y: Take both boxes, pay fee:} & \$1,000,100 & \$100 \\ \hline \text{Z: Take only Box B, pay fee:} & \$999,100 & -\$900 \end{array}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$(o_1, o_2)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & \text{ Player 2 Defects: } & \text{ Player 2 Cooperates: }\\ \hline \text{ Player 1 Defects: }& \text{ (2 years, 2 years) } & \text{ (0 years, 3 years) } \\ \hline \text{ Player 1 Cooperates: } & \text{ (3 years, 0 years) } & \text{ (1 year, 1 year) } \end{array}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & D_2 & C_2 \\ \hline D_1 & (\$1, \$1) & (\$3, \$0) \\ \hline C_1 & (\$0, \$3) & (\$2, \$2) \end{array}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathcal T$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathcal T$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\operatorname{Prov}(\mathcal T, \ulcorner S \urcorner)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathcal T$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(o_i|a_x)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x]$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathcal O$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathcal U$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(o_i|a_x)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(o_i|a_x).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(o_i),$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\ \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \! \! \rightarrow o_i).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(K| \neg O)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(\neg O \ \square \!\! \rightarrow K)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \!\! \rightarrow o_i)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(a_x \ \square \!\! \rightarrow o_i).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(\bullet \ || \ \bullet)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(X_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbf {pa}_i$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x) = \prod_i \mathbb P(x_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x | \operatorname{do}(X_j=x_j))$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x | \operatorname{do}(X_j=x_j)) = \prod_{i \neq j} \mathbb P(x_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$X_j = x_j$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U| \operatorname{do}(a_x)] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(o_i | \operatorname{do}(a_x))$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$$~$\mathsf Q(s) = \big ( \underset{\pi_x \in \Pi}{argmax} \ \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(\ulcorner \mathsf Q = \pi_x \urcorner \triangleright o_i) \big ) (s)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\pi_x \in \Pi$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\ulcorner \mathsf Q = \pi_x \urcorner$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P(X \triangleright o_i)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$X \triangleright Y$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$X \triangleright Y$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$X \triangleright Y$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P (X \triangleright Y)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists

$~$\mathbb P( Y | \operatorname {do}(X))$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Computer Scientists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathcal Q,$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathcal Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathcal Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(o_i|a_x)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x]$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathcal O$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathcal U$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(o_i|a_x)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(o_i|a_x).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(o_i),$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\ \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \! \! \rightarrow o_i).$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(K| \neg O)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(\neg O \ \square \!\! \rightarrow K)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U|a_x] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(a_x \ \square \!\! \rightarrow o_i)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(a_x \ \square \!\! \rightarrow o_i),$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(\bullet \ || \ \bullet)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(X_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbf {pa}_i$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x) = \prod_i \mathbb P(x_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x | \operatorname{do}(X_j=x_j))$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$$~$\mathbb P(\mathbf x | \operatorname{do}(X_j=x_j)) = \prod_{i \neq j} \mathbb P(x_i | \mathbf{pa}_i)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbf x$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal U| \operatorname{do}(a_x)] = \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(o_i | \operatorname{do}(a_x))$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$$~$\mathsf Q(s) = \big ( \underset{\pi_x \in \Pi}{argmax} \ \sum_{o_i \in \mathcal O} \mathcal U(o_i) \cdot \mathbb P(\ulcorner \mathsf Q = \pi_x \urcorner \triangleright o_i) \big ) (s)$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\pi_x \in \Pi$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\ulcorner \mathsf Q = \pi_x \urcorner$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf Q$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathbb P(X \triangleright o_i)$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$X \triangleright Y$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\operatorname {do}()$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$X \triangleright Y,$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {A}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {A}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf A,$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot},$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf A$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}.$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {CooperateBot},$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {CooperateBot},$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$~$\mathsf {Fairbot}$~$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists

$$~$p = \big ( \dfrac{\$5}{\$10 - q} \big ) ^ {1.01}$~$$

Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introduction to Logical Decision Theory for Economists


Introductory guide to logarithms

$$~$\underbrace{139}_\text{3 digits}$~$$

Introductory guide to logarithms

$~$\log_{10}(139) \approx 2.14$~$

Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function

$~$g(f(x)) = x$~$

Inverse function

$~$f(g(y)) = y$~$

Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function


Inverse function

$$~$y=f(x) = x^3\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x=f^{-1}(y) = y^{1/3}$~$$

Inverse function

$$~$y=f(x) = e^x\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x=f^{-1}(y) = ln(y)$~$$

Inverse function

$$~$y=f(x) = x+4\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x=f^{-1}(y) = y-4$~$$

Invisible background fallacies


Invisible background fallacies


Invisible background fallacies


Invisible background fallacies


Invisible background fallacies


Irrational number


Irrational number


Irrational number


Irrational number


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$(R, +, \times)$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$x \in R$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$r = a \times b$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$x \in R$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$r = a \times b$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p \mid ab$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p \mid a$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p \mid b$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p = ab$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p \mid ab$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p \mid a$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p \mid b$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p \mid a$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$a = cp$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p = ab = cpb$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$p(1-bc) = 0$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$1-bc = 0$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$bc = 1$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$a+b \sqrt{-3}$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$a, b$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$4 = 2 \times 2 = (1+\sqrt{-3})(1-\sqrt{-3})$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$2 \mid (1+\sqrt{-3})(1-\sqrt{-3})$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$2 = ab$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$N(2) = N(a)N(b)$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$N(a) N(b) = 4$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$N(x + y \sqrt{-3}) = x^2 + 3 y^2$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$N(a) = 1, N(b) = 4$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$N(a) = 2 = N(b)$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$N(x+y \sqrt{3}) = 1$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$x= \pm 1, y = \pm 0$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$a=\pm1, b=\pm2$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$N(x+y \sqrt{3}) = 2$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$y \not = 0$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$y = 0$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$x \in \mathbb{Z}$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$x^2 = 2$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$\pm 1$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)

$~$r \in R$~$

Irreducible element (ring theory)


Irreducible element (ring theory)



$~$f:A \to B$~$


$~$g: B \to A$~$










$~$gf = \mathrm {id}_A$~$


$~$fg = \mathrm {id}_B$~$

Join and meet

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Join and meet

$~$S \subseteq P$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\bigvee_P S$~$

Join and meet

$~$p \in P$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$s \in S$~$

Join and meet

$~$s \leq p$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$p \leq q$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee_P S$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee S$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee_P S$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$a, b$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$a \vee_P b$~$

Join and meet

$~$a \vee b$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Join and meet

$~$S \subseteq P$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\bigvee_P S$~$

Join and meet

$~$p \in P$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$s \in S$~$

Join and meet

$~$s \leq p$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$p \leq q$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee_P S$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee S$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee_P S$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$a, b$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$a \vee_P b$~$

Join and meet

$~$a \vee b$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\bigwedge_P S$~$

Join and meet

$~$p \in P$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$p \leq s$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$q \leq p$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigwedge S$~$

Join and meet

$~$p \wedge_P q$~$

Join and meet

$~$p \wedge q$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\bigvee \{a,b\}$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\bigvee \{c,d\}$~$

Join and meet

$~$\{c, d\}$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\{c, d\}$~$

Join and meet

$~$a \vee c = a$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee \{b,c,d\} = b$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigvee \{c\} = c$~$

Join and meet

$~$\bigwedge \{a, b, c, d\}$~$

Join and meet


Join and meet


Join and meet

$~$\bigwedge \{a,b,d\} = d$~$

Join and meet

$~$a \wedge c = c$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\langle \mathbb{R}, \leq \rangle$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$X \subseteq \mathbb{R}$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\bigvee X$~$

Join and meet: Examples


Join and meet: Examples


Join and meet: Examples

$~$\langle \mathcal{P}(X), \subseteq \rangle$~$

Join and meet: Examples


Join and meet: Examples

$~$A \subseteq \mathcal{P}(X)$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\bigvee A = \bigcup A$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$A \subseteq \mathcal{P}(X)$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\bigcup A$~$

Join and meet: Examples


Join and meet: Examples

$~$\bigcup A$~$

Join and meet: Examples


Join and meet: Examples


Join and meet: Examples


Join and meet: Examples

$~$x \in \bigcup A$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$x \in Y$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$Y \in A$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$Y \subseteq Z$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$x \in Y \subseteq Z$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$x \in \bigcup A$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$x \in Z$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\bigcup A \subseteq Z$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\bigvee A = \bigcup A$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\langle \mathbb Z_+, | \rangle$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\langle \mathbb Z_+, | \rangle$~$

Join and meet: Examples

$~$\langle \mathbb Z_+, | \rangle$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$c \vee b$~$

Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\{ c, b \}$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\{ c, b \}$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$g \vee e$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$g \vee e = j$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$j \wedge f$~$

Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\{ j, f \}$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\{ j, f \}$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\bigvee \{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l\}$~$

Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises

$~$S \subseteq P$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$p \in P$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\bigvee S$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$(\bigvee S) \vee p$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\bigvee (S \cup \{p\})$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$(\bigvee S) \vee p = \bigvee (S \cup \{p\})$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$X \subset P$~$

Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\{\bigvee S, p\}^U = (S \cup p)^U$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$q \in \{\bigvee S, p\}^U \iff$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$s \in S, q \geq \bigvee S \geq s$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$q \geq p \iff$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$q \in (S \cup \{p\})^U$~$

Join and meet: Exercises


Join and meet: Exercises

$~$S \subseteq P$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$p \in P$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\bigwedge S$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$(\bigwedge S) \wedge p$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\bigwedge (S \cup \{p\})$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$(\bigwedge S) \wedge p = \bigwedge(S \cup \{p\})$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\langle \mathbb N, | \rangle$~$

Join and meet: Exercises

$~$\bigvee \mathbb N$~$

Joint probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X \wedge Y)$~$

Joint probability

$~$\mathbb{P}(X, Y)$~$

Joint probability distribution

$$~$\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand{\cS}{\mathcal{S}} \newcommand{\cF}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\gO}{\Omega} \newcommand{\go}{\omega} \newcommand{\ts}{\times}$~$$

Joint probability distribution

$~$X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$~$

Joint probability distribution


Joint probability distribution


Joint probability distribution

$~$(X_1 \in A_1, X_2 \in A_2, \cdots, X_n \in A_n)$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\bP(A_1,A_2, \cdots, A_n)$~$

Joint probability distribution

$$~$ \newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand{\cS}{\mathcal{S}} \newcommand{\cF}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\gO}{\Omega} \newcommand{\go}{\omega} \newcommand{\ts}{\times} $~$$

Joint probability distribution

$~$X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$~$

Joint probability distribution


Joint probability distribution


Joint probability distribution

$~$(X_1 \in A_1, X_2 \in A_2, \cdots, X_n \in A_n)$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\bP(A_1,A_2, \cdots, A_n)$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\{X_i \}_{i \in I}$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$(S_i, \cS_i)$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\{X_i \}_{i \in I}$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\prod_{i \in I} S_i$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\{X_i \}_{i \in I}$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$(\gO, \cF, \bP)$~$

Joint probability distribution


Joint probability distribution


Joint probability distribution

$~$(X_1 \in A_1, X_2 \in A_2, \cdots, X_n \in A_n)$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$A_k \in \cS_k$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\{ \go \in \gO : X_1(\go) \in A_1, \cdots, X_n(\go) \in A_n\}$~$

Joint probability distribution


Joint probability distribution

$~$\go \mapsto (X_1(\go), \cdots, X_n(\go))$~$

Joint probability distribution

$~$\gO \to S_1 \ts \cdots \ts S_k$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$ \newcommand{\gO}{\Omega} \newcommand{\go}{\omega} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand{\pc}{0.4} \newcommand{\pnc}{0.6} \newcommand{\plc}{0.7} \newcommand{\fpcl}{0.9} \newcommand{\fpcnl}{0.2} \newcommand{\plnc}{0.2} \newcommand{\pscr}{0.4} \newcommand{\pscnr}{0.1} \newcommand{\psncr}{0.7} \newcommand{\psncnr}{0.9} \newcommand{\pjnclnrns}{0.0036} \newcommand{\pjclrs}{0.0784} \newcommand{\true}{\text{True}} \newcommand{\false}{\text{False}} $~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(\neg C) = 1-\bP(C)$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(L\mid C) = \plc$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(L \mid \neg C) = \plnc$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\text{Not Radiation}^{\text{TM}}$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\neg R$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(S \mid \;\; C, \;\; R) = \pscr$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(S \mid \;\; C, \neg R) = \pscnr$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(S \mid \neg C, \;\; R) = \psncr$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(S \mid \neg C, \neg R) = \psncnr$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(S \mid C, \neg R) = \pscnr$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(S \mid C,R)$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(C \mid L) = \fpcl$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(C \mid \neg L) = \fpcnl$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(L \mid C) = big$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(S \mid C, R) >\bP(S \mid C, \neg R)$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(A,B) > \bP(A)$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(L\mid \;\; C) = \plc$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(L \mid \neg C) = \plnc$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(C \mid \;\; L) = \fpcl$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(C \mid \neg L) = \fpcnl$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\neg C$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities


Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\neg L$~$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\frac{\bP(L,C)}{\bP(C)} = \bP(L \mid C)\ ,$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(\text{disease}_9 \mid \text{symptom}_2, \text{symptom}_5, \text{symptom}_{17})=0.153$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$$~$\bP(\text{outcome} = \text{survival} \mid \text{disease}_9, \text{treatment} = \text{bezoar})=0.094,$~$$

Joint probability distribution: (Motivation) coherent probabilities

$~$\bP(A,B) > \bP(A)$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$f: G \to H$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism


Kernel of group homomorphism


Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$f(g) = e_H$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism


Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$G \to H$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism


Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$f(g_1) = e_H$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$f(g_2) = e_H$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$e_H = f(g_1) f(g_2) = f(g_1 g_2)$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism


Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$f(x) = e_H$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$e_H = f(e_G) = f(x^{-1} x) = f(x^{-1}) f(x) = f(x^{-1})$~$

Kernel of group homomorphism

$~$f(e_G) = e_H$~$

Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism

$~$f: R \to S$~$

Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism

$$~$\{ r \in R \mid f(r) = 0_S \}$~$$

Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism

$~$\mathrm{id}: \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}$~$

Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism

$~$\{ 0 \}$~$

Kernel of ring homomorphism

$~$\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}$~$

Kernel of ring homomorphism

$~$n \mapsto n \pmod{2}$~$

Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism


Kernel of ring homomorphism

$~$f(1) = 0$~$

Kernel of ring homomorphism

$~$f(r) = f(r \times 1) = f(r) \times f(1) = f(r) \times 0 = 0$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$w \in W$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$M,w\models A$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$M,w\models p$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$A=B\to C$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,w\models A$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,w\not\models B$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,w\models C$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$\square B$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,w\models \square B$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,x\models B$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$M\models A$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,w\models A$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$w \in W$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,w\models A$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$\square A$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$w \in W$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$M\models A$~$

Kripke model

$~$M,x\models A$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$w\models \square A$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$\square A$~$

Kripke model

$~$M\models \square A$~$

Kripke model

$~$\square[A\to B]\to(\square A \to \square B)$~$

Kripke model

$~$w \in W$~$

Kripke model

$~$w\models \square[A\to B]$~$

Kripke model

$~$w\models \square A$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$x\models A\to B$~$

Kripke model

$~$x\models A$~$

Kripke model

$~$x\models B$~$

Kripke model


Kripke model

$~$w\models \square B$~$

Kripke model

$~$w\models\square[A\to B]\to(\square A \to \square B)$~$

Kripke model

$~$M\models\square[A\to B]\to(\square A \to \square B)$~$

Kripke model


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$1, 2, 3, 4, 5$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$1, 2, 3$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$gH = \{ g h : h \in H \}$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$ge = g$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$H \to gH$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$h \in H$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$gH \to H$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$gx \mapsto g^{-1} g x = x$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$x \in rH$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$x \in sH$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$rH = sH$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$x \in rH$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$x \in sH$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$x = r h_1$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$x = s h_2$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$h_1, h_2 \in H$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$r h_1 = s h_2$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$s^{-1} r h_1 = h_2$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$s^{-1} r = h_2 h_1^{-1}$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$s^{-1} r$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$r^{-1} s$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$\{ s h : h \in H \}$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$\{ r h : h \in H\}$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$a = rh$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$s^{-1} a = s^{-1} r h$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$s^{-1} r$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$s^{-1} r h$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$s^{-1} a$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$a \in s H$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$a = sh$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$r^{-1} a = r^{-1} s h$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$r^{-1} s$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$r^{-1} s h$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$r^{-1} a$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version

$~$a \in rH$~$

Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lagrange theorem on subgroup size: Intuitive version


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$f\ x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.f(x)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.x+1$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda xy.x+y$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda xy$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.x+1$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.M)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(M\ N)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.M)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.M)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(M\ N)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$((\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x\ y))))\ x)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x+y)))$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x+y))$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x+y)))$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$f\ x\ y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(f\ x)\ y$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$f\ (x\ y)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.(\lambda y.(x+y))$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.\lambda y.x)+y$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.(\lambda y.x)+y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda xy.x+y$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y)\ 6\ 3$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda y.6+y)\ 3$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$((\lambda x.M)\ N)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$((\lambda x.M)\ N)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.f\ x$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda y.f\ y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda y.\lambda y.y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.f\ x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.f\ x)\ x$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$f\ x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.(M\ x))$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\mathbb N^2\to\mathbb N$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda y.x+y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.\lambda y.x+y)\ 6=\lambda y.6+y$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\mathbb N\to(\mathbb N\to\mathbb N)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$d=\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ x)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$d\ d$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ x))\ (\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ x))$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ (f\ (f\ x)))$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$d\ d$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.x\ x)\ d$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.x\ x)\ (\lambda f.\lambda x.f\ (f\ x))$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$x = a; f\ x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$(\lambda x.f\ x)\ a$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$I = (\lambda p.\lambda x.\lambda y.$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$I\ True\ x\ y=x$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$I\ False\ x\ y=y$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$F = \lambda n.I\ (Z\ n)\ 1\ (n\times(F\ (n-1)))$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$n\times F(n-1)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$$~$F=(\lambda x.x\ x)\ (\lambda r.\lambda n.I\ (Z\ n)\ 1\ (n\times(r\ r\ (n-1))))$~$$

Lambda calculus

$~$g=\lambda r.\lambda n.I\ (Z\ n)\ 1\ (n\times(r\ r\ (n-1)))$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$F=(\lambda x.x\ x)\ g=g\ g$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$g\ g=\lambda n.I\ (Z\ n)\ 1\ (n\times(g\ g\ (n-1)))$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$g\ g=F$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$\lambda n.I\ (Z\ n)\ 1\ (n\times(F\ (n-1)))$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$f=\lambda x.h\ f\ x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$h=\lambda f.\lambda n.I\ (Z\ n)\ 1\ (n\times(f\ (n-1)))$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$Y\ h$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$f=Y\ h$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$f=\lambda x.h\ f\ x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$h=\lambda f.\lambda x.f x=\lambda f.f$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$100\times F(99)=100\times 99\times F(98)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$Y\ h=\lambda x.h\ (Y\ h)\ x$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$Y\ h=h\ (Y\ h)$~$

Lambda calculus

$~$Y\ h$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$h\ f=f$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$h\ f$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$i=\lambda n.n$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$h\ i$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$h\ (h\ i)$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus

$~$h\ F=F$~$

Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Lambda calculus


Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$X_1, \dots, X_n$~$

Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$\dfrac{M + 1}{M + N + 2}$~$

Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$1 - f$~$

Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$1 \cdot f^M(1 - f)^N.$~$

Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$\int_0^1 f^M(1 - f)^N \operatorname{d}\!f = \frac{M!N!}{(M + N + 1)!}.$~$

Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$f^M(1 - f)^N \frac{(M + N + 1)!}{M!N!}.$~$

Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$\dfrac{(M+1)!N!}{(M + N + 2)!} \cdot \dfrac{(M + N + 1)!}{M!N!} = \dfrac{M + 1}{M + N + 2}.$~$

Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession


Laplace's Rule of Succession

$~$\dfrac{M + \dfrac{1}{2}}{M + N + 1}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p, q \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$(p \vee q) \vee r = p \vee (q \vee r)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$(p \wedge q) \wedge r = p \wedge (q \wedge r)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = q \vee p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge q = q \wedge p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee p = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge p = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee (p \wedge q) = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge (p \vee q) = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p,q,r \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$(p \vee q) \vee r = p \vee (q \vee r)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$(p \wedge q) \wedge r = p \wedge (q \wedge r)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = q \vee p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge q = q \wedge p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee p = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge p = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee (p \wedge q) = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge (p \vee q) = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$S \subseteq P$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \in P$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\bigvee S$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$(\bigvee S) \vee p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\bigvee (S \cup \{p\})$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$(\bigvee S) \vee p = \bigvee (S \cup \{p\})$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p,q,r,s \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$s = p \vee (q \vee r)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$$~$p \vee (q \vee r) = (q \vee r) \vee p = (\bigvee \{q, r\}) \vee p = \bigvee (\{q, r\} \cup \{p\}) =$~$$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$$~$\bigvee \{ q, r, p \} = \bigvee (\{p, q\} \cup \{r\}) = (\bigvee \{p, q\}) \vee r = (p \vee q) \vee r.$~$$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p,q \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = \bigvee \{ p, q \} = q \vee p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee p = \bigvee \{ p \} = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee p = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge p = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge q$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge q \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$(p \wedge q) \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\{p, p \wedge q\}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee (p \wedge q) \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee (p \wedge q)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\{p, p \wedge q\}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \leq p \vee (p \wedge q)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p = p \vee (p \wedge q)$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$S = \{ s_1, …, s_n \}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\bigvee S$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\bigvee \{ s_1 \} = s_1 \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\bigvee \{s_1, …, s_i \}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\bigvee \{s_1, …, s_{i+1} \} = \bigvee \{s_1, …, s_i \} \vee s_{i+1}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\bigvee \{s_1, …, s_i \} \vee s_{i+1}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p,q \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = p \Leftrightarrow q \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \wedge q = p \Leftrightarrow q \geq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = p \Leftrightarrow q \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$q \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$q \leq p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\{p, q\}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\{p, q\}$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)


Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = p$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\langle L, \vee, \wedge \rangle$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$\langle L, \leq \rangle$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p, q \in L$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \leq q$~$

Lattice (Order Theory)

$~$p \vee q = q$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$\newcommand{\nsubg}{\mathcal N \mbox{-} Sub~G}$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$\langle \nsubg, \subseteq \rangle$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H, K \in \nsubg$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \wedge K = H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \vee K = HK = \{ hk \mid h \in H, k \in K \}$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H,K \in \nsubg$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \wedge K = H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$a,b \in H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$a \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$b \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$ab \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$ab \in K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$ab \in H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$a \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$a \in K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$a^{-1} \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$a^{-1} \in K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$a^{-1} \in H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$e \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$e \in K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$e \in H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$a \in G$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$a^{-1}(H \cap K)a = a^{-1}Ha \cap a^{-1}Ka = H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$H \cap K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H, K \in \nsubg$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$H \vee K = HK = \{ hk \mid h \in H, k \in K \}$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$hk, h'k' \in HK$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$kH = Hk$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$h'' \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$kh' = h''k$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$hkh'k' = hh''kk' \in HK$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$hk \in HK$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$(hk)^{-1} = k^{-1}h^{-1} \in k^{-1}H = Hk^{-1} \subseteq HK$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$e \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$e \in K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$e = ee \in HK$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$a \in G$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$a^{-1}HKa = Ha^{-1}Ka = HKa^{-1}a = HK$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$h \in H$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$k \in K$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$hk \not\in F$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$h \in F$~$

Lattice: Examples

$~$k \in F$~$

Lattice: Examples


Lattice: Examples

$~$hk \in F$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$p, q, r \in L$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$p \wedge (q \vee r) = (p \wedge q) \vee (p \wedge r)$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$p \wedge (q \vee r) = p \neq t = (p \wedge q) \vee (p \wedge r)$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigwedge J \leq \bigvee K$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$p \in J$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$p \in K$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigwedge J$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigwedge J \leq p$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigvee K$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$p \leq \bigvee K$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigwedge J \leq p \leq \bigvee K$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$j \in J$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$k \in K$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$j \leq k$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigvee J \leq \bigwedge K$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$j \in J$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$j \leq \bigwedge K$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigwedge K$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigvee J \leq \bigwedge K$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$m \times n$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$$~$\bigvee_{i=1}^m \bigwedge_{j=1}^n A_{ij} \leq \bigwedge_{j=1}^n \bigvee_{i=1}^m A_{ij}$~$$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$3 \times 3$~$

Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises


Lattice: Exercises

$~$(a \wedge b \wedge c) \vee (d \wedge e \wedge f) \vee (g \wedge h \wedge i) \leq (a \vee d \vee g) \wedge (b \vee e \vee h) \wedge (c \vee f \vee i)$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$$~$\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i \\ \end{array} \right]$~$$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$J = \{ a \wedge b \wedge c, d \wedge e \wedge f, g \wedge h \wedge i \}$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$K = \{ a \vee d \vee g, b \vee e \vee h, c \vee f \vee i \}$~$

Lattice: Exercises

$~$\bigvee J \leq \bigwedge K$~$

Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple

$~$a=12, b=10$~$

Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple

$~$a, b$~$

Least common multiple

$$~$a\cdot b = \text{GCD}(a,b) \cdot \text{LCM}(a,b). $~$$

Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple

$~$12=2 \cdot 2 \cdot 3$~$

Least common multiple

$~$10=2 \cdot 5$~$

Least common multiple


Least common multiple

$~$60=2 \cdot 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5$~$

Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Least common multiple


Left cosets are all in bijection


Left cosets are all in bijection


Left cosets are all in bijection


Left cosets are all in bijection


Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$aH, bH$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$f: aH \to bH$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$x \mapsto b a^{-1} x$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$x \in aH$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$x = ah$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$ba^{-1} a x = bx$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$f(x) \in bH$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$b a^{-1} x = b a^{-1} y$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$a b^{-1}$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$x = y$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$b h \in b H $~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$x \in aH$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$f(x) = bh$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$x = a h$~$

Left cosets are all in bijection

$~$f(x) = b a^{-1} a h = b h$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$g \in gH$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$aH = cH = bH$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$c \in aH$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$k \in H$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$c = ak$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$cH = \{ ch : h \in H \} = \{ akh : h \in H \}$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$\{ akh : h \in H \} = \{ ar : r \in H \}$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$r = k k^{-1} r$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$a k k^{-1} r$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$k^{-1} r$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group

$~$cH = bH$~$

Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Left cosets partition the parent group


Life in logspace







$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H_S) = 0.20.$~$










$~$\mathbb P$~$






$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H_i).$~$


$~$\mathcal L_e(H_i)$~$























Likelihood function


Likelihood function

$~$\mathcal H.$~$

Likelihood function

$~$H_i \in \mathcal H$~$

Likelihood function


Likelihood function

$~$\mathcal L_{e}(H_i)$~$

Likelihood function

$~$H_i \in \mathcal H$~$

Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function

$$~$\mathcal L_{e_c}(h) = \begin{cases} 0.2 & \text{if $h = H_S$} \\ 0.1 & \text{if $h = H_M$} \\ 0.01 & \text{if $h = H_P$} \\ \end{cases} $~$$

Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function


Likelihood function

$~$b \in [0, 1]$~$

Likelihood function

$$~$\mathcal L_{e_{HTT}}(H_b) = b\cdot (1-b)\cdot (1-b).$~$$

Likelihood function


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$~$2^6 = 64$~$

Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$~$(5/6)^5 \cdot (1/6)^1 \approx 6.7\%$~$

Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$~$2 \times \frac{1}{6} = \frac{1}{3}.$~$

Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$~$2^{20} : 1$~$

Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$~$\mathbb P(X)$~$

Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$~$\mathbb P(X \mid Y)$~$

Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$$~$\mathbb P(H) = \left(P(H \mid e) \cdot P(e)\right) + \left(P(H\mid \neg e) \cdot P(\neg e)\right).$~$$

Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis


Likelihood functions, p-values, and the replication crisis

$~$\neg e.$~$

Likelihood notation


Likelihood notation


Likelihood notation


Likelihood notation


Likelihood notation

$~$\mathcal L_e(H)$~$

Likelihood notation

$~$\mathcal L(H \mid e).$~$

Likelihood notation

$~$\mathcal L(H \mid e) = \mathbb P(e \mid H).$~$

Likelihood notation

$~$\mathbb P(H \mid e)$~$

Likelihood notation

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H)$~$

Likelihood notation

$~$\mathcal L_e(H) = \mathbb P(e \mid H).$~$

Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio


Likelihood ratio

$~$(5 : 1).$~$






$~$X^{\le \omega}$~$






$~$X^{< \omega}$~$










$~$A\le B$~$






$~$\bigwedge A_i$~$


$~$A \wedge B$~$








$~$\bigvee A_i$~$


$~$A \vee B$~$








$~$A\wedge \bigvee A_i = \bigvee (A \wedge A_i)$~$




$~$A \le B$~$


$~$A \rightarrow B$~$
































$~$f(\vee S) = \vee f(S)$~$




$~$f(\wedge S) = \wedge f(S)$~$


$~$f:A\rightarrow B$~$

Log as generalized length

$$~$ \begin{align} \log_{10}(2) &\ \approx 0.30 \\ \log_{10}(7) &\ \approx 0.85 \\ \log_{10}(22) &\ \approx 1.34 \\ \log_{10}(70) &\ \approx 1.85 \\ \log_{10}(139) &\ \approx 2.14 \\ \log_{10}(316) &\ \approx 2.50 \\ \log_{10}(123456) &\ \approx 5.09 \\ \log_{10}(654321) &\ \approx 5.82 \\ \log_{10}(123456789) &\ \approx 8.09 \\ \log_{10}(\underbrace{987654321}_\text{9 digits}) &\ \approx 8.99 \end{align} $~$$

Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length

$$~$ \begin{align} \log_2(3) = \log_2(\texttt{11}) &\ \approx 1.58 \\ \log_2(7) = \log_2(\texttt{111}) &\ \approx 2.81 \\ \log_2(13) = \log_2(\texttt{1101}) &\ \approx 3.70 \\ \log_2(22) = \log_2(\texttt{10110}) &\ \approx 4.46 \\ \log_2(70) = \log_2(\texttt{1010001}) &\ \approx 6.13 \\ \log_2(139) = \log_2(\texttt{10001011}) &\ \approx 7.12 \\ \log_2(316) = \log_2(\texttt{1100101010}) &\ \approx 8.30 \\ \log_2(1000) = \log_2(\underbrace{\texttt{1111101000}}_\text{10 digits}) &\ \approx 9.97 \end{align} $~$$

Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length

$~$\log_{10}(316) \approx 2.5.$~$

Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length

$~$\log_{10}(200) \approx 2.301,$~$

Log as generalized length

$~$(\log_{10}(200) - 2)$~$

Log as generalized length

$~$\log_{10}(500) \approx 2.7$~$

Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length

$~$\log_{10}(316) \approx 2.5$~$

Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length

$~$10\cdot 8\cdot 4 = 320$~$

Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length

$~$0 < x < 1$~$

Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length


Log as generalized length

$$~$\underbrace{\text{2,310,426}}_\text{7 digits}$~$$

Log as generalized length


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$6 \cdot 10 \cdot 7 = 420$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$6^3 < 420 < 6^4.$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$\log_2(6) * 4 \approx 10.33$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$\log_2(2) + 3\cdot \log_2(6) \approx 8.75$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$= \log_2(6)$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$= \log_{10}(6)$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$= \log_6(10)$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$= \log_2(10)$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$\log_b(1) = 0,$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$\log_b(b) = 1,$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$\log_b\left(\frac{1}{b}\right) = -1,$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$\log_b(x\cdot y) = \log_b(x) + \log_b(y),$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$n = x \cdot y$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$x\cdot y$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating

$~$\log_b(x^n) = n \cdot log_b(x),$~$

Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log as the change in the cost of communicating


Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity

$~$z(x) = 0$~$

Log base infinity

$~$x \in$~$

Log base infinity

$~$\mathbb R^+$~$

Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity

$~$\log(b) = 1.$~$

Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity


Log base infinity















$~$10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 = 1000,$~$




$~$2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 = 16.$~$






$~$b^x = n.$~$


$~$\log_b(1) = 0$~$


$~$\log_b(b) = 1$~$


$~$\log_b(x\cdot y) = log_b(x) + \log_b(y)$~$


$~$\log_b(\frac{x}{y}) = \log_b(x) - \log_b(y)$~$


$~$\log_b(x^n) = n\log_b(x)$~$


$~$\log_b(\sqrt[n]{x}) = \frac{\log_b(x)}{n}$~$


$~$\log_b(n) = \frac{\log_a(n)}{\log_a(b)}$~$






$~$\log_b(b^n) = n$~$


$~$b^{\log_b(n)} = n.$~$






$~$\log_{10}(1024) \approx 3$~$






















$~$\log_{10}(316) \approx 2.5,$~$


$~$316 \approx$~$


$~$10 \cdot 10 \cdot \sqrt{10},$~$












$~$6 < \log_2(100) < 7$~$






$~$b^x = n,$~$










$~$\mathbb R$~$


$~$\mathbb C$~$


$~$\log_b(1) = 0$~$




$~$\log_b(b) = 1$~$




$~$\log_b(x\cdot y) = log_b(x) + \log_b(y)$~$


$~$\log_b(x^n) = n\log_b(x)$~$


$~$\log_a(n) = \frac{\log_b(n)}{\log_b(a)}$~$






$~$b^{\ \cdot}.$~$


$~$\log_b(n) = x$~$


$~$b^x = n,$~$





















Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$\log(1 \cdot 1) = \log(1) + \log(1)$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$x > 1$~$

Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$0 < x < 1$~$

Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$\log(1 \cdot 1) = \log(1) + \log(1)$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$x > 1$~$

Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$0 < x < 1$~$

Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$\mathbb R^+$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$\mathbb R \cup \{ \infty, -\infty \}.$~$

Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$x > 1$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$\{ \infty \}$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$0 < x < 1$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$\{ -\infty \}$~$

Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$(1, \infty)$~$

Logarithm base 1


Logarithm base 1

$~$(0, 1)$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$0 \in \log_1(1)$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$1 \in \log_1(1)$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$\log_1(1) + \log_1(1) \in \log_1(1 \cdot 1)$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$7 \in log_1(1^7)$~$

Logarithm base 1

$~$15 \in 1^{\log_1(15)}$~$

Logarithm tutorial overview


Logarithm tutorial overview

$$~$\underbrace{\text{2,310,426}}_\text{7 digits}$~$$

Logarithm tutorial overview


Logarithm tutorial overview


Logarithm tutorial overview


Logarithm tutorial overview

$~$f(x \cdot y) = f(x) + f(y)$~$

Logarithm tutorial overview

$~$x, y \in$~$

Logarithm tutorial overview

$~$\mathbb R^+$~$

Logarithm tutorial overview


Logarithm tutorial overview


Logarithm: Examples


Logarithm: Examples


Logarithm: Examples

$~$\log_2(3)\approx 1.58.$~$

Logarithm: Exercises


Logarithmic identities

$~$b^{\log_b(n)} = \log_b(b^n) = n.$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(1) = 0$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(b) = 1$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(x\cdot y) = log_b(x) + \log_b(y).$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(x^n) = n\log_b(x).$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$x^{\log_b(y)} = y^{\log_b(x)}.$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(n) = \frac{\log_a(n)}{\log_a(b)}$~$

Logarithmic identities


Logarithmic identities


Logarithmic identities


Logarithmic identities


Logarithmic identities

$~$b^{\log_b(n)} = \log_b(b^n) = n.$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(1) = 0$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(b) = 1$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(x\cdot y) = log_b(x) + \log_b(y).$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_b(x^n) = n\log_b(x).$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$x^{\log_b(y)} = y^{\log_b(x)}.$~$

Logarithmic identities

$~$\log_a(n) = \frac{\log_b(n)}{\log_b(a)}$~$

Logarithms invert exponentials


Logarithms invert exponentials


Logarithms invert exponentials

$~$\log_b(n) = x$~$

Logarithms invert exponentials

$~$b^x = n,$~$

Logarithms invert exponentials


Logarithms invert exponentials


Logarithms invert exponentials

$~$\log_2(2^3) = 3$~$

Logarithms invert exponentials

$~$2^{\log_2(8)} = 8.$~$

Logical Induction (incomplete)

$$~$\mathbb{E}_{now}(X) = \mathbb{E}_{now}(\mathbb{E}_{future}(X))$~$$

Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)

$~$M(A\cup B)=M(A)+M(B)$~$

Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)


Logical Induction (incomplete)

$~$P(X |\perp)$~$

Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions

$~$\forall x: X(x)\rightarrow x>3$~$

Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions

$~$k\le n$~$

Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions

$~$x\le y$~$

Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical Inductor Notation and Definitions


Logical system

$~$\Sigma^* = \{\neg,\wedge,\vee,=,+,\cdot ,0,a_1,a_2,a_3,…\}^*$~$

Logical system


Logical system


Logical system

$~$A\rightarrow B$~$

Logical system


Logical system


Logical system


Logical system


Logistic function

$~$(0, 1)$~$

Logistic function

$~$\displaystyle f(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$~$

Logistic function

$~$(0, 1)$~$

Logistic function

$~$\displaystyle f(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$~$

Logistic function

$~$\displaystyle f(x) = \frac{M}{1 + \alpha^{c(x_0 - x)}}$~$

Logistic function


Logistic function

$~$(0, M)$~$

Logistic function

$~$M = 1$~$

Logistic function


Logistic function


Logistic function


Logistic function


Logistic function

$~$\alpha = 2$~$

Logistic function

$~$\alpha = 10$~$

Logistic function

$~$c = 1/400$~$

Low impact


Low impact


Low impact


Low impact


Low impact


Low impact

$~$\mathcal M$~$

Low impact

$~$M \in \mathcal M,$~$

Low impact


Low impact


Low impact

$~$%% o_M - o_M^' %%$~$

Low impact


Low impact


Low impact


Low impact

$~$\mathbb E[%% (o | \pi_0) - (o | \pi_k) %%].$~$

Low impact


Low impact


Löb's theorem

$~$PA\vdash Prv_{PA}(A)\implies A$~$

Löb's theorem

$~$PA\vdash A$~$

Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem

$~$Prv(S)\implies S$~$

Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem

$~$PA\vdash Prv(S)\implies S$~$

Löb's theorem

$~$PA\vdash S$~$

Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem

$~$PA\vdash Prv(S)\implies S$~$

Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem


Löb's theorem

$~$PA\nvdash Prv(0= 1)\implies 0= 1$~$

Löb's theorem

$~$PA\nvdash \neg Prv(0= 1)$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\vdash X$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\vdash L(X)$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\vdash \neg X$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\vdash L(X)$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\vdash L(X)$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\vdash \neg X$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\vdash X$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs


Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\not\vdash X$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs

$~$PA\not\vdash \square_{PA} X \rightarrow X$~$

Löb's theorem and computer programs

































$~$\square_{D1}A\rightarrow \square_{D2}A$~$









Mapsto notation


Mapsto notation


Mapsto notation

$~$f(x) = x^2$~$

Mapsto notation

$$~$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$~$$

Mapsto notation

$$~$x \mapsto x^2.$~$$

Mapsto notation

$$~$f : \mathbb{R} \ni x \mapsto x^2 \in \mathbb{R}.$~$$

Math 2 example statements

$~$ax^2 + bx + c$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$\displaystyle \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$b^2 - 4ac$~$

Math 2 example statements


Math 2 example statements

$~$x^2 + 1 = 0$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$\begin{matrix}ax + by = c \\ dx + ey = f\end{matrix}$~$

Math 2 example statements


Math 2 example statements


Math 2 example statements


Math 2 example statements

$~$\displaystyle \frac{bf - ce}{bd - ae}$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$\frac{d}{dx} x^n = nx^{n-1}$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$m^n = n^m$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$m < n$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$m = (1 + \frac 1x)^x$~$

Math 2 example statements

$~$n = (1 + \frac 1x)^{x+1}$~$

Math 2 example statements


Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements

$~$h \in G$~$

Math 3 example statements

$~$f: V \to W$~$

Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements

$~${F_1, F_2, F_3, \ldots}$~$

Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements

$~$\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty F_n$~$

Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements

$~$\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{s^n}$~$

Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements


Math 3 example statements

$~$\newcommand{\pd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}$~$

Math 3 example statements

$~$f: \mathbb{R}^m \to \mathbb{R}^n$~$

Math 3 example statements

$~$\left[ \begin{matrix} \pd{y_1}{x_1} & \pd{y_1}{x_2} & \cdots & \pd{y_1}{x_m} \\ \pd{y_2}{x_1} & \pd{y_2}{x_2} & \cdots & \pd{y_2}{x_m} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \pd{y_n}{x_1} & \pd{y_n}{x_2} & \cdots & \pd{y_n}{x_m} \end{matrix} \right]$~$

Math 3 example statements

$~$x = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m)$~$

Math 3 example statements

$~$y = f(x) = (y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_n)$~$

Math 3 example statements

$~$\displaystyle \frac{d\mathbf{y}}{d\mathbf{x}}$~$

Math 3 example statements

$~$\displaystyle \frac{d(y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_n)}{d(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m)}$~$

Math playpen

$$~$\mathcal{P}e^{i \oint_C A_\mu dx^\mu} \to g(x) \mathcal{P}e^{i \oint_C A_\mu dx^\mu} g^{-1}(x)\,$~$$

Math style guidelines

$~$\{f(x) \mid x \in S\}$~$

Math style guidelines


Math style guidelines


Math style guidelines

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Math style guidelines


Math style guidelines

$~$\mathbb N^+$~$

Math style guidelines

$~$\mathbb N^+$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$k \geq m$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$$~$ 1 + 2 + \cdots + n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$~$$

Mathematical induction

$~$n \ge 1$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$$~$ 1 = \frac{1(1+1)}{2} = \frac{2}{2} = 1.$~$$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$$~$1 + 2 + \cdots + k = \frac{k(k+1)}{2}$~$$

Mathematical induction

$$~$ 1 + 2 + \cdots + k + (k+1) = \frac{(k+1)([k+1]+1)}{2}.$~$$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$$~$1+2+\cdots + k + (k+1) = \frac{k(k+1)}{2} + k + 1.$~$$

Mathematical induction

$$~$\frac{k(k+1)}{2} + \frac{2(k+1)}{2} = \frac{(k+2)(k+1)}{2} = \frac{(k+1)([k+1]+1)}{2}.$~$$

Mathematical induction

$$~$ 1 + 2 + \cdots + k + (k+1) = \frac{(k+1)([k+1]+1)}{2}$~$$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$n \ge 1$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$k \ge 1$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$n \ge 1$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$n \ge m$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$k \ge m$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$n \ge m$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$k \ge m$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$m \le \ell < k$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$x\leq 1$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$x\ge 0$~$

Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction


Mathematical induction

$~$0 \le y < x$~$

Mathematical induction


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Meta-rules for (narrow) value learning are still unsolved


Methodology of unbounded analysis


Methodology of unbounded analysis


Methodology of unbounded analysis


Methodology of unbounded analysis


Methodology of unbounded analysis


Methodology of unbounded analysis


Methodology of unbounded analysis







$~$d : S \times S \to \mathbb R_{\ge 0}$~$


$~$a,b,c \in S$~$


$~$d(a,b) = 0 \Leftrightarrow a = b$~$


$~$d(a,b) = d(b,a)$~$


$~$d(a,b) + d(b,c) \geq d(a,c)$~$










$$~$d: S \times S \to [0, \infty)$~$$




























$~$d(a, b) = 0 \iff a = b$~$


$~$d(a, b) = d(b, a)$~$


$~$d(a, b) + d(b, c) \geq d(a, c)$~$








































$~$d(a, b)$~$


$~$e(a, b)$~$








$~$d(a, b) = \sqrt{(a_1-b_1)^2 + (a_2-b_2)^2}$~$




$~$d(a, b) = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n (a_i-b_i)^2}$~$


$~$d(a, b) = \sum_{i=1}^n |a_i-b_i|$~$

Mild optimization


Mild optimization


Mild optimization


Mild optimization

$~$O <_p O'$~$

Mild optimization


Mild optimization


Mind design space is wide


Mind design space is wide


Mind design space is wide


Mind design space is wide


Mind design space is wide


Mind design space is wide


Mind design space is wide


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative

$~$F_1, F_2$~$

Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Missing the weird alternative


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$\phi(x) \leftrightarrow \square x(\phi)$~$

Modal combat

$~$\psi(x)\leftrightarrow \neg\square x(\psi)$~$

Modal combat

$~$\psi(\phi)\leftrightarrow \neg\square\phi(\psi)\leftrightarrow \neg\square\square\psi (\phi)$~$

Modal combat

$~$GL\vdash \psi(\phi)\leftrightarrow \neg [\square \bot \vee \square\square\bot \wedge \neg\square \bot] $~$

Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$DB(x)\leftrightarrow \bot$~$

Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$FB(x) \leftrightarrow \square x(FB)$~$

Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$FB(FB)\leftrightarrow \square FB(FB)$~$

Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$FB(DB)\leftrightarrow \square \bot$~$

Modal combat

$~$\square \bot$~$

Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$CB(x)\leftrightarrow \top$~$

Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$PB(x)\leftrightarrow\square [x(PB)\wedge \neg\square\bot \rightarrow \neg x(DB)]$~$

Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat

$~$TB(x)\leftrightarrow \square x(DB)$~$

Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal combat


Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic

$~$\diamond A \iff \neg \square \neg A$~$

Modal logic

$~$\square A$~$

Modal logic


Modal logic

$~$\neg\square \bot$~$

Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic

$~$\square A$~$

Modal logic


Modal logic


Modal logic

$~$A\to B$~$

Modal logic


Modal logic

$~$\neg A = A\to \bot$~$

Modal logic


Modal logic


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence

$~$\square p \wedge q$~$

Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modalized modal sentence


Modeling AI control with humans


Modular arithmetic

$~$9 + 6 = 15$~$

Modular arithmetic

$~$9 + 6$~$

Modular arithmetic

$~$9 + 6 = 15$~$




$~$(X, \diamond)$~$








$~$x \diamond y$~$




$~$x, y \in X$~$


$~$x \diamond y$~$








$~$x, y$~$








$~$x, y, z$~$




$~$x(yz) = (xy)z$~$










$~$xe = ex = x.$~$


$~$x \diamond y \in X$~$




































$~$ze = e = ez = z.$~$












$~$M = (X, \diamond)$~$












$~$x \diamond y$~$








$~$x, y \in X$~$




$~$x, y \in M$~$








$~$\mathbb N$~$





Monotone function

$~$\langle P, \leq_P \rangle$~$

Monotone function

$~$\langle Q, \leq_Q \rangle$~$

Monotone function

$~$\phi : P \rightarrow Q$~$

Monotone function

$~$s, t \in P$~$

Monotone function

$~$s \le_P t$~$

Monotone function

$~$\phi(s) \le_Q \phi(t)$~$

Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function

$~$c \leq_P a$~$

Monotone function

$~$\phi(c) = u \leq_Q t = \phi(a)$~$

Monotone function

$~$b \leq_P a$~$

Monotone function

$~$\phi(b) = t \leq_Q t = \phi(a)$~$

Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function


Monotone function

$~$a \leq_P b$~$

Monotone function

$~$\phi(a) = v \parallel_Q u = \phi(b)$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$Alph = \langle \{A,…,Z\}, \leq_{Alph} \rangle$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$false <_{\textbf{2}} true$~$

Monotone function: examples

$~$f : Alph \to \textbf{2}$~$

Monotone function: examples

$~$f(\star) \doteq Q >_{Alph} \star$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$\star_2 \leq_{Alph} \star_1$~$

Monotone function: examples

$~$f(\star_2) \leq_{\textbf{2}} f(\star_1)$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$\phi \wedge \psi$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$\phi \to \psi$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$\phi \wedge \psi$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$F : \mathcal P(X) \to \mathcal P(X)$~$

Monotone function: examples

$~$F(A) = \\ ~~ \{ \phi \wedge \psi\mid\phi \in A, \psi \in A \} \cup \\ ~~ \{ \phi \mid \phi \wedge \psi \in A \} \cup \\ ~~ \{ \psi \mid \phi \wedge \psi \in A \} \cup \\ ~~ \{ \phi \mid \psi \in A, \psi \to \phi \in A \}$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$\langle \mathcal P(X), \subseteq \rangle$~$

Monotone function: examples


Monotone function: examples

$~$\langle \mathbb R, \le \rangle$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$P, Q$~$

Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises

$~$f : P \to Q$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$g : Q \to R$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$g \circ f$~$

Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises

$~$f : P \to Q$~$

Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises

$~$p_1 \leq_P p_2$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$f(p_1) \geq_Q f(p_2)$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$f : P \times A \to Q$~$

Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises

$~$a \in A$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$p_1 \leq_P p_2$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$f(a, p_1) \leq_Q f(a, p_2)$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$f : A \times P \to Q$~$

Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises

$~$a \in A$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$p_1 \leq_P p_2$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$f(p_1, a) \leq_Q f(p_2, a)$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$P, Q, R$~$

Monotone function: exercises


Monotone function: exercises

$~$f : P \times Q \to R$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$g_1 : S \to P$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$g_2 : S \to Q$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$h : S \to R$~$

Monotone function: exercises

$~$h(s) \doteq f(g_1(s), g_2(s))$~$

Moral uncertainty

$~$\Delta U$~$

Moral uncertainty


Moral uncertainty


Moral uncertainty


Moral uncertainty

$~$0.5 \cdot U_1 + 0.5 \cdot U_2.$~$

Most complex things are not very compressible


Multiple stage fallacy

$~$0.50 \cdot 0.50 = 0.25.$~$

Multiple stage fallacy

$~$0.50 \cdot 0.50 = 0.25$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{m} \times \frac{b}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$1 \times \frac{b}{n} = \frac{b}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$2 \times \frac{3}{5}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{3}{5} + \frac{3}{5}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$2 \times \frac{3}{5}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$m \times \frac{a}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a \times m}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$m \times \frac{a}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$2 \times \frac{3}{5}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a \times m$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a \times m}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$-5 \times \frac{2}{3}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$-5 \times \frac{2}{3} = \frac{-10}{3}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$n \times \frac{a}{n} = \frac{a \times m}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{m} + \frac{b}{n} = \frac{b}{n} + \frac{a}{m}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$2 \times \frac{3}{5}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{3}{5} \times 2$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{m} \times \frac{b}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{b}{n} \times \frac{a}{m}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{-5}{7} \times \frac{2}{3}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{n} \times a$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{n} = a \times \frac{1}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{1} \times \frac{1}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{1} \times \frac{1}{n} = \frac{a \times 1}{1 \times n} = \frac{a}{n}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} = 1$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a \times c}{b \times d}$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a \times c$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$b \times d$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$c = b$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$d = a$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a \times b}{b \times a} = \frac{a \times b}{a \times b} = \frac{1}{1} = 1$~$

Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Multiplication of rational numbers (Math 0)


Mutually exclusive and exhaustive


Mutually exclusive and exhaustive

$~$\forall i: \forall j: i \neq j \implies \mathbb{P}(X_i \wedge X_j) = 0.$~$

Mutually exclusive and exhaustive

$~$\mathbb{P}(X_i \vee X_j) = \mathbb{P}(X_i) + \mathbb{P}(X_j) - \mathbb{P}(X_j \wedge X_j) = \mathbb{P}(X_i) + \mathbb{P}(X_j).$~$

Mutually exclusive and exhaustive


Mutually exclusive and exhaustive


Mutually exclusive and exhaustive


Mutually exclusive and exhaustive


Mutually exclusive and exhaustive

$~$\mathbb{P}(X_1 \vee X_2 \vee \dots \vee X_N) = 1.$~$

Mutually exclusive and exhaustive

$~$\displaystyle \sum_i \mathbb{P}(X_i) = 1.$~$

Natural number

$~$\mathbb N.$~$

Natural number

$~$\mathbb N.$~$

Natural number

$~$2 + 3 = 5$~$

Natural number

$~$2 \cdot 3 = 6$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$\{0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots\}$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$n < m$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$5 = 2'''$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$2 < 5$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$a < b$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$b < c$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$a < c$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$a < b$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$b < c$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$c < a$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$2 < 4$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$4 < 6$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$2 < 6$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$a < b$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$b = a''''^\ldots$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$b < c$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$c = b''''^\ldots$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$c = b''''^\ldots = (a''''^\ldots)''''^\ldots$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$4 + 3$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$4 = 0''''$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$4 + 3 = 3'''' = 7$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$4 \times 3$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$4 = 0''''$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$4 \times 3 = 0 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$\{1, 3, 5, 7, 9,\ldots\}$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$a + b = c$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$n + 3 = 2$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$a \times b = c$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets

$~$n \times 2 = 3$~$

Natural numbers: Intro to Number Sets


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Nearest unblocked strategy


Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions

$~$ Q \equiv \neg P$~$

Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions

$~$\neg P$~$

Negation of propositions


Negation of propositions

$~$\neg P$~$

Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup

$~$h \in G$~$

Normal subgroup

$~$\{ h n h^{-1} : n \in N \} = N$~$

Normal subgroup

$~$hNh^{-1} = N$~$

Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup


Normal subgroup


Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash A$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash \square A$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash A\rightarrow B$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash A$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash B$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$\square(A\rightarrow B)\rightarrow (\square A \rightarrow \square B)$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash F(p)$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash F(H)$~$

Normal system of provability logic


Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash \square(A_1\wedge … \wedge A_n)\leftrightarrow (\square A_1 \wedge … \wedge \square A_n)$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash A\rightarrow B$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash \square A \rightarrow \square B$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash \diamond A \rightarrow \diamond B$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash \diamond A \wedge \square B \rightarrow \diamond (A\wedge B)$~$

Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash A\leftrightarrow B$~$

Normal system of provability logic


Normal system of provability logic


Normal system of provability logic

$~$L\vdash F(A)\leftrightarrow F(B)$~$

Normalization (probability)

$~$3:2 \cong \frac{3}{3+2} : \frac{2}{3+2} = 0.6 : 0.4.$~$

Normalization (probability)

$~$\frac{3}{3+2} : \frac{2}{3+2} = 0.6 : 0.4.$~$

Normalization (probability)

$~$m : n$~$

Normalization (probability)

$~$\frac{m}{m+n} : \frac{n}{m+n},$~$

Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)

$~$\mathbb{P}(H_i) = \frac{\mathbb{O}(H_i)}{\sum_i \mathbb{O}(H_i)}$~$

Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)


Normalization (probability)

$~$\mathbb{P}(x) = \frac{\mathbb{O}(x)}{\int \mathbb{O}(x) \operatorname{d}x}$~$

Normalization (probability)

$~$\mathbb{P}(H) \propto \mathbb{O}(H) \implies \mathbb{P}(H) = \frac{\mathbb{O}(H)}{\sum \mathbb{O}(H)}$~$

Note on 1x1 Convolutions

$$~$ \vec{y_{n}}=(\mathbf{W_n}^T \times \vec{y_{n-1}} + \vec{b_n})+\mathbf{W_{new}}^T (\mathbf{W_n}^T \times \vec{y_{n-1}} + \vec{b_n}) $~$$

Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions

$~$\{1\} \to A$~$

Object identity via interactions

$~$\{1\} \to B$~$

Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions

$~$A = \{ 5, 6 \}$~$

Object identity via interactions

$~$\{1\} \to A$~$

Object identity via interactions

$~$f: 1 \mapsto 5$~$

Object identity via interactions

$~$g: 1 \mapsto 6$~$

Object identity via interactions

$~$5 \in A$~$

Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions

$~$6 \in A$~$

Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions

$~$\{ f, g \}$~$

Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions


Object identity via interactions

$~$\{1\} \to B$~$


$~$2:3 = \frac{2}{3+2}:\frac{3}{3+2} = 0.4:0.6.$~$



Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i \mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j \mid e)} = \frac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)} \times \frac{\mathbb P(e \mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e \mid H_j)} \tag{1}.$~$$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \frac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e\mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)} \tag{2}.$~$$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$~$\lnot H_i$~$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$~$\lnot H_i$~$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i \mid e)}{\mathbb P(\lnot H_i \mid e)} = \frac{\mathbb P(H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(e \mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(\lnot H_i)\cdot \mathbb P(e \mid \lnot H_i)}.$~$$

Odds form to probability form

$~$\mathbb P(\lnot H_i)\cdot \mathbb P(e \mid \lnot H_i)$~$

Odds form to probability form

$~$\lnot H_i$~$

Odds form to probability form

$~$\lnot H_i$~$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$~$\lnot H_i$~$

Odds form to probability form

$~$\mathbb P(H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(e \mid H_k)$~$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i \mid e)}{\mathbb P(\lnot H_i \mid e)} = \frac{\mathbb P(e \mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_{k \neq i} \mathbb P(e \mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)}.$~$$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$~$\lnot H_i.$~$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$~$\lnot H_i$~$

Odds form to probability form


Odds form to probability form

$~$3 : 4$~$

Odds form to probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \frac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e\mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)}.$~$$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(x : y)$~$

Odds: Introduction


Odds: Introduction

$~$(\alpha x : \alpha y).$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(r : b : g)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(p_r : p_b : p_g)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$p_r + p_g + p_b$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(p_r : p_b : p_g)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(r : b : g)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(1 : 2 : 1)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\frac{1}{4} : \frac{2}{4} : \frac{1}{4},$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(r : b)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(a : b : c \ldots)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$(a + b + c \ldots)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$$~$\left(\frac{a}{a + b + c \ldots} : \frac{b}{a + b + c \ldots} : \frac{c}{a + b + c \ldots}\ldots\right)$~$$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\mathbb P(R) = \frac{1}{4}$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\mathbb P(B) = \frac{1}{2}.$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\mathbb P(R) : \mathbb P(B) = \left(\frac{1}{4} : \frac{1}{2}\right),$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\left(\frac{\mathbb P(R)}{\mathbb P(B)} : 1\right)$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(R)}{\mathbb P(B)}$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(R)}{\mathbb P(B)} = \frac{1}{2},$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(R)}{\mathbb P(B)}$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\left(\frac{\mathbb P(R)}{\mathbb P(B)} : 1\right).$~$

Odds: Introduction


Odds: Introduction


Odds: Introduction


Odds: Introduction


Odds: Introduction

$~$(x : y),$~$

Odds: Introduction

$~$\left(\frac{x}{y} : 1\right).$~$

Odds: Refresher

$~$(2 : 3).$~$

Odds: Refresher

$~$(x : y)$~$

Odds: Refresher


Odds: Refresher

$~$(\alpha x : \alpha y).$~$

Odds: Refresher

$~$A, B, C$~$

Odds: Refresher

$~$\mathbb P(A) + \mathbb P(B) + \mathbb P(C)$~$

Odds: Refresher


Odds: Refresher


Odds: Refresher

$~$(a : b : c)$~$

Odds: Refresher

$~$(\frac{a}{a + b + c} : \frac{b}{a + b + c} : \frac{c}{a + b + c}).$~$

Odds: Refresher


Odds: Refresher


Odds: Refresher


Odds: Refresher


Odds: Refresher

$~$(x : y),$~$

Odds: Refresher

$~$\left(\frac{x}{y} : 1\right).$~$

Odds: Refresher

$~$(x : y)$~$

Odds: Refresher


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$17 : 2$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$17 : 2$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(17 : 2 : 100).$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$2 : 3.$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$X_1, X_2, \ldots X_n,$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_n)$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\alpha > 0$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$ \alpha x_i = y_i$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(x_1 : x_2 : \ldots : x_n),$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(3 : 6) = (9 : 18).$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(x : y).$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(3 : 2 : 6).$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$$~$(x_1 : x_2 : \dots : x_n) = \left(\frac{x_1}{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i} : \frac{x_2}{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i} : \dots : \frac{x_n}{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i}\right)$~$$

Odds: Technical explanation

$$~$(1 : 3) = \left(\frac{1}{1+3}:\frac{3}{1+3}\right) = ( 0.25 : 0.75 )$~$$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\mathbb P(X) + \mathbb P(\neg X) = 1,$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\neg X$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\neg X$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\mathbb P(X) : \mathbb P(\neg X)$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\mathbb P(X) : 1 - \mathbb P(X).$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(0.2 : 1 - 0.2)$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(0.2 : 0.8)$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(1 : 4).$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$$~$\dfrac{\mathbb{P}(H_i\mid e_0)}{\mathbb{P}(H_j\mid e_0)} = \dfrac{\mathbb{P}(e_0\mid H_i)}{\mathbb{P}(e_0\mid H_j)} \cdot \dfrac{\mathbb{P}(H_i)}{\mathbb{P}(H_j)}$~$$

Odds: Technical explanation

$$~$(6 : 3 : 1) \times (6 : 1 : 9) \times (2 : 8 : 1) = (72 : 24 : 9) = (24 : 8: 3)$~$$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\mathbb{P}(X) : \mathbb{P}(\neg X)$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\frac{\mathbb{P}(X)}{\mathbb{P}(\neg X)}$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$[0, +\infty]$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\log\left(\frac{\mathbb{P}(X)}{\mathbb{P}(\neg X)}\right),$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$\log_2(1:4) = \log_2(0.25) = -2.$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$[-\infty, +\infty]$~$

Odds: Technical explanation

$~$(0, 1).$~$

Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Odds: Technical explanation


Of arguments and wagers

$~$100; if I lose I pay $~$

Of arguments and wagers

$~$0.10 against $~$

Ontology identification problem


Ontology identification problem


Ontology identification problem: Technical tutorial


Ontology identification problem: Technical tutorial


Operations in Set theory


Operations in Set theory


Operations in Set theory


Operations in Set theory























$~$\mathbb N$~$


$~$\mathbb N$~$




$~$\mathbb N$~$


$~$\mathbb N$~$










$~$\mathbb Z$~$


$~$\mathbb Z$~$


$~$\mathbb Z$~$




$~$\mathbb N$~$


$~$\mathbb N$~$






$~$\mathbb N$~$






$~$f(a, b, c, d) = ac - bd$~$

Optimizing with comparisons


Optimizing with comparisons


Optimizing with comparisons


Optimizing with comparisons


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$x \in X$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$x \in X$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$$~$|G| = |\mathrm{Stab}_G(x)| \times |\mathrm{Orb}_G(x)|$~$$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$| \cdot |$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$x \in X$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$$~$|G| = |\mathrm{Stab}_G(x)| \times |\mathrm{Orb}_G(x)|$~$$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$| \cdot |$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$$~$|\mathrm{Orb}_G(x)| |\mathrm{Stab}_G(x)| = |\{ \text{left cosets of} \ \mathrm{Stab}_G(x) \}| |\mathrm{Stab}_G(x)|$~$$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$\theta: \mathrm{Orb}_G(x) \to \{ \text{left cosets of} \ \mathrm{Stab}_G(x) \}$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$$~$g(x) \mapsto g \mathrm{Stab}_G(x)$~$$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g \in G$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g(x) = h(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g \mathrm{Stab}_G(x) = h \mathrm{Stab}_G(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$h^{-1}g(x) = x$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$h^{-1}g \in \mathrm{Stab}_G(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g \mathrm{Stab}_G(x) = h \mathrm{Stab}_G(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$h^{-1} g \in \mathrm{Stab}_G(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$h^{-1}g(x) = x$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g(x) = h(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g \mathrm{Stab}_G(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g(x) \in \mathrm{Orb}_G(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Orbit-stabiliser theorem

$~$g \mathrm{Stab}_G(x)$~$

Orbit-stabiliser theorem


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group

$~$g \in G$~$

Order of a group


Order of a group

$~$g^n = e$~$

Order of a group


Order of a group

$~$g \in G$~$

Order of a group

$~$\langle g \rangle = \{ 1, g, g^2, \dots \}$~$

Order of a group


Order of a group


Order of a group element


Order of a group element

$~$(G, +)$~$

Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element

$~$\langle g \rangle$~$

Order of a group element


Order of a group element

$~$\{ e, g, g^2, \dots, g^{-1}, g^{-2}, \dots \}$~$

Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of a group element


Order of operations

$~$2 - 4 + 3$~$

Order of operations

$~$2 - 4$~$

Order of operations

$~$4 + 3$~$

Order of operations


Order of operations


Order of operations

$~$7 + 8 \times 9 - 6$~$

Order of operations


Order of operations


Order of operations

$~$3 + 7 \times 2^{(6 + 8)}$~$

Order of operations

$$~$3 + 7 \times 2^{14}$~$$

Order of operations

$$~$3 + 7 \times 16384$~$$

Order of operations

$$~$3 + 114688$~$$

Order of operations


Order of operations

$~$48 \div 2 (9 + 3)$~$

Order of operations


Order of operations

$~$2 \times (3 + 5)$~$

Order of operations


Order of operations

$$~$\begin{align*} 48 \div 2 (9 + 3) &= 48 \div 2 (12) \\ &= 48 \div 24 \\ &= 2 \end{align*}$~$$

Order of operations

$$~$\begin{align*} 48 \div 2 (9 + 3) &= 48 \div 2 \times 12 \\ &= 24 \times 12 \\ &= 288 \end{align*}$~$$

Order relation


Order relation


Order relation

$~$a \in S$~$

Order relation

$~$a \le a$~$

Order relation

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Order relation

$~$a \le b$~$

Order relation

$~$b \le a$~$

Order relation

$~$a = b$~$

Order relation

$~$a, b, c \in S$~$

Order relation

$~$a \le b$~$

Order relation

$~$b \le c$~$

Order relation

$~$a \le c$~$

Order relation


Order relation

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Order relation

$~$a \le b$~$

Order relation

$~$b \le a$~$

Order relation

$~$a = b$~$

Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation

$~$y \in X$~$

Order relation

$~$x \leq y$~$

Order relation


Order relation

$~$a \ge b$~$

Order relation

$~$b \le a$~$

Order relation

$~$(S, \le)$~$

Order relation


Order relation

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Order relation

$~$a < b$~$

Order relation

$~$a \le b$~$

Order relation

$~$a \neq b$~$

Order relation


Order relation

$~$a > b$~$

Order relation

$~$b \le a$~$

Order relation

$~$a \neq b$~$

Order relation


Order relation


Order relation

$~$a \leq b$~$

Order relation

$~$b \leq a$~$

Order relation


Order relation


Order relation

$~$a \parallel b$~$

Order relation

$~$(S, \leq)$~$

Order relation


Order relation

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Order relation

$~$a \prec b$~$

Order relation

$~$a < b$~$

Order relation

$~$s \in S$~$

Order relation

$~$a \leq s < b$~$

Order relation

$~$a = s$~$

Order relation

$~$a \prec b$~$

Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation

$~$a \prec b$~$

Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order relation


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory

$~$\{ (Monday, Tuesday), (Tuesday, Wednesday), … \}$~$

Order theory

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory

$~$p,q,r \in P$~$

Order theory

$~$p \leq p$~$

Order theory

$~$p \leq q$~$

Order theory

$~$q \leq r$~$

Order theory

$~$p \leq r$~$

Order theory

$~$p \leq q$~$

Order theory

$~$q \leq p$~$

Order theory

$~$p = q$~$

Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Order theory

$~$a \leq b$~$

Order theory

$~$b \leq a$~$

Order theory

$~$a \parallel b$~$

Order theory


Order theory


Order theory

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Order theory


Order theory


Order theory


Ordered ring


Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$a,b,c \in X$~$

Ordered ring

$~$a \leq b$~$

Ordered ring

$~$a \oplus c \leq b \oplus c$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq a$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq b$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq a \otimes b$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring


Ordered ring


Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$a \leq 0$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq -a$~$

Ordered ring

$~$a \leq 0$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$a+(-a) = 0 \leq -a$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq -a$~$

Ordered ring

$~$a \leq -a+a = 0$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring


Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$a,b \leq 0$~$

Ordered ring

$~$a+(-a) = 0 \leq -a$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq -b$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq -a \otimes -b$~$

Ordered ring

$~$-a \otimes -b = a \otimes b$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq a \otimes b$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq a$~$

Ordered ring

$~$a \leq 0$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq a^2$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq a^2$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq a^2$~$

Ordered ring

$~$1 \geq 0$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$1 = 1 \otimes 1$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Ordered ring

$~$\mathbb Q$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$0 \le i$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \le i \times i = -1$~$

Ordered ring

$~$i \le 0$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 = i + (-i) \le 0 + (-i)$~$

Ordered ring

$~$0 \le (-i) \times (-i) = -1$~$

Ordered ring


Ordered ring

$~$0 \leq -1$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{16}{107} - \frac{3}{20}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{16}{107} - \frac{3}{20} = -\frac{1}{2140}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$0 < \frac{5}{16}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$0 < 0$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$0 > 0$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{6} - \frac{3}{4}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{3}{4} - \frac{3}{4}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{5}{6} > \frac{3}{4}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$-\frac{9}{11} + \frac{3}{5} = -\frac{12}{55}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{c}{d} - \frac{a}{b}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{c}{d} - \frac{a}{b} = \frac{c \times b - a \times d}{b \times d}$~$$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{-1}{-1} = 1$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{b} = \frac{-a}{-b}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$b, d$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{c \times b - a \times d}{b \times d}$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$c \times b - a \times d$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$cb > ad$~$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)


Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{c}{d} - \frac{a}{b} = \frac{-c}{-d} - \frac{a}{b} = \frac{(-c) \times b - a \times (-d)}{b \times (-d)}$~$$

Ordering of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$b \times (-d)$~$

Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis

$~$>_{paperclips} \ll_W <_V$~$

Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Orthogonality Thesis


Other-izing (wanted: new optimization idiom)


Other-izing (wanted: new optimization idiom)


P vs NP


P vs NP


P vs NP

$~$P\subseteq NP$~$

P vs NP

$~$P \supseteq NP$~$

P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP

$~$P \neq NP$~$

P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP


P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP


P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP

$~$P \neq NP$~$

P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP

$~$P \neq NP,$~$

P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP

$~$P \neq NP$~$

P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP

$~$P \neq NP$~$

P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP


P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP


P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP


P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP


P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP


P vs NP: Arguments against P=NP

$~$P \neq NP$~$

Partial function

$~$f: A \to B$~$

Partial function


Partial function

$~$a \in A$~$

Partial function

$~$a = b$~$

Partial function


Partial function


Partial function

$~$f(a) = f(b)$~$

Partial function


Partial function

$~$f: A \rightharpoonup B$~$

Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function

$~$x \in A$~$

Partial function

$~$f(x) \in B$~$

Partial function


Partial function

$~$(a, b)$~$

Partial function

$~$x \in A$~$

Partial function


Partial function

$~$(a, b)$~$

Partial function


Partial function

$~$a \in A$~$

Partial function

$~$b \in B$~$

Partial function

$~$(a, b)$~$

Partial function

$~$(a, c)$~$

Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function

$~$(a, b)$~$

Partial function


Partial function

$~$a \in A$~$

Partial function

$~$b \in B$~$

Partial function

$~$(a, b)$~$

Partial function

$~$(a, c)$~$

Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function

$~$f: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function

$~$n = 3$~$

Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function


Partial function

$~$f(3) = 1$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p,q,r \in P$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq p$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$q \leq r$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq r$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$q \leq p$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p = q$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p,q,r \in P$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq p$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$q \leq r$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq r$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$q \leq p$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p = q$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$a \geq b$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$b \leq a$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$q \leq p$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p \parallel q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p, q \in P$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p < q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \neq q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p,q \in P$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \prec q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p < q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$r \in P$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq r < q$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p = r$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \prec q$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p \prec q$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$P = \{ p, q, r \}$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\leq = \{(p,p),(p,q)(p,r),(q,q),(q,r),(r,r) \}$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$(p,q) \in P^2$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$p \prec q$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$t \parallel r$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P^{\partial}, \geq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\forall P. \phi$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\forall P. \phi^{\partial}$~$

Partially ordered set

$~$\forall P. \phi$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\forall P. \phi^{\partial}$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$a \leq b$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$a \geq b$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$\langle P, \leq \rangle$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p,q \in P$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set

$~$p \leq q$~$

Partially ordered set


Partially ordered set


Patch resistance

$~$alarm \rightarrow burglar, \ earthquake \rightarrow alarm,$~$

Patch resistance

$~$(alarm \wedge earthquake) \rightarrow \neg burglar.$~$

Patch resistance


Patch resistance

$~$l \gg k.$~$

Peano Arithmetic

$~$\left\{(,),\wedge,\vee,\neg,\to,\leftrightarrow,\in,\forall,\exists,=,+,\cdot,O,S,N \right\}$~$

Peano Arithmetic

$~$x, y, z, \dots$~$

Peano Arithmetic


Peano Arithmetic


Peano Arithmetic


Peano Arithmetic


Peano Arithmetic


Peano Arithmetic


Peano Arithmetic

$~$\forall x \in N\; Sx \cdot Sx = x\cdot x + SSO \cdot x + SO$~$

Peano Arithmetic

$~$\exists x\in N \; SSO\cdot x = SSSO$~$















Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$$~$A_n = \frac{q^n}{n!} \int_0^{\pi} [x (\pi - x)]^n \sin(x) dx$~$$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$A_n = (4n-2) q A_{n-1} - (q \pi)^2 A_{n-2}$~$

Pi is irrational

$$~$A_0 = \int_0^{\pi} \sin(x) dx = 2$~$$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$$~$A_1 = q \int_0^{\pi} x (\pi-x) \sin(x) dx$~$$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$$~$\frac{A_1}{q} = \int_0^{\pi} x (\pi-x) \sin(x) dx = \pi \int_0^{\pi} x \sin(x) dx - \int_0^{\pi} x^2 \sin(x) dx$~$$

Pi is irrational

$$~$[-x \cos(x)]_0^{\pi} + \int_0^{\pi} \cos(x) dx = \pi$~$$

Pi is irrational

$$~$[-x^2 \cos(x)]_{0}^{\pi} + \int_0^{\pi} 2x \cos(x) dx$~$$

Pi is irrational

$$~$\pi^2 + 2 \left( [x \sin(x)]_0^{\pi} - \int_0^{\pi} \sin(x) dx \right)$~$$

Pi is irrational

$$~$\pi^2 -4$~$$

Pi is irrational

$$~$\frac{A_1}{q} = \pi^2 - (\pi^2 - 4) = 4$~$$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$q \pi$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$(4n-2) q A_{n-1}$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$(q \pi)^2 A_{n-2}$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$A_n \to 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$n \to \infty$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$\int_0^{\pi} [x (\pi-x)]^n \sin(x) dx$~$

Pi is irrational

$$~$\pi \times \max_{0 \leq x \leq \pi} [x (\pi-x)]^n \sin(x) \leq \pi \times \max_{0 \leq x \leq \pi} [x (\pi-x)]^n = \pi \times \left[\frac{\pi^2}{4}\right]^n$~$$

Pi is irrational

$$~$|A_n| \leq \frac{1}{n!} \left[\frac{\pi^2 q}{4}\right]^n$~$$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$\frac{\pi^2 q}{4}$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$\frac{r^n}{n!} \to 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$n \to \infty$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$r > 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$$~$\frac{r^{n+1}/(n+1)!}{r^n/n!} = \frac{r}{n+1}$~$$

Pi is irrational

$~$n > 2r-1$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$p, q$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$q \pi$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$A_n \to 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$n \to \infty$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$|A_n| < \frac{1}{2}$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$n > N$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$A_0 = 2$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$A_1 = 4q$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$A_n = 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$n \geq N$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$N > 1$~$

Pi is irrational

$$~$0 = A_{N+1} = (4N-2) q A_N - (q \pi)^2 A_{N-1} = - (q \pi)^2 A_{N-1}$~$$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$\pi = 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$A_{N-1} = 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$q \not = 0$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$\pi \not = 0$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational

$~$A_n = 0$~$

Pi is irrational

$~$n \geq m$~$

Pi is irrational


Pi is irrational


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$\mathbb Z$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$\langle \mathbb Z, \leq \rangle$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$\langle \mathcal{P}(X), \subseteq \rangle$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$A,B \in \mathcal{P}(X)$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$A \subseteq B$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$B \subseteq A$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$x \in A \Leftrightarrow x \in B$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$A = B$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$A, B, C \in \mathcal{P}(X)$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$A \subseteq B$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$B \subseteq C$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$x \in A \Rightarrow x \in B$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$x \in B \Rightarrow x \in C$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$\langle \mathcal{P}(X), \subseteq \rangle$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$\langle \mathbb{N}, | \rangle$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$a = k_1b$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$b = k_2a$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$a = k_1k_2a$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$a = k_1k_2a$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$a = b$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples


Poset: Examples

$~$a = k_1b$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$b = k_2c$~$

Poset: Examples

$~$a = k_1k_2c$~$

Poset: Examples


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$A \in \mathcal{M}(X)$~$

Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$1_A : X \rightarrow \mathbb N$~$

Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$A, B \in \mathcal M(X)$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$A \subseteq B$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$x \in X$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$1_A(x) \leq 1_B(x)$~$

Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$p, q \in P$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$q \prec p$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$\{ r \in P~|~r \leq p \}$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$\{ r \in P~|~r \leq q\}$~$

Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$p, q \in P$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$q \succ p$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$\{ r \in P~|~r \geq p \}$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$\{ r \in P~|~r \geq q\}$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$q \succ p$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$p \prec q$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$X = \{ x, y, z \}$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$\langle \mathcal P(X), \subseteq \rangle$~$

Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$\langle \mathbb R, \leq \rangle$~$

Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$0 < 1$~$

Poset: Exercises


Poset: Exercises

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$x \in \mathbb R$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$x > 0$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$y \in \mathbb R$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$0 < y < x$~$

Poset: Exercises

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Posterior probability


Posterior probability


Posterior probability

$~$\mathbb P(H\mid e).$~$

Power set

$~$\mathcal P (X)$~$

Power set


Power set


Power set

$~$Y \subseteq X$~$

Power set

$~$Y \in \mathcal P (X)$~$

Power set

$~$\mathcal P (X)$~$

Power set


Power set


Power set

$~$Y \subseteq X$~$

Power set

$~$Y \in \mathcal P (X)$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$~$\displaystyle\liminf_{n\to\infty}\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})=\liminf_{n\to\infty}\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{m}(A_{n})$~$

Preemptive Learning

$~$\displaystyle\limsup_{n\to\infty}\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})=\limsup_{n\to\infty}\inf_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{m}(A_{n})$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$~$\le b$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$~$\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{m}(A_{n})$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$~$\displaystyle\lim_{k\to\infty}\alpha_{k}\neq 0$~$

Preemptive Learning

$~$\displaystyle\liminf_{n\to\infty}\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})=\liminf_{n\to\infty}\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{m}(A_{n})$~$

Preemptive Learning

$~$\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{m}(A_{n})\ge\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})$~$

Preemptive Learning

$~$\displaystyle\liminf_{n\to\infty}\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})<\liminf_{n\to\infty}\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{m}(A_{n})$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$~$\displaystyle\liminf_{n\to\infty}\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})<b-\varepsilon<b+\varepsilon<\liminf_{n\to\infty}\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{m}(A_{n})$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$~$\forall n>s_{e}:\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})>b+\varepsilon$~$

Preemptive Learning

$~$\forall s_{e}\exists n>s_{e}:\sup_{m\ge n}\mathbb{P}_{n}(A_{n})\le b+\varepsilon$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$$~$T_{k}^{k}:=Ind_{\varepsilon/2}(A_{k}^{\dagger * k}<b-\varepsilon/2)\cdot (A_{k}^{\dagger}-A_{k}^{\dagger * k})$~$$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$$~$F_{n}:=Ind_{\varepsilon/2}(A_{k}^{\dagger * n}>b+\varepsilon/2)\left(1-\sum_{k<i<n}F_{i}\right)$~$$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$$~$T_{n}^{k}:=-F_{n}\cdot T_{k}^{k}$~$$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning

$~$\sum_{k<i\le n}F_{i}\le 1$~$

Preemptive Learning

$~$F_{n}\ge 0$~$

Preemptive Learning


Preemptive Learning


Preference framework


Preference framework


Prime element of a ring

$~$(R, +, \times)$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$p \in R$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$p \mid ab$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$p \mid a$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$p \mid b$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$p \mid ab$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$p \mid a$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$p \mid b$~$

Prime element of a ring

$~$ab \in \langle p \rangle$~$

Prime element of a ring


Prime element of a ring


Prime element of a ring

$~$\langle p \rangle$~$

Prime element of a ring


Prime number

$~$n > 1$~$

Prime number


Prime number

$~$n \mid ab$~$

Prime number


Prime number


Prime number

$~$n \mid a$~$

Prime number

$~$n \mid b$~$

Prime number


Prime number


Prime number


Prime number


Prime number


Prime number


Prime number

$~$5, 7, 11, 13, \dots$~$

Prime number


Prime number

$~$6, 8, 9, 10, 12, \dots$~$

Prime number

$~$2 \times 3 = 3 \times 2$~$

Prime number


Prime number


Prime number


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Prime order groups are cyclic


Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{16}+\frac{1}{32}+\ldots = 1$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{16}+\frac{1}{32}+\ldots = 1$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{16}+\frac{1}{32}+\ldots \approx \text{ (is approximately equal to) }1$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8} \approx 1$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{16}+\frac{1}{32} \approx 1$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$ \text{Circumference }(C) = \pi \cdot \text{Diameter }(D) = 2\pi \cdot \text{Radius }(r)$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$ \text{Area of a Circle}(A) = \pi \cdot r^2$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series

$~$\frac{C}{D} = \pi$~$

Primer on Infinite Series

$~$C=\pi D$~$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\text{Area of polygon with }n \text{ sides} = \text{sum of } n \text{ triangles}$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$~$= \frac{1}{2} \cdot \text{base}\cdot \text{height}$~$

Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\text{Area of polygon with }n \text{ sides} = \underbrace{\frac{1}{2}sh+\frac{1}{2}sh+\ldots+\frac{1}{2}sh}_{n \text{ times}}$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\text{Area of polygon with }n \text{ sides} = \frac{1}{2}h(\underbrace{s+s+\ldots+s}_{n \text{ times}})$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series


Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\text{Area of polygon} = \frac{1}{2}hP$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$ \text{Area of polygon} \rightarrow \text{Area of a Circle}(A)$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$h \rightarrow r$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$P \rightarrow C$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$ A = \frac{1}{2}rC = \frac{1}{2}r(\pi D) = \frac{1}{2}r(\pi(2r))=\pi r^2$~$$

Primer on Infinite Series

$$~$\text{infinite sum} = \text{finite number}$~$$

Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain

$~$i \in I$~$

Principal ideal domain

$~$\langle i \rangle = I$~$

Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain

$~$\{ 0 \}$~$

Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain

$~$\langle 2, X \rangle$~$

Principal ideal domain


Principal ideal domain

$~$3 \times 2 = 0$~$

Principal ideal domain

$~$\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{2} (1+\sqrt{-19})]$~$

Principal ideal domain


Prior probability


Prior probability

$~$\mathbb P(H)$~$

Prior probability


Prior probability

$~$\mathbb P(H\mid e).$~$

Prior probability

$~$\mathbb P (H\mid I_0)$~$

Prior probability


Prior probability


Prior probability

$~$\mathbb P(X)$~$

Prior probability


Prior probability


Prior probability

$~$\mathbb P(H\mid e_0)$~$

Prior probability

$~$\mathbb P(H\mid e_1 \wedge e_0).$~$

Prisoner's Dilemma


Prisoner's Dilemma


Prisoner's Dilemma

$~$(p_1, p_2)$~$

Prisoner's Dilemma

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & D_2 & C_2 \\ \hline D_1 & (\$1, \$1) & (\$3, \$0) \\ \hline C_1 & (\$0, \$3) & (\$2, \$2) \end{array}$~$$

Prisoner's Dilemma

$~$(o_1, o_2)$~$

Prisoner's Dilemma

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & \text{ Player 2 Defects: } & \text{ Player 2 Cooperates: }\\ \hline \text{ Player 1 Defects: }& \text{ (2 years, 2 years) } & \text{ (0 years, 3 years) } \\ \hline \text{ Player 1 Cooperates: } & \text{ (3 years, 0 years) } & \text{ (1 year, 1 year) } \end{array}$~$$

Prisoner's Dilemma


Prisoner's Dilemma


Prisoner's Dilemma

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & D_2 & C_2 \\ \hline D_1 & (\$1, \$1) & (\$3, \$0) \\ \hline C_1 & (\$0, \$3) & (\$2, \$2) \end{array}$~$$






$~$\mathbb{P}(X \wedge Y) = 0 \implies \mathbb{P}(X \vee Y) = \mathbb{P}(X) + \mathbb{P}(Y).$~$




$~$\mathbb{P}(\neg X) = 1 - \mathbb{P}(X)$~$


$~$\mathbb{P}(X \wedge Y)$~$


$~$\mathbb{P}(X \vee Y)$~$


$~$\mathbb{P}(X|Y) := \frac{\mathbb{P}(X \wedge Y}{\mathbb{P}(Y)}$~$







Probability distribution (countable sample space)


Probability distribution (countable sample space)

$~$\mathbb{P}: \Omega \to [0,1]$~$

Probability distribution (countable sample space)

$~$\sum_{\omega \in \Omega} \mathbb{P}(\omega) = 1$~$

Probability distribution (countable sample space)


Probability distribution (countable sample space)

$~$\mathbb{P}: \Omega \to [0,1]$~$

Probability distribution (countable sample space)

$~$\sum_{\omega \in \Omega} \mathbb{P}(\omega) = 1$~$

Probability distribution (countable sample space)

$~$x\in \Omega$~$

Probability distribution (countable sample space)


Probability distribution (countable sample space)

$~$\mathbb{P}(x) = r$~$

Probability distribution (countable sample space)


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick).$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$$~$ \begin{align} sick, \text{age }1, \text{Afghanistan} \\ healthy, \text{age }1, \text{Afghanistan} \\ sick, \text{age }2, \text{Afghanistan} \\ \vdots \\ sick, \text{age }29, \text{Albania} \\ healthy, \text{age }29, \text{Albania} \\ sick, \text{age }30, \text{Albania} \\ \vdots \end{align} $~$$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$2 \cdot 150 \cdot 196 = 58800,$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P(\text{Health}=sick),$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition


Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability distribution: Motivated definition

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples

$~$\frac{M + 1}{M + N + 2}.$~$

Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability interpretations: Examples


Probability notation for Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(H).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(H \mid e).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(H).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(H \mid e).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule


Probability notation for Bayes' rule


Probability notation for Bayes' rule


Probability notation for Bayes' rule

$$~$\dfrac{\mathbb P(H_1)}{\mathbb P(H_2)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \mid H_1)}{\mathbb P(e \mid H_2)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_1\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_2\mid e)}.$~$$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb{P}(X\mid Y)$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{left}\mid \mathrm{right})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{yellow}\mid \mathrm{banana})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{banana}\mid \mathrm{yellow})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$L \wedge R$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(L\mid R) = \frac{\mathbb P(L \wedge R)}{\mathbb P(R)}$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$$~$\begin{array}{l|r|r} & Red & Blue \\ \hline Square & 1 & 2 \\ \hline Round & 3 & 4 \end{array}$~$$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{red} \mid \mathrm{round}) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(\mathrm{red} \wedge \mathrm{round})}{\mathbb P(\mathrm{round})} \propto \dfrac{3}{3 + 4} = \frac{3}{7}$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{square} \mid \mathrm{blue}) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(\mathrm{square} \wedge \mathrm{blue})}{\mathbb P(\mathrm{blue})} \propto \dfrac{2}{2 + 4} = \frac{1}{3}$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$$~$\begin{array}{l|r|r} & Sick & Healthy \\ \hline Test + & 18\% & 24\% \\ \hline Test - & 2\% & 56\% \end{array}$~$$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\cdot),$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\cdot \mid \mathrm{positive}).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{sick}\mid \mathrm{positive})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{sick}).$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(L \wedge R)$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(R)$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{hypothesis}\mid \mathrm{evidence})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\cdot\mid \mathrm{evidence}),$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{hypothesis}),$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{evidence}\mid \mathrm{hypothesis})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\cdot \mid \cdot)$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{redhair}\mid \mathrm{Scarlet}) = 99\%,$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{redhair}\mid \mathrm{Scarlet}),$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{Scarlet}\mid \mathrm{redhair}),$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{redhair}\mid \mathrm{Scarlet})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)


Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{redhair}\mid \mathrm{Scarlet})$~$

Probability notation for Bayes' rule: Intro (Math 1)

$~$\mathbb P(\mathrm{Scarlet}\mid \mathrm{redhair})$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$U_1, U_2, U_3.$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\mathbb O$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$$~$\forall o_j \in \mathbb O \colon \exists i \colon \ U_i(o_j) \ll \max_{o \in \mathbb O} U_i(o) $~$$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$u_1, u_2, u_3$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$v_1, v_2, v_3$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\mathbb O$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$u_{\Delta U}$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$$~$0.5 \cdot U_2(u_{\Delta U}) + 0.5 \cdot U_3(u_{\Delta U}) \ < \ 0.5 \cdot U_2(v_2) + 0.5 \cdot U_3(v_3)$~$$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U | E.$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U | E$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$u_{\Delta U | E}$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U|E$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U.$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$U_\Delta = \sum_i \mathbb P_{\Delta}(i) \cdot U_i,$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\mathbb P_\Delta$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta \dot U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\dot U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$T \approx V,$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U | E \approx T$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U | E \approx V,$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U | E$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U | e_0$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U,$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U,$~$

Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference


Problem of fully updated deference

$~$\Delta U$~$

Product (Category Theory)


Product (Category Theory)


Product (Category Theory)


Product (Category Theory)


Product (Category Theory)


Product (Category Theory)


Product (Category Theory)

$~$f: P \rightarrow X$~$

Product (Category Theory)

$~$g: P \rightarrow Y$~$

Product (Category Theory)


Product (Category Theory)

$~$u: W \rightarrow X$~$

Product (Category Theory)

$~$v:W \rightarrow Y$~$

Product (Category Theory)

$~$h: W \rightarrow P$~$

Product (Category Theory)

$~$fh = u$~$

Product (Category Theory)

$~$gh = v$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$$~$A \times B \\ \pi_A: A \times B \to A \\ \pi_B : A \times B \to B$~$$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f_A: X \to A, f_B: X \to B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f: X \to A \times B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$(R, \pi_A, \pi_B)$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$(S, \phi_A, \phi_B)$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$A \times_1 B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$A \times_2 B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$X = S$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f_A: S \to A, f_B: S \to B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f: S \to R$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f_A = \phi_A, f_B = \phi_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi: S \to R$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi_A \circ \phi = \phi_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi_B \circ \phi = \phi_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$X = R$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi: R \to S$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_A \circ \pi = \pi_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_B \circ \pi = \pi_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi \circ \phi: S \to S$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f_A: S \to A, f_B: S \to B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f: S \to S$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f_A = \phi_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f_B = \phi_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$f: S \to S$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_A \circ f = \phi_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_B \circ f = \phi_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi \circ \phi$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_A = \phi_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_B = \phi_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi \circ \phi$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_A \circ \pi = \pi_A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\phi_B \circ \pi = \pi_B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$(R, \pi_A, \pi_B)$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$(S, \phi_A, \phi_B)$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$R \to S$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$S \to R$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$(A \times B, \pi_A, \pi_B)$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$(B \times A, \pi'_A, \pi'_B)$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi'_A(b, a) = a$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$\pi'_B(b, a) = b$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism


Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$A \times B$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$B \times A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$A \times B \to B \times A$~$

Product is unique up to isomorphism

$~$(a,b) \mapsto (b,a)$~$

Project outline: Intro to the Universal Property


Project outline: Intro to the Universal Property


Project outline: Intro to the Universal Property


Project outline: Intro to the Universal Property


Project outline: Intro to the Universal Property


Project outline: Intro to the Universal Property


Project proposal: Complex numbers

$~$e^{- \pi i}$~$

Project proposal: Complex numbers


Project proposal: Complex numbers

$~$\mathbb C$~$

Project proposal: Intro to numbers

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Project proposal: Intro to numbers

$~$\mathbb Z$~$

Project proposal: Intro to numbers

$~$\mathbb Q$~$

Project proposal: Intro to numbers

$~$\mathbb I$~$

Project proposal: Intro to numbers

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Project proposal: Intro to numbers

$~$\mathbb C$~$

Project proposal: Intro to the Universal Property


Project proposal: Intro to the Universal Property


Project proposal: Intro to the Universal Property


Project proposal: Intro to the Universal Property


Project proposal: Intro to the Universal Property


Proof by contradiction

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

Proof by contradiction

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction

$~$\sqrt 2 = \frac{a}{b}$~$

Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction

$~$2b^2 = 4n^2\implies b^2 =2 n^2$~$

Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction


Proof by contradiction

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

Proof by contradiction

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule

$$~$\dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e \mid H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i \mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j \mid e)}.$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(e \land H)$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(H) \cdot \mathbb P(e \mid H),$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$$~$ \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j)} $~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(e),$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$$~$ \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i) / \mathbb P(e)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j) / \mathbb P(e)} $~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$$~$ \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i) / \mathbb P(e)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j) / \mathbb P(e)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)}.$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)} = \frac{\mathbb P(H_i \land e)}{\mathbb P(H_j \land e)},$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(x \land e)$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule

$$~$\dfrac{20\%}{80\%} \times \dfrac{90\%}{30\%} = \dfrac{18\%}{24\%} = \dfrac{0.18 / 0.42}{0.24 / 0.42} = \dfrac{3}{4}$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\mathbb P(sick)$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\frac{3}{7} \approx 43\%.$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule


Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\frac{3}{7} : \frac{4}{7}.$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)}$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)}.$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro


Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro


Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro


Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$$~$ \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)} \cdot \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)} $~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)}$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)}$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$~$\frac{\mathbb P({positive}\mid {sick})}{\mathbb P({positive}\mid \neg {sick})}$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$~$\frac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)}$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$~$\frac{\mathbb P({sick}\mid {positive})}{\mathbb P(\neg {sick}\mid {positive})}$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$~$\mathbb P(X\mid Y) = \frac{\mathbb P(X \wedge Y)}{\mathbb P(Y)}.$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$$~$ \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(H_j)} \times \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i)}{\mathbb P(e\mid H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i) / \mathbb P(e)}{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_j) / \mathbb P(e)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(H_i\mid e)}{\mathbb P(H_j\mid e)} $~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Intro

$$~$\dfrac{20\%}{80\%} \times \dfrac{90\%}{30\%} = \dfrac{18\%}{24\%} = \dfrac{0.18 / 0.42}{0.24 / 0.42} = \dfrac{43\%}{57\%}$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbf H$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form


Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$~$\mathbf H,$~$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form


Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e\mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\sum_k \mathbb P(e\mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)},$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(H_i\mid e) = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \wedge H_i)}{\mathbb P(e)} = \dfrac{\mathbb P(e \mid H_i) \cdot \mathbb P(H_i)}{\mathbb P(e)}$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(e) = \sum_{k} \mathbb P(e \wedge H_k)$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\mathbb P(e \wedge H_k) = \mathbb P(e\mid H_k) \cdot \mathbb P(H_k)$~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$\begin{array}{c} \mathbb P({sick}\mid {positive}) = \dfrac{\mathbb P({positive} \wedge {sick})}{\mathbb P({positive})} \\[0.3em] = \dfrac{\mathbb P({positive} \wedge {sick})}{\mathbb P({positive} \wedge {sick}) + \mathbb P({positive} \wedge \neg {sick})} \\[0.3em] = \dfrac{\mathbb P({positive}\mid {sick}) \cdot \mathbb P({sick})}{(\mathbb P({positive}\mid {sick}) \cdot \mathbb P({sick})) + (\mathbb P({positive}\mid \neg {sick}) \cdot \mathbb P(\neg {sick}))} \end{array} $~$$

Proof of Bayes' rule: Probability form

$$~$3/7 = \dfrac{0.18}{0.42} = \dfrac{0.18}{0.18 + 0.24} = \dfrac{90\% * 20\%}{(90\% * 20\%) + (30\% * 80\%)}$~$$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$T\vdash G\iff \neg Prv_{T}(G)$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$T\vdash G$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$Prv_ {T}(G)$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$T\vdash Prv_ {T}(G)$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$T\vdash \neg Prv_{T}(G)$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$T\vdash \neg G$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$T\vdash Prv_{T}(G)$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$\exists y Proof_{T}(x,y)$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

$~$T\vdash Proof_ {T}(\ulcorner G\urcorner,n)$~$

Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$\square A\to A$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$PA\vdash S\leftrightarrow (\square S \to A)$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$\exists y Proof(x,y)$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$Prv(A)\implies A$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash A$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(A)$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(A\implies B) \implies (P(A)\implies P(B))$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(A)\implies P(P(A))$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(A)\implies A$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash S \iff (P(S)\implies A)$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S \implies (P(S)\implies A))$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S) \implies P(P(S) \implies A)$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(P(S) \implies A) \implies (P(P(S)) \implies P(A))$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S) \implies (P(P(S)) \implies P(A))$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S)\implies P(P(S))$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S)\implies P(A)$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S)\implies A$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash S$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S)$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash P(S)\implies A$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem

$~$T\vdash A$~$

Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Löb's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\{ \mathrm{Graph}(n) : n \in \mathbb{N} \}$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(i) \in A$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(i) \not \in A$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$h: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$n \in \mathbb{N}$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(n) = \mathrm{Graph}(h(n))$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$m, n$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$e \in \mathbb{N}$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$[e](m, n) = [S(e,m)](n)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$[e](\mathrm{pair}(m, n))$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$(e, x)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$[ h(S(e,e)) ](x)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$S(a, a)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$[n](x) = [S(a,a)](x)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$[a](a, x)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$[n](x) = [h(n)](x)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$S(m, n)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$S(a, a)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$(e, x)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(n) \in A$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(n) \in A$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(a) \in A$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(b) \not \in A$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\iota(n) = 0$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(n) = \mathrm{Graph}(g(n))$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$g(n) = b$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(g(n)) = \mathrm{Graph}(b)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$g(n) = a$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(g(n)) = \mathrm{Graph}(a)$~$

Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof of Rice's theorem


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_n$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$P = p_1p_2\ldots p_n + 1$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$P \geq 2+1 = 3$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$P > 1$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$p_1 p_2 \dots p_n+1$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$p_1, \dots, p_n$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$p_1, \dots, p_6$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$p_1 \dots p_6 + 1 = 30031$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$30031 = 59 \times 509$~$

Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes


Proof that there are infinitely many primes

$~$59 \times 509$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(x \cdot y) = \log_b(x) + \log_b(y)$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(1) = 0,$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(1) = \log_b(1 \cdot 1) = \log_b(1) + \log_b(1).$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b\left(\frac{1}{x}\right) = -\log_b(x),$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(1) = \log_b\left(x \cdot \frac{1}{x}\right) = \log_b(x) + \log_b\left(\frac{1}{x}\right) = 0.$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b\left(\frac{x}{y}\right) = \log_b(x) - \log_b(y),$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b\left(x^n\right) = n \cdot \log_b(x),$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$\underbrace{x \cdot x \cdot \ldots x}_{n\text{ times}}$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b\left(\sqrt[n]{x}\right) = \frac{\log_b(x)}{n},$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(x) = \log_b\left((\sqrt[n]{x})^n\right) = n \cdot \log_b(\sqrt[n]{x}).$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$f(x \cdot y) = f(x) + f(y)$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$x, y \in \mathbb R^+,$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$f(b) = 1,$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(b) = 1.$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(b^n) = n,$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(x^n) = n \log_b(x)$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(b) = 1.$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ f(x \cdot y) = f(x) + f(y) \tag{1} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$x, y \in$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$\mathbb R^+$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ f(1) = 0. \tag{2} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$$~$f(x) = f(x \cdot 1) = f(x) + f(1),\text{ so }f(1) = 0.$~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ f(x) = -f\left(\frac{1}{x}\right). \tag{3} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$$~$x \cdot \frac{1}{x} = 1,\text{ so }f(1) = f\left(x \cdot \frac{1}{x}\right) = f(x) + f\left(\frac{1}{x}\right).$~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$$~$f(1)=0,\text{ so }f(x)\text{ and }f\left(\frac{1}{x}\right)\text{ must be opposites.}$~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ f\left(\frac{x}{y}\right) = f(x) - f(y). \tag{4} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$f\left(x \cdot \frac{1}{y}\right) = f(x) - f(y),$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$f\left(z \cdot \frac{x}{y}\right) = f(z) + f(x) - f(y),$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ f\left(x^n\right) = n \cdot f(x). \tag{5} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb N:$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$$~$f\left(x^n\right) = f(\underbrace{x \cdot x \cdot \ldots x}_{n\text{ times}}) = \underbrace{f(x) + f(x) + \ldots f(x)}_{n\text{ times}} = n \cdot f(x).$~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb Q,$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb N,$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb Q.$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb R,$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb Q,$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb Q,$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb R,$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ f(\sqrt[n]{x}) = \frac{f(x)}{n}. \tag{6} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$$~$(\sqrt[n]{x})^n = x,\text{ so }f\left((\sqrt[n]{x})^n\right)\text{ has to equal }f(x).$~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$$~$f\left((\sqrt[n]{x})^n\right) = n \cdot f(\sqrt[n]{x}),\text{ so }f(\sqrt[n]{x}) = \frac{f(x)}{n}.$~$$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb Q,$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$n \in \mathbb R.$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ \text{Either $f$ sends all inputs to $0$, or there exists a $b \neq 1$ such that $f(b)=1.$}\tag{7} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$y \neq 0.$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$f(\sqrt[y]{x}) = \frac{f(x)}{y} = 1.$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$b \neq 1$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$f(b) = 1$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$~$f(1) = 0$~$

Properties of the logarithm

$$~$ \text{If $f(b)=1$ then } f(b^x) = x. \tag{8} $~$$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$f = \log_b$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm

$~$f(x \cdot y) = f(x) + f(y)$~$

Properties of the logarithm


Properties of the logarithm









$~$c \times b$~$










$~$l = 2w$~$










$~$a \propto b$~$


$~$A \propto L^2$~$
























$~$C \propto d$~$


$~$\pi = 3.14159265\ldots$~$


$~$A \propto r^2$~$




$~$\frac{df}{dt} \propto f$~$


$~$\Delta f \propto f$~$


$~$E \propto h$~$


$~$I \propto V$~$


$~$P \propto T$~$

Proposed A-Class


Proposed B-Class








Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$A\to B$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash A$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square A$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square (A\to B)\to(\square A \to \square B)$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square (\square A \to A)\to \square A$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$\square \bot \leftrightarrow \square \diamond p$~$

Provability logic

$~$\diamond p$~$

Provability logic

$~$\neg \square \neg p$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square \bot \leftrightarrow \square \diamond p$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square (\bot \leftrightarrow \diamond p)$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \bot \leftrightarrow \diamond p$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \bot \to \diamond p$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square \bot \to \square \diamond p$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square \diamond p\to \square \bot$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \bot \to \neg p$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square \bot \to \square \neg p$~$

Provability logic

$~$Gl\vdash \neg \square \neg p\to\neg\square\bot$~$

Provability logic

$~$Gl\vdash \square \neg \square \neg p\to\square \neg\square\bot$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$\square[\square \bot \to \bot]$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square[\square \bot \to \bot] \to\square \bot$~$

Provability logic

$~$Gl\vdash \square \neg \square \neg p\to\square \bot$~$

Provability logic

$~$\diamond p = \neg \square \neg p$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$\neg \square \bot$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$\square[\square A\to A]\to \square A$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$w\not\models \square[\square A\to A]\to \square A$~$

Provability logic

$~$w\models \square[\square A\to A]$~$

Provability logic

$~$w\not \models \square A$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$w R x$~$

Provability logic

$~$x\models \neg A$~$

Provability logic

$~$x\models \square A\to A$~$

Provability logic

$~$x\models \neg\square A$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$x\models \square[\square A\to A]\to \square A$~$

Provability logic

$~$x\not\models \square[\square A\to A]$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$y\not\models \square A\to A$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$w\models \square[\square A\to A]$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$A\to B*=A*\to B*$~$

Provability logic

$~$(\square A)* =\square_{PA}(A*)$~$

Provability logic

$~$p* = S_p$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$GL\not\vdash A$~$

Provability logic

$~$PA\not\vdash A*$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$PA\not \vdash A^{\#}$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\not\vdash A$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$p\leftrightarrow \phi(p)$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square [p\leftrightarrow \phi(p)] \leftrightarrow \square (p\leftrightarrow h)$~$

Provability logic


Provability logic

$~$p\leftrightarrow \neg\square p$~$

Provability logic

$~$GL\vdash \square (p\leftrightarrow \neg\square p)\to \square(p\leftrightarrow \neg\square\bot$~$

Provability logic


Provability predicate


Provability predicate


Provability predicate


Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash S$~$

Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner S \urcorner)$~$

Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner A\rightarrow B \urcorner)\rightarrow (P(\ulcorner A \urcorner)\rightarrow P(\ulcorner B \urcorner))$~$

Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner S \urcorner)\rightarrow P(\ulcorner P(\ulcorner S \urcorner) \urcorner)$~$

Provability predicate


Provability predicate


Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash S$~$

Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner S \urcorner)$~$

Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner A\rightarrow B \urcorner)\rightarrow (P(\ulcorner A \urcorner)\rightarrow P(\ulcorner B \urcorner))$~$

Provability predicate

$~$T\vdash P(\ulcorner S \urcorner)\rightarrow P(\ulcorner P(\ulcorner S \urcorner) \urcorner)$~$

Provability predicate


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$gN + hN = (gh)N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$g_1 N = g_2 N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_1 N = h_2 N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$(g_1 h_1) N = (g_2 h_2)N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$g_1 h_1 N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$g_2 h_2 N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$g_1 h_1 n \in g_1 h_1 N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_2^{-1} g_2^{-1} g_1 h_1 n \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_2^{-1} g_2^{-1} g_1 h_1 \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$g_2^{-1} g_1 \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$g_1 N = g_2 N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$g_2^{-1} g_1 = m$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_2^{-1} h_1 \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_1 N = h_2 N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_2^{-1} h_1 = p$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_2^{-1} m h_1 \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$p h_1^{-1} m h_1 \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$m \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h_1^{-1} m h_1 \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$p \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$p h_1^{-1} m h_1 \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h \in G$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$hnh^{-1} N + hN$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$(hnh^{-1}h) N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$nN = N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$hnh^{-1}N = N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$hnh^{-1} \in N$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal

$~$h \in G$~$

Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient by subgroup is well defined if and only if subgroup is normal


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$N \leq G$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$A \circ B$~$

Quotient group

$~$a \in A$~$

Quotient group

$~$b \in B$~$

Quotient group

$~$a \bullet b$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$(G, \bullet)$~$

Quotient group

$~$N \unlhd G$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$aN \circ bN = (a \bullet b) N$~$

Quotient group

$~$xN = \{xn : n \in N\}$~$

Quotient group

$~$x \in G$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$a'N = aN$~$

Quotient group

$~$b'N = bN$~$

Quotient group

$~$(a' \bullet b')N = (a \bullet b)N$~$

Quotient group

$~$\phi: G \rightarrow G/N: a \mapsto aN$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$2 \mathbb{Z}$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$\phi: G \rightarrow G/N$~$

Quotient group

$~$g \in G$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$N \le G$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$N \trianglelefteq G$~$

Quotient group

$~$gN = \{gn : n \in N\}$~$

Quotient group

$~$g \in G$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$g_1N \cdot g_2N = (g_1g_2)N$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$|G/N| = |G|/|N|$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$\mathbb Z$~$

Quotient group

$~$2\mathbb Z = \{2n : n\in \mathbb Z\}$~$

Quotient group

$~$\mathbb Z$~$

Quotient group

$~$0 + 2\mathbb Z$~$

Quotient group

$~$1 + 2\mathbb Z$~$

Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group


Quotient group

$~$\text{even}+ \text{even} = \text{even}$~$

Quotient group

$~$\text{even} + \text{odd} = \text{odd}$~$

Quotient group

$~$\text{odd} + \text{odd} = \text{even}$~$

Random utility function

$~$2^{-\operatorname K(U)}$~$

Random utility function

$~$\operatorname K(U)$~$

Random utility function


Random utility function


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a, b, c, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a \times d = b \times c$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{0}{x} = \frac{0}{y}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$x, y$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{0}{b \times d} = \frac{0}{1}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$b, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a \times d + b \times c} {b \times d}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} - \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a}{b} + \frac{-c}{d} = \frac{a \times d - b \times c}{b \times d}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a \times c}{b \times d}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \big/ \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a}{b} \times \frac{d}{c} = \frac{a \times d}{b \times c}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a}{b} < \frac{c}{d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{b \times c - a \times d}{b \times d} > 0$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$b \times c - a \times d > 0$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{2}{4} + \frac{1}{3} = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{3}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a \times d + b \times c} {b \times d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a \times d + b \times c$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$b \times d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a, b, c, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$b, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{5}{6} + 0 = \frac{5}{6}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{0}{1} + \frac{a}{b} = \frac{0 \times b + a \times 1}{1 \times b} = \frac{0 + a}{b} = \frac{a}{b}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} = \frac{0}{1}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{-a}{b} = \frac{a \times b + (-a) \times b}{b \times b} = \frac{0}{b \times b}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{0}{b \times b} = \frac{0}{1}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$0 \times 1 = 0 \times (b \times b)$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} = \frac{c}{d} + \frac{a}{b}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a \times d + b \times c}{b \times d} = \frac{c \times b + d \times a}{d \times b} = \frac{c}{d} + \frac{a}{b}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\left(\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d}\right) + \frac{e}{f} = \frac{a}{b} + \left( \frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f} \right)$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\left(\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d}\right) + \frac{e}{f} = \frac{a \times d + b \times c}{b \times d} + \frac{e}{f} = \frac{(a \times d + b \times c) \times f + (b \times d) \times e}{(b \times d) \times f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a \times d \times f + b \times c \times f + b \times d \times e}{b \times d \times f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} + \left( \frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f} \right) = \frac{a}{b} + \frac{c \times f + d \times e}{d \times f} = \frac{a \times (d \times f) + b \times (c \times f + d \times e))}{b \times (d \times f)}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a \times d \times f + b \times c \times f + b \times d \times e}{b \times d \times f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a \times c}{b \times d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$b \times d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{1}{1} \times \frac{a}{b} = \frac{1 \times a}{1 \times b} = \frac{a}{b}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$1 \times n = n$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{b}{a} = \frac{a\times b}{b \times a} = \frac{a \times b}{a \times b} = \frac{1}{1}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} = \frac{a \times c}{b \times d} = \frac{c \times a}{d \times b} = \frac{c}{d} \times \frac{a}{b}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \left(\frac{c}{d} \times \frac{e}{f} \right) = \left(\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} \right) \times \frac{e}{f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \left(\frac{c}{d} \times \frac{e}{f} \right) = \frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c \times e}{d \times f} = \frac{a \times (c \times e)}{b \times (d \times f)}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a \times c \times e}{b \times d \times f}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\left(\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} \right) \times \frac{e}{f} = \frac{a \times c}{b \times d} \times \frac{e}{f} = \frac{(a \times c) \times e}{(b \times d) \times f} = \frac{a \times c \times e}{b \times d \times f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\left(\frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f}\right) \times \frac{a}{b} = \left(\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d}\right) + \left(\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{e}{f}\right)$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\left(\frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f}\right)$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\left(\frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f}\right) \times \frac{a}{b} = \frac{c \times f + d \times e}{d \times f} \times \frac{a}{b} = \frac{(c \times f + d \times e) \times a}{(d \times f) \times b}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{c \times f \times a + d \times e \times a}{d \times f \times b}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\left(\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d}\right) + \left(\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{e}{f}\right) = \frac{a \times c}{b \times d} + \frac{a \times e}{b \times f} = \frac{(a \times c) \times (b \times f) + (b \times d) \times (a \times e)}{(b \times d) \times (b \times f)} = \frac{(a \times c \times b \times f) + (b \times d \times a \times e)}{(b \times d \times b \times f)}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{b \times [(a \times c \times f) + (d \times a \times e)]}{b \times (d \times b \times f)}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$\frac{(a \times c \times f) + (d \times a \times e)}{d \times b \times f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a}{b} < \frac{c}{d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{e}{f} < \frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$0 < \frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f} - (\frac{a}{b} + \frac{e}{f})$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$0 < \frac{c}{d} + \frac{e}{f} - \frac{a}{b} - \frac{e}{f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$$~$0 < \frac{c}{d} - \frac{a}{b} + \frac{e}{f} - \frac{e}{f}$~$$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$0 < \frac{c}{d} - \frac{a}{b}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a}{b} < \frac{c}{d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$0 < \frac{a}{b}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$0 < \frac{c}{d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$0 < \frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$0 < \frac{a}{b}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a, b, c, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a, b, c, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a, b$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$c, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a, b$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$c, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a \times c}{b \times d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a, b, c, d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a \times c$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$b \times d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a \times c}{b \times d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$a \times c$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$b \times d$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a \times c}{b \times d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{1}{3} \times \frac{-2}{-5} = \frac{-2}{-15}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together

$~$\frac{c}{d} \times \frac{a}{b}$~$

Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational arithmetic all works together


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number

$~$\mathbb Q.$~$

Rational number


Rational number


Rational number

$~$\mathbb Q;$~$

Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number

$~$b \neq 0$~$

Rational number


Rational number


Rational number

$~$q \in \mathbb Q$~$

Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number

$~$a, b$~$

Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational number


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Rational numbers: Intro (Math 0)


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number

$~$100 \cdot \sqrt{2},$~$

Real number

$~$\mathbb R.$~$

Real number

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Real number

$~$\mathbb Q$~$

Real number


Real number


Real number

$~$1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, \ldots$~$

Real number

$~$\frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2}$~$

Real number

$~$(A, B)$~$

Real number

$~$B = \{x \in \mathbb{Q} \ | \ x > 0 \wedge x^2 > 2\}$~$

Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$$~$X = \{ (a_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} : a_n \in \mathbb{Q}, (\forall \epsilon \in \mathbb{Q}^{>0}) (\exists N \in \mathbb{N})(\forall n, m \in \mathbb{N}^{>N})(|a_n - a_m| < \epsilon) \}$~$$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$(a_n) \sim (b_n)$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$\epsilon > 0$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$n \in \mathbb{N}$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$|a_n - b_n| < \epsilon$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$|a_n - b_n| = |b_n - a_n|$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$|a_n - a_n| = 0$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$< \epsilon$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$|a_n - b_n| < \frac{\epsilon}{2}$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$|b_n - c_n| < \frac{\epsilon}{2}$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$|a_n - b_n| + |b_n - c_n| < \frac{\epsilon}{2} + \frac{\epsilon}{2} = \epsilon$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$|a_n - c_n| < \epsilon$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$[a_n] + [b_n] := [a_n + b_n]$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$[a_n] \times [b_n] := [a_n \times b_n]$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$[a_n] \leq [b_n]$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$[a_n] = [b_n]$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$n > N$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$a_n \leq b_n$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$(r, r, \dots)$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)


Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$(3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.141, \dots)$~$

Real number (as Cauchy sequence)

$~$(100, 3, 3.1, 3.14, \dots)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\newcommand{\rats}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\Ql}{\rats^\le} \newcommand{\Qr}{\rats^\ge} \newcommand{\Qls}{\rats^<} \newcommand{\Qrs}{\rats^>}$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\newcommand{\set}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}} \newcommand{\sothat}{\ |\ }$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$(A, B)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$(A, B)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$(\Ql, \Qr)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$q_u = q_v$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$q_u < r < q_v$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$(\Ql, \Qr)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\Ql = \set{x \in \rats \mid x^3 \le 2}$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\Qr = \set{x \in \rats \mid x^3 \ge 2}$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$f(x) = x^3$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$p < q \iff p^3 < q^3$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$(\Ql, \Qr)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$(\Ql, \Qr)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$a = (\Qls_a, \Qr_a)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$b = (\Qls_b, \Qr_b)$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$a \le b$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\Qls_a \subseteq \Qls_b$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$a = b$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$a \le b$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$b \le a$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\Qls_a \subseteq \Qls_b$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\Qls_b \subseteq \Qls_a$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)

$~$\Qls_a = \Qls_b$~$

Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real number (as Dedekind cut)


Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable

$~$a.bcd\cdots z\overline{9} = a.bcd\cdots (z+1)\overline{0}$~$

Real numbers are uncountable

$~$z < 9$~$

Real numbers are uncountable

$~$\sum_{i=k}^\infty 10^{-k} \cdot 9 = 1 \cdot 10^{-k + 1} + \sum_{i=k}^\infty 10^{-k} \cdot 0$~$

Real numbers are uncountable

$~$f: \mathbb Z^+ \twoheadrightarrow \mathbb R$~$

Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable

$~$0 \le r' < 1$~$

Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable

$~$(f(n))_n \ne 5$~$

Real numbers are uncountable

$~$(f(n))_n = 5$~$

Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable

$~$r' = f(n)$~$

Real numbers are uncountable

$~$r'_n \ne (f(n))_n$~$

Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable

$~$\mathbb R$~$

Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable


Real numbers are uncountable

$~$0.\overline{9} = 1.\overline{0}$~$

Reflective consistency


Reflective consistency


Reflective consistency


Reflectively consistent degree of freedom

$~$X_i \in X$~$

Reflectively consistent degree of freedom


Reflectively consistent degree of freedom


Reflectively consistent degree of freedom


Reflectively consistent degree of freedom


Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation

$~$\forall a \in X, aRa$~$

Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation

$~$\{Alice, Bob\}$~$

Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation


Reflexive relation







$~$\{ (0,0), (1,1), (2,2), … \}$~$


$~$\{ (0,1), (1,2), (2,3), … \}$~$














$~$\{ (0,0), (1,1), (2,2), … \}$~$


$~$\{ (0,1), (1,2), (2,3), … \}$~$









Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement

$~$A \setminus B$~$

Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement

$~$C = A \setminus B$~$

Relative complement

$$~$x \in C \leftrightarrow (x \in A \land x \notin B)$~$$

Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement

$~$\{1,2,3\} \setminus \{2\} = \{1,3\}$~$

Relative complement

$~$\{1,2,3\} \setminus \{9\} = \{1,2,3\}$~$

Relative complement

$~$\{1,2\} \setminus \{1,2,3,4\} = \{\}$~$

Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement


Relative complement

$~$U \setminus A$~$

Relative likelihood

$~$(2 : 1).$~$

Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood

$~$(20 : 10 : 1).$~$

Relative likelihood

$~$H_1, H_2, \ldots, H_n,$~$

Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H_i)$~$

Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood

$$~$ \alpha \mathbb P(e \mid H_1) : \alpha \mathbb P(e \mid H_2) : \ldots : \alpha \mathbb P(e \mid H_n) $~$$

Relative likelihood

$~$\alpha > 0$~$

Relative likelihood

$~$(20 : 10 : 1)$~$

Relative likelihood

$~$(4 : 2 : 0.20)$~$

Relative likelihood

$~$(60 : 30 : 3).$~$

Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Relative likelihood


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathbb P(H) = \mathbb P(H \mid e) \mathbb P(e) + \mathbb P(H \mid \lnot e) \mathbb P(\lnot e),$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathbb P$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$5 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$6 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$3 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$90 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$0.9 \log_2(0.9) + 0.1 \log_2(0.1) \approx -0.469$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$20 \cdot 0.469 \approx 9.37$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$2^{-9.37} \approx$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$1.5 \cdot 10^{-3},$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$5.9 \cdot 10^{-16},$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L_e(H)$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$< 0.05$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L_e(H)$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$\mathcal L_e(H),$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ


Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$2 + 2 = 4,$~$

Report likelihoods not p-values: FAQ

$~$2 + 2 = 7.$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$p < 0.05$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\mathcal L$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\mathcal L_e(H)$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\mathcal L(H \mid e)$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\mathcal L(H \mid e) = \mathbb P(e \mid H),$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$H_{0.25} =$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\mathcal L_e(H_{0.25})$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$0.25^5 \cdot 0.75$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\approx 0.07\%$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\mathcal L_e(H_{0.5})$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$\approx 1.56\%,$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$21 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$21 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$21 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$3.8 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$5 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$(3.8 \cdot 5) : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$19 : 1.$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$10 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$3.8 : 1.$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$5 : 1$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$19 : 10$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values


Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$2 + 2 = 4,$~$

Report likelihoods, not p-values

$~$2 + 2 = 7.$~$

Representability theorem for computable functions


Representability theorem for computable functions


Representability theorem for computable functions


Representability theorem for computable functions


Representability theorem for computable functions

$~$n\in \mathbb{N}$~$

Representability theorem for computable functions

$~$T\vdash \forall y\ \phi_f(\textbf n,y)\leftrightarrow y=\textbf{f(n)}$~$

Representation theory


Representation theory


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem

$~$\{ \mathrm{Graph}(n) : n \in \mathbb{N} \}$~$

Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(i) \in A$~$

Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(i) \not \in A$~$

Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem

$~$h: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Rice's Theorem

$~$n \in \mathbb{N}$~$

Rice's Theorem

$~$\mathrm{Graph}(n) = \mathrm{Graph}(h(n))$~$

Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's Theorem: Intro (Math 1)


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem

$$~$ [n](m) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & [m] \text{ computes a function in $S$} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right. $~$$

Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem

$~$[n]\in S$~$

Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem


Rice's theorem and the Halting problem







$~$(X, \oplus, \otimes)$~$








$~$x \oplus y$~$




$~$x, y \in X$~$








$~$(X, \oplus, \otimes)$~$








$~$x \oplus y$~$




$~$x, y \in X$~$




$~$x \otimes y$~$


























$~$x \in X$~$


$~$(-x) \in X$~$


$~$x \oplus (-x) = 0$~$




















$~$a \otimes (x \oplus y) = (a\otimes x) \oplus (a\otimes y)$~$


$~$a, x, y \in X$~$


$~$(x \oplus y)\otimes a = (x\otimes a) \oplus (y\otimes a)$~$


$~$a, x, y \in X$~$




$~$R = (X, \oplus, \otimes)$~$























Sample space


Sample space


Sans Tachez

$$~$\int_0^\infty \frac{2^x}{x}dx$~$$

Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk

$~$U = V + W$~$

Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk


Separation from hyperexistential risk



$~$\{1, 3, 2\}$~$


$~$\{3, 2, 1\}$~$


$~$\{1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3\}$~$


$~$\{1, 3, 2\}$~$






$~$\{x \mid (x < 4) \text{ and } (x \text{ is a natural number})\}$~$


$~$\{x \mid x = 2n \text{ for some natural } n \}$~$


























$~$\{\text{Mercury}, \text{Venus}, \text{Earth}, \text{Mars} \}$~$


$~$\{x \mid x \text{ is a human, born on 01.01.2000} \}$~$


$~$\{\text{author's favorite mug}, \text{Arbital's main page}, 73, \text{the tallest man born in London}\}$~$










$~$x ∈ A$~$






$~$x ∉ A$~$














$~$|A| = n$~$








$~$\{0, …, (n-1)\}$~$




$~$\mathbb N$~$


$~$\mathbb N$~$

Set builder notation

$~$\{ 2n \mid n \in \mathbb N \}$~$

Set builder notation

$~$\{ (x, y) \mid x \in \mathbb R, y \in \mathbb R, x \cdot y = 1 \}$~$

Set product


Set product


Set product


Set product


Set product


Set product


Set product


Set product

$~$\{1,2,\dots,n \}$~$

Set product

$~$\{1,2,\dots, m \}$~$

Set product

$~$(a, b)$~$

Set product

$~$1 \leq a \leq n$~$

Set product

$~$1 \leq b \leq m$~$

Set product

$~$n \times m$~$

Set product


Set product


Set product

$~$\prod_{x \in X} Y_x$~$

Set product


Set product

$~$X = \{1,2\}$~$

Set product

$~$Y_1 = \{a,b\}, Y_2 = \{b,c\}$~$

Set product

$$~$\prod_{x \in X} Y_x = Y_1 \times Y_2 = \{(a,b), (a,c), (b,b), (b,c)\}$~$$

Set product

$~$X = \mathbb{Z}$~$

Set product

$~$Y_n = \{ n \}$~$

Set product

$~$\{1,2, \dots, n\}$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H_i),$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$-\!\log(\mathbb P(e \mid H_i)),$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid H)$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\mathbb P(e \mid \lnot H)$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\left(\frac{1}{8} : \frac{1}{4}\right)$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$(1 : 2),$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\log_2\left(\frac{1}{8}\right) = -3$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\log_2\left(\frac{1}{4}\right) = -2$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H.$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\log_2(0.04) \approx -4.64$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\log_2(0.08) \approx -3.64$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\log_2(\mathbb P(e \mid H)),$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$0 \le x \le 1$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$[-\infty, 0]$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise


Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise

$~$\lnot H$~$

Sign homomorphism (from the symmetric group)


Sign homomorphism (from the symmetric group)


Sign homomorphism (from the symmetric group)


Sign homomorphism (from the symmetric group)


Sign homomorphism (from the symmetric group)


Sign homomorphism (from the symmetric group)


Sign homomorphism (from the symmetric group)


Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$$~$\displaystyle \mathbb{P}_{prog}(bits_{1 \dots N}) = \prod_{i=1}^{N} InterpretProb(prog(bits_{1 \dots i-1}), bits_i)$~$$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$$~$\displaystyle InterpretProb(prog(x), y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} InterpretFrac(prog(x)) & \text{if } y = 1 \\ 1-InterpretFrac(prog(x)) & \text{if } y = 0 \\ 0 & \text{if $prog(x)$ does not halt} \end{array} \right\} $~$$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$~$f^M(1-f)^N \ \mathrm{d}f$~$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$~$\mathcal P$~$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$~$s_1s_2\ldots s_n$~$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$~$s_{\preceq n}$~$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$~$\displaystyle \mathbb{Sol}(s_{\preceq n}) := \sum_{\mathrm{prog} \in \mathcal{P}} 2^{-\mathrm{length}(\mathrm{prog})} \cdot {\prod_{j=1}^n \mathop{InterpretProb}(\mathrm{prog}(s_{\preceq j-1}), s_j)}$~$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)

$~$\displaystyle \mathbb{P}(s_{n+1}=1\mid s_{\preceq n}) = \frac{\mathbb{Sol}(s_1s_2\ldots s_n 1)}{\mathbb{Sol}(s_1s_2\ldots s_n 1) + \mathbb{Sol}(s_1s_2\ldots s_n 0)}.$~$

Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)


Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)


Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)


Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)


Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)


Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)


Solomonoff induction: Intro Dialogue (Math 2)


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$GL\vdash A$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$PA\vdash A^*$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$p^* = S_p$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$(\square A)^*=P(A^*)$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$(A\to B)^* = A^* \to B^*$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$\bot ^* = \neg X$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$0\ne 1$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$GL\vdash A$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$PA\vdash A^*$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$GL\not\vdash A$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$PA\not\vdash A^*$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL


Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$GL\not\vdash A$~$

Solovay's theorems of arithmetical adequacy for GL

$~$PA\not\vdash A$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\tau \in A_n$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\sigma \in A_n$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\{ \rho \sigma \rho^{-1} : \rho \ \text{even} \}$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\{ \rho \sigma \rho^{-1} : \rho \ \text{odd} \}$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\sigma = c_1 \dots c_k$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\tau = c_1' \dots c_k'$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$c_i = (a_{i1} \dots a_{i r_i})$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$c_i' = (b_{i1} \dots b_{i r_i})$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho \sigma \rho^{-1} = \tau$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$c_1' = (b_{11} \dots b_{1r_1})$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(b_{12} b_{13} \dots b_{1 r_1} b_{11})$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(b_{1 r_1} b_{11}) (b_{1 (r_1-1)} b_{11}) \dots (b_{13} b_{11})(b_{12} b_{11})$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho c_1'$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho c_1'$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$$~$\sigma = \rho \tau \rho^{-1} = \rho c_1' (c_1'^{-1} \tau c_1') c_1'^{-1} \rho^{-1}$~$$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$c_1'^{-1} \tau c_1' = \tau$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho c_1'$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$c_1'^{-1} \tau c_1' = \tau$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$c_1'^{-1} c_1' c_1' c_2' \dots c_k'$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\tau = c_1' c_2' \dots c_k'$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\sigma = (12)(3456), \tau = (23)(1467)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho = (67)(56)(31)(23)(12)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\tau = (32)(1467)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho c_1' = (67)(56)(31)(23)(12)(32)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$c_1' = (23) = (32)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(32)\tau(32)^{-1} = (23)(1467)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$r_1 = r_2$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(a_1 a_2 \dots a_r)(c_1 c_2 \dots c_r)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(b_1 b_2 \dots b_r)(d_1 d_2 \dots d_r)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho' = \rho (b_1 d_1)(b_2 d_2) \dots (b_r d_r)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(b_1 d_1)(b_2 d_2) \dots (b_r d_r)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(b_1 d_1)(b_2 d_2) \dots (b_r d_r)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\sigma = (123)(456), \tau = (154)(237)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho = (67)(35)(42)(34)(25)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\sigma = (12345)(678), \tau = (12345)(687)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$\rho = (87)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(5, 1, 1)$~$

Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group


Splitting conjugacy classes in alternating group

$~$(12)(1234567)(12)^{-1} = (2134567)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$$~$ \newcommand{\true}{\text{True}} \newcommand{\false}{\text{False}} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$$~$ \newcommand{\true}{\text{True}} \newcommand{\false}{\text{False}} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A)\; \bP(B \mid A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(B \mid A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(B \mid A) = \bP(B) = \bP(B \mid \neg A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\neg A$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\neg A$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg A) = \bP(\neg A, B) + \bP(\neg A, \neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\neg A$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\neg B$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(B \mid A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\neg A$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\neg A$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A,\neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg A,B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg A,\neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A) \bP( B \mid A)\ .$~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP( B= \true \mid A= \false)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(B \mid \neg A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$t_A \in \{\true, \false\}$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$t_B \in \{\true, \false\}$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$$~$\bP(A = t_A,B= t_B) = \bP(A= t_A)\; \bP( B= t_B \mid A= t_A)\ .$~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A = t_A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$(\bP(A = \true))$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$(\bP(A = \false))$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP( B= t_B \mid A= t_A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$(B = \true)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$(B = \false)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$A = t_A$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$$~$\bP(A = t_A,B= t_B) = \bP(B= t_B)\; \bP( A= t_A \mid B= t_b)\ .$~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(B \mid A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A \mid \neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A = \true)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(B = \true \mid A = \true)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(B = \true \mid A = \false)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A = t_A, B = t_B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$A = t_A$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$B = t_B$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$$~$\bP(B = \false \mid A = \true) = \frac{\bP(A = \true, B = \false)}{\bP(A = \true)}\ ,$~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(\neg B \mid A)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$~$\bP(A, \neg B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events

$$~$\bP(A = \true)\; \bP(B = \false \mid A = \true) = \bP(A = \true, B = \false)\ .$~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$$~$ \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$$~$ \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$$~$\bP(D \mid B) = \frac{\bP(B, D)}{ \bP(B, D) + \bP(B, \neg D)} = \frac{3}{7} $~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP( \text{Diseasitis} \mid \text{black tongue depressor})$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B \mid D) = 0.9$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B \mid \neg D) = 0.3$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$$~$ \begin{align} \bP(D \mid B) &= \frac{\bP(B \mid D) \bP(D)}{\bP(B)}\\ &= \frac{0.9 \times 0.2}{ \bP(B, D) + \bP(B, \neg D)}\\ &= \frac{0.18}{ \bP(D)\bP(B \mid D) + \bP(\neg D)\bP(B \mid \neg D)}\\ &= \frac{0.18}{ 0.18 + 0.24}\\ &= \frac{0.18}{ 0.42} = \frac{3}{7} \approx 0.43\ . \end{align} $~$$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B) < \bP(\neg D \mid B) \approx 0.57$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B \mid D) = 0.9$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B) =big$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B) < \bP(\neg D \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B \mid D) = big$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B) =big$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B \mid D)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(\neg B \mid D)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\neg D$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B \mid \neg D) = 0.3$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(\neg B \mid \neg D) = 0.7$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(\neg B,D)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B \mid D)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D \mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B, \neg D)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D\mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(D\mid B)$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\bP(B\mid D) = 0.9$~$

Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis


Square visualization of probabilities on two events: (example) Diseasitis

$~$\neg D$~$

Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)

$~$x \in X$~$

Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)

$~$\mathrm{Stab}_G(x) = \{ g \in G: g(x) = x \}$~$

Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser (of a group action)

$~$x \in X$~$

Stabiliser (of a group action)


Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$x \in X$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$x \in X$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup


Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$e(x) = x$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$g(x) = x$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$h(x) = x$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$(gh)(x) = g(h(x))$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$g(x) = x$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$g(x) = x$~$

Stabiliser is a subgroup

$~$g^{-1}(x) = g^{-1} g(x) = e(x) = x$~$

Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate

$~$PA\vdash Prv(n,m)$~$

Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate

$~$PA\vdash \exists y Prv(\ulcorner S \urcorner, y)$~$

Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate

$~$\square_{PA}A\rightarrow A$~$

Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Standard provability predicate


Strictly confused


Strictly confused


Strictly confused


Strictly confused


Strictly confused

$$~$ \log \mathbb P(e_0 \mid H) \ll \sum_{e \in E} \mathbb P(e \mid H) \cdot \log \mathbb P(e \mid H)$~$$

Strictly confused

$~$2^{100} : 1$~$

Strictly confused


Strictly confused


Strictly confused


Strictly confused

$~$2^{-100} \approx 10^{-30},$~$

Strictly confused

$~$0.9^{90} \cdot 0.1^{10} \approx 7\cdot 10^{-15},$~$

Strictly confused

$~$0.9^{50} \cdot 0.1^{50} \approx 5 \cdot 10^{-53}.$~$

Strictly confused

$~$7 \cdot 10^{-31},$~$

Strictly confused


Strictly confused


Strictly factual question


Strong Church Turing thesis


Strong Church Turing thesis

$~$BQP\subset NP$~$

Strong Church Turing thesis

$~$BQP = P$~$






$~$H \subset G$~$












$~$x, y$~$





































Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$gHg^{-1} = H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$g \in G$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$ghg^{-1} \in H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$h \in H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$g \in G$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$h \in H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$ghg^{-1} \in H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$g \in G$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$h \in H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$\cup_{h \in H} C_h$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes

$~$h \in H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is a union of conjugacy classes


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\phi:G \to H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$gN + hN = (g+h)N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\phi: G \to G/N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$g \mapsto gN$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$gN + hN = (g+h)N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\{ g : gN = N \}$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$N \subseteq \{ g : gN = N \}$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$nN = N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\{ g : gN = N \} \subseteq N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$gN = N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$g e \in N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$g \in N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\phi: G \to H$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\phi(n) = e$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$n \in N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism


Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\phi(h n h^{-1}) = \phi(h) \phi(n) \phi(h^{-1}) = \phi(h) \phi(h^{-1})$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\phi(n) = e$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$\phi(h h^{-1}) = \phi(e)$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$hnh^{-1} \in N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$n \in N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism

$~$hnh^{-1} \in N$~$

Subgroup is normal if and only if it is the kernel of a homomorphism



$~$U=(F_U, V_U)$~$


$~$W=(F_W, V_W)$~$


$~$F_U = F_W$~$







Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$1 + (-1) = 0$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{-1}{n} + \frac{1}{n} = 0$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{2} + \left(-\frac{1}{2}\right) = 0$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$1 = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$1 + \left(-\frac{1}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{2}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$1 + \left(-\frac{1}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} + \left(-\frac{1}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{2}$~$$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$(-1) + \frac{1}{2} = -\frac{1}{2}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{m} + \frac{b}{n} = \frac{a\times n + b \times m}{m \times n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$$~$\frac{a}{m} - \frac{b}{n} = \frac{a}{m} + \left(\frac{-b}{n}\right) = \frac{a \times n + (-b) \times m}{m \times n} = \frac{a \times n - b \times m}{m \times n}$~$$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a}{m} - \frac{b}{n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a \times n$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)


Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$b \times m$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{1}{m \times n}$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a \times n$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$b \times m$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$a \times n - b \times m$~$

Subtraction of rational numbers (Math 0)

$~$\frac{a \times n - b \times m}{m \times n}$~$

Sum of vector spaces


Sum of vector spaces


Sum of vector spaces

$~$U + W,$~$

Sum of vector spaces

$~$u + w$~$

Sum of vector spaces

$~$u \in U$~$

Sum of vector spaces

$~$w \in W.$~$












$~$\mathbb E[U | \pi_0] < \mathbb E[U | \pi_1].$~$





Surjective function

$~$f:A \to B$~$

Surjective function

$~$b \in B$~$

Surjective function

$~$a \in A$~$

Surjective function

$~$f(a) = b$~$

Surjective function


Surjective function

$~$\mathbb{N} \to \{ 6 \}$~$

Surjective function


Surjective function

$~$n \mapsto 6$~$

Surjective function

$~$\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Surjective function


Surjective function

$~$\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Surjective function

$~$n \mapsto n+5$~$

Surjective function


Surjective function

$~$a \in \mathbb{N}$~$

Surjective function

$~$a+5 = 2$~$

Symmetric group


Symmetric group

$~$f: X \to X$~$

Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group

$~$\mathrm{Sym}(\{ 1,2, \dots, n\})$~$

Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group

$~$\{1,2,\dots, n\}$~$

Symmetric group

$~$\sigma \in S_n$~$

Symmetric group


Symmetric group

$~$\{1,2,\dots,n\} \to \{1,2,\dots,n\}$~$

Symmetric group

$$~$\begin{pmatrix}1 & 2 & \dots & n \\ \sigma(1) & \sigma(2) & \dots & \sigma(n) \\ \end{pmatrix}$~$$

Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group

$~$n \geq 3$~$

Symmetric group

$~$(123)(12) = (13)$~$

Symmetric group

$~$(12)(123) = (23)$~$

Symmetric group


Symmetric group

$~$(12), (23), (13), (123), (132)$~$

Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Symmetric group


Task (AI goal)


Task (AI goal)


Task (AI goal)

$$~$U_{cauldron}(o): \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if in $o$ the cauldron is $\geq 90\%$ full of water at 1pm} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$~$$

Task (AI goal)


Task (AI goal)

$~$\geq 90\%$~$

Task (AI goal)


Task (AI goal)


Task (AI goal)


Task (AI goal)

$~$\pi_1, \pi_2, \pi_3 \ldots$~$

Task (AI goal)

$$~$\mathbb E [ U_{cauldron} | \pi_1] = 0.99\\ \mathbb E [ U_{cauldron} | \pi_2] = 0.999 \\ \mathbb E [ U_{cauldron} | \pi_3] = 0.999002 \\ \ldots$~$$

Task (AI goal)

$~$\mathbb E [ U_{cauldron} | \pi ] \geq 0.95,$~$

Task (AI goal)

$~$\geq 0.90$~$

Teleological Measure and agency

$$~$U(S) = \sum_{t=0}^\infty \sum_{\{ S'\in Universes, f^t(S') =S \}}\Pi(S') \cdot \gamma^t $~$$

Teleological Measure and agency


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)

$~$\log_b(x) = y$~$

The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)

$~$\log_b(x) = y$~$

The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)

$~$\log_b(x) = y$~$

The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)

$~$\log_b(x) = y$~$

The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The End (of the basic log tutorial)


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$~$1/2, 1/3, 1/4$~$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \sum_{x=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{x} = \frac{1}{1} + \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{3} + \ldots + \frac{1}{\infty} $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \int_{1}^{\infty} f(x) dx = ln(x) $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ ln(x)|_{1}^{\infty} = \infty $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \sum_{x=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{x^n} = \frac{1}{1^n} + \frac{1}{2^n} + \frac{1}{3^n} + \ldots + \frac{1}{\infty^n} $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \sum_{x=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{x^2} = \frac{1}{1^2} + \frac{1}{2^2} + \frac{1}{3^2} + \ldots + \frac{1}{\infty^2} $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \frac{1}{step_{x-1}+2} < 0 $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \sum_{x=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{x^{0.5}} = \frac{1}{1^{0.5}} + \frac{1}{2^{0.5}} + \frac{1}{3^{0.5}} + \ldots + \frac{1}{\infty^{0.5}} $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \frac{1}{(x^{0.5}-(x-1)^0.5)^2} > 0 $~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence

$$~$ \sum_{x=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{x^n}$~$$

The Harmonic Series: How Comes the Divergence


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple

$~$\{ e \}$~$

The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple

$~$n > 4$~$

The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple

$~$(15)(34)(12)(34) = (125)$~$

The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof

$~$1, 20, 15, 12, 12$~$

The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof

$$~$1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60$~$$

The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof

$~$1+12 = 13$~$

The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof

$~$1+12+12 = 25$~$

The alternating group on five elements is simple: Simpler proof


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$n > 4$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$n \geq 6$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$H = A_n$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\{1,2,\dots, n \}$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma \in H$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma \not = e$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma(n) = n$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma \in H$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma(n) = i$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$i \not = n$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma' \in H$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma'(n) = i$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma^{-1} \sigma'(n) = n$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$j \not = i$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma(j) \not = j$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$(n i)$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma(j) \not = j$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$j \not = i$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$j \not = n$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$n \geq 6$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$x, y$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$n, i, j, \sigma(j)$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma' = (jxy) \sigma (jxy)^{-1}$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma'(n) = i$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma' \not = \sigma$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\sigma'(j) = \sigma(y)$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$y \not = j$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$H \cap A_{n-1}$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$H \cap A_{n-1}$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$H \cap A_{n-1}$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$n \leq 4$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

$~$\{ e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23) \}$~$

The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple


The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$c(x \cdot 2) =$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$c(x) + c(2),$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$c(x \cdot y) =$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$c(x) + c(y),$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$x \cdot y$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$\lnot A$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$2 : 1$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$\lnot A$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm


The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$f(x \cdot y) = f(x) + f(y)$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm

$~$\log_b(x^n) = n \log_b(x)$~$

The characteristic of the logarithm


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group


The collection of even-signed permutations is a group

$~$\tau_1 \tau_2 \dots \tau_m$~$

The collection of even-signed permutations is a group

$~$\tau_m \tau_{m-1} \dots \tau_1$~$

The composition of two group homomorphisms is a homomorphism

$~$f: G \to H$~$

The composition of two group homomorphisms is a homomorphism

$~$g: H \to K$~$

The composition of two group homomorphisms is a homomorphism

$~$gf: G \to K$~$

The composition of two group homomorphisms is a homomorphism

$~$g(f(x)) g(f(y)) = g(f(x) f(y))$~$

The composition of two group homomorphisms is a homomorphism


The composition of two group homomorphisms is a homomorphism


The composition of two group homomorphisms is a homomorphism


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life

$$~$S_c(X,\tau) = -k_B \int_{x(t)} Pr(x(t)|x(0)) ln Pr(x(t)|x(0)) Dx(t)$~$$

The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life

$$~$F(X,\tau) = T_c \nabla_X S_c(X,\tau) | X_0$~$$

The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life

$$~$S = ( N \cdot ln(N/N − p) − p \cdot ln(p/N − p) ) \equiv lnC $~$$

The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life

$~$C \in \{X\}$~$

The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The development of Artificial General Intelligence, as a scientific purpose for human life


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$\{ 1, 2 \}$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$\{ 1, 2 \}$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$f: X \to \{ 1, 2 \}$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$f(x) = 1$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$f(x) = 2$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$g: X \to \{1,2\}$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$g(y) = f(y)$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$y \not = x$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$f: \emptyset \to X$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$g: X \to \emptyset$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$\mathrm{id}: \emptyset \to \emptyset$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$\emptyset \to \emptyset$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$g \circ f$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$f \circ g$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$\mathrm{id}_X : X \to X$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$f \circ g$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$\emptyset \to X$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$X \to \emptyset$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$f: X \to \emptyset$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$x \in X$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

$~$Y = \emptyset$~$

The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain

$~$f: G \to H$~$

The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain

$~$\{ f(g) : g \in G \}$~$

The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain

$~$f: G \to H$~$

The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain

$~$e_G, e_H$~$

The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain

$~$f(g) f(h) = f(gh)$~$

The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain

$~$f(e_G) f(g) = f(e_G g) = f(g)$~$

The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The image of a group under a homomorphism is a subgroup of the codomain


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice

$~$x \cdot y,$~$

The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The log lattice


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$\frac ab$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$b > 1$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$\frac ab = \sqrt[n]m$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$(\frac ab)^n = m$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$(\frac ab)^n$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$b > 1$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$b^n > 1$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational

$~$(\frac ab)^n$~$

The n-th root of m is either an integer or irrational


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$~$\frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} = \frac{ad+bc}{bd}$~$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$~$\frac{cb+da}{db} = \frac{c}{d} + \frac{a}{b}$~$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$~$\frac{a}{b}+0 = \frac{a}{b} + \frac{0}{1} = \frac{a \times 1 + 0 \times b}{b \times 1}$~$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$~$0 \times n = 0$~$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$$~$\left(\frac{a_1}{b_1}+\frac{a_2}{b_2}\right)+\frac{a_3}{b_3} = \frac{a_1 b_2 + b_1 a_2}{b_1 b_2} + \frac{a_3}{b_3} = \frac{a_1 b_2 b_3 + b_1 a_2 b_3 + a_3 b_1 b_2}{b_1 b_2 b_3}$~$$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$$~$\left(\frac{a_1}{b_1} \frac{a_2}{b_2}\right) \frac{a_3}{b_3} = \frac{a_1 a_2}{b_1 b_2} \frac{a_3}{b_3} = \frac{a_1 a_2 a_3}{b_1 b_2 b_3} = \frac{a_1}{b_1} \left(\frac{a_2 a_3}{b_2 b_3}\right) = \frac{a_1}{b_1} \left(\frac{a_2}{b_2} \frac{a_3}{b_3}\right)$~$$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \frac{c}{d} = \frac{ac}{bd} = \frac{ca}{db} = \frac{c}{d} \frac{a}{b}$~$$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \times 1 = \frac{a}{b} \times \frac{1}{1} = \frac{a \times 1}{b \times 1} = \frac{a}{b}$~$$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \left(\frac{x_1}{y_1}+\frac{x_2}{y_2}\right) = \frac{a}{b} \frac{x_1 y_2 + x_2 y_1}{y_1 y_2} = \frac{a \left(x_1 y_2 + x_2 y_1\right)}{b y_1 y_2}$~$$

The rationals form a field

$$~$\frac{a}{b} \frac{x_1}{y_1} + \frac{a}{b} \frac{x_2}{y_2} = \frac{a x_1}{b y_1} + \frac{a x_2}{b y_2} = \frac{a x_1 b y_2 + b y_1 a x_2}{b^2 y_1 y_2} = \frac{a x_1 y_2 + a y_1 x_2}{b y_1 y_2}$~$$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$~$a \not = 0$~$

The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field


The rationals form a field

$~$a \not = 0$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$(A, B)$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$(\{ r \in \mathbb{Q} \mid r < 0\}, \{ r \in \mathbb{Q} \mid r \geq 0 \})$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$(A, B) + (C, D) = (A+C, B+D)$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{A} \leq \mathbf{C}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{0} \leq \mathbf{A}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{A} \times \mathbf{C} = \{ a c \mid a \in A, a > 0, c \in C \}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{A} < \mathbf{0}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{0} \leq \mathbf{C}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{A} \times \mathbf{C} = \{ a c \mid a \in A, c \in C, c > 0 \}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{A} < \mathbf{0}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{C} < \mathbf{0}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\mathbf{A} \times \mathbf{C} = \{\} $~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$(A, B)$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\{ a+c \mid a \in A, c \in C \}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$A \times C$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$\{ a \times c \mid a \in A, c \in C \}$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$a+c \in A+C$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$b+d \in B+D$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$a < b$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$c < d$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$a+c < b+d$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$(A+C, B+D)$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$a+c \in A+C$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$a' + c'$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field

$~$a' + c'$~$

The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as Dedekind cuts) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [b_n] = [a_n+b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \times [b_n] = [a_n \times b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \leq [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] = [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$a_n \leq b_n$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n] = [y_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n]+[a_n] = [y_n] + [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n] = [y_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] = [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n] = [y_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$x_n - y_n \to 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n \to \infty$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$a_n - b_n \to 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n \to \infty$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n+a_n] = [y_n+b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$x_n+a_n - y_n-b_n \to 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n \to \infty$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$\epsilon > 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n > N_1$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|x_n - y_n| < \frac{\epsilon}{2}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n > N_2$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|a_n - b_n| < \frac{\epsilon}{2}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$N_1, N_2$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|x_n + a_n - y_n - b_n| \leq |x_n - y_n| + |a_n - b_n|$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$\leq \epsilon$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n] \times [a_n] = [y_n] \times [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n] = [y_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] = [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n a_n] = [y_n b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$x_n a_n - y_n b_n \to 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n \to \infty$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$\epsilon > 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$$~$|x_n a_n - y_n b_n| = |x_n (a_n - b_n) + b_n (x_n - y_n)|$~$$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$x_n b_n - x_n b_n$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$\leq |x_n| |a_n - b_n| + |b_n| |x_n - y_n|$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|x_n| < B$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|b_n| < B$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$B (|a_n - b_n| + |x_n - y_n|)$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|a_n - b_n| < \frac{\epsilon}{2 B}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|x_n a_n - y_n b_n| < \epsilon$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] = [c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[b_n] = [d_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \leq [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[c_n] \leq [d_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \leq [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$\leq [d_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[c_n] \not = [d_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$c_n > d_n$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] = [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[d_n] = [b_n] = [a_n] = [c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[c_n] \not \leq [d_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$a_n \leq b_n$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$(0, 0, \dots)$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [0] = [a_n+0] = [a_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [-a_n] = [a_n-a_n] = [0]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [b_n] = [a_n+b_n] = [b_n+a_n] = [b_n] + [a_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$\epsilon > 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n, m > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|a_n+b_n - a_m - b_m| < \epsilon$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|a_n+b_n - a_m - b_m| \leq |a_n - a_m| + |b_n - b_m|$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|a_n - a_m| < \frac{\epsilon}{2}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|b_n - b_m| < \frac{\epsilon}{2}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n, m > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$$~$[a_n] + ([b_n] + [c_n]) = [a_n] + [b_n+c_n] = [a_n+b_n+c_n] = [a_n+b_n] + [c_n] = ([a_n]+[b_n])+[c_n]$~$$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$(1,1, \dots)$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \times [1] = [a_n \times 1] = [a_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$\epsilon > 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n, m > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|a_n b_n - a_m b_m| < \epsilon$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$$~$|a_n b_n - a_m b_m| = |a_n (b_n - b_m) + b_m (a_n - a_m)| \leq |b_m| |a_n - a_m| + |a_n| |b_n - b_m|$~$$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|a_n - a_m| < \frac{\epsilon}{2B}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$|b_n - b_m| < \frac{\epsilon}{2B}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n, m > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \times [b_n] = [a_n \times b_n] = [b_n \times a_n] = [b_n] \times [a_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$$~$[a_n] \times ([b_n] \times [c_n]) = [a_n] \times [b_n \times c_n] = [a_n \times b_n \times c_n] = [a_n \times b_n] \times [c_n] = ([a_n] \times [b_n]) \times [c_n]$~$$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[x_n] \times ([a_n]+[b_n]) = [x_n] \times [a_n] + [x_n] \times [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$$~$[x_n] \times ([a_n]+[b_n]) = [x_n] \times [a_n+b_n] = [x_n \times (a_n+b_n)] = [x_n \times a_n + x_n \times b_n] = [x_n \times a_n] + [x_n \times b_n] = [x_n] \times [a_n] + [x_n] \times [b_n]$~$$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \not = 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$a_n \not = 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$b_i = 1$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$i \leq N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$b_i = \frac{1}{a_i}$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$i > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] [b_n] = [1]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] [b_n] = [a_n b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$(a_n b_n)$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$n > N$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$(1, 1, \dots)$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] \leq [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [c_n] \leq [b_n] + [c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] \leq [a_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] \leq [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] \leq [a_n] \times[b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] = [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [c_n] = [b_n] + [c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [c_n] \leq [b_n] + [c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] = [a_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] \leq [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] = [0] \times [b_n] = [a_n] \times [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] \leq [a_n] \times [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] < [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [c_n] = [a_n+c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[b_n] + [c_n] = [b_n+c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$a_n + c_n \leq b_n + c_n$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$a_n \leq b_n$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[a_n] + [c_n] \leq [b_n] + [c_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] < [a_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] < [b_n]$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field


The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$a_n b_n \geq 0$~$

The reals (constructed as classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals) form a field

$~$[0] \leq [a_n] \times [b_n]$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{Q}$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$\mathbb{Q} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$n \mapsto \frac{n}{1}$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$\mathbb{Q} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$p = 0$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$q = 1$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$2^p 3^q 5^s$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$f: \frac{p}{q} \mapsto 2^p 3^q 5^s$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$f\left(\frac{p}{q}\right) = f \left(\frac{a}{b} \right)$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable

$~$|p| = |a|, q=b$~$

The set of rational numbers is countable


The set of rational numbers is countable


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\sigma \in S_n$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$C_2 = \{0,1\}$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\sigma \in S_n$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$c((12)) = n-1$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\tau = (kl)$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$k, l$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$$~$\sigma = \alpha (k a_1 a_2 \dots a_r l a_s \dots a_t) \beta$~$$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\alpha, \beta$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\sigma (kl) = \alpha (k a_s \dots a_t)(l a_1 \dots a_r) \beta$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$$~$\sigma = \alpha (k a_1 a_2 \dots a_r)(l b_1 \dots b_s) \beta$~$$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\alpha, \beta$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\sigma (kl) = \alpha (k b_1 b_2 \dots b_s l a_1 \dots a_r) \beta$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\sigma = \alpha_1 \dots \alpha_a = \beta_1 \dots \beta_b$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\alpha_i, \beta_j$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$c(\sigma) \equiv n+a \pmod{2}$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$\equiv n+b \pmod{2}$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$a \equiv b \pmod{2}$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$1, 2, \dots, a$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined

$~$1, 2, \dots, b$~$

The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The sign of a permutation is well-defined


The square root of 2 is irrational

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

The square root of 2 is irrational

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

The square root of 2 is irrational

$~$\sqrt 2=\frac{a}{b}$~$

The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational

$$~$\sqrt 2=\frac{a}{b}$~$$

The square root of 2 is irrational

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational


The square root of 2 is irrational

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

The square root of 2 is irrational

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

The square root of 2 is irrational

$~$\sqrt 2$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$~$\mathbb R^+$~$

There is only one logarithm

$~$f(x \cdot y) = f(x) + f(y)$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$~$b \neq 1$~$

There is only one logarithm

$~$f(b) = 1$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$~$x \in \mathbb R^+$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$~$x = c^y$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$~$y \log_b(c).$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$$~$\log_c(x) = \frac{\log_b(x)}{\log_b(c)}.$~$$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$~$\log_b(x) = \frac{\log_c(x)}{\log_c(b)},$~$

There is only one logarithm

$~$\log_b(c) = \frac{1}{\log_c(b)}$~$

There is only one logarithm

$~$\log_{10}(12) \approx 1.08$~$

There is only one logarithm

$~$\log_2(10) \approx 3.32$~$

There is only one logarithm

$~$\log_3(2) \approx 0.63.$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm

$~$\approx 2.718,$~$

There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


There is only one logarithm


Totally ordered set

$~$(S, \le)$~$

Totally ordered set


Totally ordered set


Totally ordered set


Totally ordered set

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$b \le a$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a = b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a, b, c \in S$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$b \le c$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le c$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$b \le a$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$(S, \le)$~$

Totally ordered set


Totally ordered set


Totally ordered set


Totally ordered set

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$b \le a$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a = b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a, b, c \in S$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$b \le c$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le c$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a, b \in S$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le b$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$b \le a$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \le a$~$

Totally ordered set

$~$a \in S$~$

Toxoplasmosis dilemma

$~$\mathcal Q$~$

Toxoplasmosis dilemma

$~$\ulcorner \mathcal Q \urcorner$~$

Toxoplasmosis dilemma

$~$\mathcal U.$~$

Toxoplasmosis dilemma

$~$\mathcal U$~$

Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number

$~$e^{i \pi/2}$~$

Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number

$~$qx - p$~$

Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number

$~$e^{i \pi/2}$~$

Transcendental number

$~$\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}i$~$

Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transcendental number


Transitive relation


Transitive relation


Transitive relation


Transitive relation


Transitive relation

$~$a \leq b$~$

Transitive relation

$~$b \leq c$~$

Transitive relation

$~$a \leq c$~$

Transitive relation

$~$a \sim b$~$

Transitive relation

$~$b \sim c$~$

Transitive relation

$~$a \sim c$~$

Transitive relation


Transitive relation


Transitive relation

$~$a \in x$~$

Transitive relation

$~$x \in S$~$

Transitive relation

$~$a \in S$~$

Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)


Transposition (as an element of a symmetric group)



$~$\log_2(3) \approx 1.58$~$




$~$\log_2(3)\approx 1.58$~$

Turing machine

$~$(\text{symbol},\text{state},\text{move left or right})$~$

Two independent events

$$~$ \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Two independent events

$$~$ \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events

$~$\bP(B \mid A) = \bP(B)$~$

Two independent events

$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A) \bP(B)$~$

Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events

$~$\bP(B \mid A) = \bP(B)$~$

Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events


Two independent events

$~$\bP(A \mid B) = \bP(A)$~$

Two independent events

$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A) \bP(B)$~$

Two independent events

$$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A)\; \bP(B \mid A)$~$$

Two independent events

$$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A)\; \bP(B)\;\; \Leftrightarrow \;\; \bP(A)\; \bP(B \mid A) = \bP(A)\; \bP(B) \ ,$~$$

Two independent events

$~$\bP(B)\; \bP(A \mid B)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization

$$~$ \newcommand{\true}{\text{True}} \newcommand{\false}{\text{False}} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Two independent events: Square visualization

$$~$ \newcommand{\true}{\text{True}} \newcommand{\false}{\text{False}} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} $~$$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(A, B) = \bP(A)\bP(B).$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(B \mid A) = \bP(B)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$$~$\bP(A, B) = \bP(A)\bP(B)\ .$~$$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(\neg A)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A) \bP(B \mid A)\ .$~$$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(B) \bP( A \mid B)\ .$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(\neg A)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(\neg B)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(B \mid A) = \bP(B)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(A) \bP(B \mid A)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(B \mid A)= \bP(B) = \bP(B \mid \neg A)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\neg A$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(B \mid A)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(B \mid \neg A)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\neg A$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(A,B) = \bP(B) \bP(A \mid B)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(A \mid B) = \bP(A) = \bP(A \mid \neg B)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$t_A,t_B \in \{\true, \false\},$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization

$$~$\bP(A = t_A, B= t_B) = \bP(A = t_A)\bP(B = t_B)\ .$~$$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\bP(A, \neg B) = \bP(A = \true, B = \false)$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization

$~$\neg B$~$

Two independent events: Square visualization


Two independent events: Square visualization


Ultimatum Game


Ultimatum Game

$$~$p = \big ( \frac{\$5}{\$10 - q} \big ) ^ {1.01}$~$$

Ultimatum Game

$$~$\begin{array}{r|c|c} \text{Offer} & \text{Average subject} & \text{High CRT} \\ \hline \$5 & \$4.8 & \$4.95 \\ \hline \$4 & \$4.74 & \$5.52 \\ \hline \$3 & \$3.15 & \$3.57 \\ \hline \$2 & \$2.16 & \$2.64 \\ \hline \$1 & \$1.80 & \$2.34 \end{array}$~$$
















$$~$ DIAG(n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} 1\ if\ M_n(n) = 0\\ 0\ if\ M_n(n)\mbox{ is undefined or defined and greater than 0} \end{array} \right. $~$$


















$$~$ HALT(n,x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} 1\ if\ M_n(x)\mbox{ halts}\\ 0\ if\ M_n(x)\mbox{ does not halt } \end{array} \right. $~$$


































$~$DIAG(\ulcorner AUX\urcorner)==1$~$














$~$\ulcorner prog\urcorner$~$






$~$\ulcorner prog \urcorner$~$





Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)

$~$2^\mathbb N_M \in M$~$

Uncountability (Math 3)

$~$2^\mathbb N _M$~$

Uncountability (Math 3)

$~$f : \mathbb N \to 2^\mathbb N_M$~$

Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability (Math 3)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)

$~$1 = \frac11$~$

Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)

$~$p / q$~$

Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)

$~$(p, q)$~$

Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intro (Math 1)


Uncountability: Intuitive Intro


Uncountability: Intuitive Intro


Uncountability: Intuitive Intro


Uncountability: Intuitive Intro


Uncountability: Intuitive Intro


Uncountability: Intuitive Intro


Uncountability: Intuitive Intro


Uncountable sample spaces are way too large


Uncountable sample spaces are way too large


Uncountable sample spaces are way too large

$~$f: \Omega \to [0,1]$~$

Uncountable sample spaces are way too large

$~$\sum_{\omega \in \Omega} f(\omega) = 1$~$

Uncountable sample spaces are way too large


Uncountable sample spaces are way too large


Uncountable sample spaces are way too large


Uncountable sample spaces are way too large

$~$f: \Omega \to [0,1]$~$

Uncountable sample spaces are way too large

$~$\sum_{\omega \in \Omega} f(\omega) = 1$~$

Uncountable sample spaces are way too large


Uncountable sample spaces are way too large


Under a group homomorphism, the image of the inverse is the inverse of the image

$~$f: G \to H$~$

Under a group homomorphism, the image of the inverse is the inverse of the image

$~$f(g^{-1}) = f(g)^{-1}$~$

Under a group homomorphism, the image of the inverse is the inverse of the image

$~$f(g^{-1}) f(g) = f(g^{-1} g) = f(e_G) = e_H$~$

Underlying set

$~$(X, \bullet)$~$

Underlying set


Underlying set


Underlying set


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum

$~$X' >_U X,$~$

Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum

$~$\pi_i \in \Pi_N$~$

Unforeseen maximum

$~$\mathbb E [ U | \pi_i ]$~$

Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum

$~$\mathbb E [ V | \pi_1 ] > \mathbb E [ V ]$~$

Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum

$~$\mathbb E [ U | \pi_0 ] > \mathbb E [ U | \pi_1 ].$~$

Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum

$$~$\underset{\pi_i \in \Pi_N}{\operatorname {argmax}} \ \mathbb E [ U | \pi_i ] = \pi_1$~$$

Unforeseen maximum

$$~$\underset{\pi_k \in \Pi_M}{\operatorname {argmax}} \ \mathbb E [ U | \pi_k ] = \pi_0$~$$

Unforeseen maximum

$$~$\mathbb E [ V | \pi_0 ] \ll \mathbb E [ V | \pi_1 ]$~$$

Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum

$~$\Pi_L \subset \Pi_M$~$

Unforeseen maximum

$~$\pi_0 \not\in \Pi_L.$~$

Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum

$~$\pi_0 >_U \pi_1$~$

Unforeseen maximum


Unforeseen maximum







$~$A \cup B$~$






$~$C = A \cup B$~$


$$~$x \in C \leftrightarrow (x \in A \lor x \in B)$~$$












$~$\{1,2\} \cup \{2,3\} = \{1,2,3\}$~$


$~$\{1,2\} \cup \{8,9\} = \{1,2,8,9\}$~$


$~$\{0,2,4,6\} \cup \{3,4,5,6\} = \{0,2,3,4,5,6\}$~$


$~$\mathbb{R^-} \cup \mathbb{R^+} \cup \{0\} = \mathbb{R}$~$

Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain

$~$p \times q$~$

Unique factorisation domain

$~$(p \times u) \times (q \times u^{-1})$~$

Unique factorisation domain

$~$p \times u$~$

Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain

$~$-10 = -1 \times 5 \times 2$~$

Unique factorisation domain

$~$-5 \times 2$~$

Unique factorisation domain

$~$5 \times -2$~$

Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain

$~$-1 \times 5 \times 2$~$

Unique factorisation domain

$~$-1 \times 5 \times 2$~$

Unique factorisation domain

$~$-5 \times 2$~$

Unique factorisation domain

$~$5 \times -2$~$

Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain

$~$4 = 2 \times 2$~$

Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain


Unique factorisation domain

$~$1 \pm \sqrt{-3}$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$0 \not = 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$xy = 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$xy = 0$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$0 \times 0 = 0 = 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$0 \times y = 0$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$xy = xz = 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)

$~$zxy = z$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$y = z$~$

Unit (ring theory)

$~$zx = 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$1 \times 1 = 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)

$~$-1 \times -1 = 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)

$~$\pm 1$~$

Unit (ring theory)


Unit (ring theory)


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property

$~$1 + 1 = 0$~$

Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property

$~$f(1_F) = 1_{F_2}$~$

Universal property

$~$f(1_F + 1_F) = 1_{F_2} + 1_{F_2} = 0_{F_2}$~$

Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property

$~$1_F + 1_F$~$

Universal property


Universal property

$~$f(1_F + 1_F) = 0_{F_2} = f(0_F)$~$

Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property


Universal property

$~$g(1_F + 1_F) = g(1_F) + g(1_F) = 1 + 1 = 2$~$

Universal property

$~$g(1_F + 1_F) = g(0_F) = 0$~$

Universal property of joins and meets in a poset


Universal property of joins and meets in a poset


Universal property of joins and meets in a poset


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$i_A : A \to A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$i_B: B \to A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_A: A \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_B: B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\gamma: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\gamma \circ i_A = f_A$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\gamma \circ i_B = f_B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$i_A : A \to A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$i_B: B \to A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_A: A \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_B: B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\gamma: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\gamma \circ i_A = f_A$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\gamma \circ i_B = f_B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \cup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A' \cup B'$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A = \{ 1 \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$B = \{ 1 \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \cup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$X = \{1\}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$Y = \{2\}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$X \cup Y = \{1,2\}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\{1\} = A \cup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\{ 2, 3, 5 \} \cup \{ 2, 6, 7 \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\{ 2, 3, 5 \} \sqcup \{ 2, 6, 7 \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B = A' \cup B'$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A' = \{ (a, 1) : a \in A \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$B' = \{ (b, 2) : b \in B \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \cong A'$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$B \cong B'$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B \cong A' \sqcup B'$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \to A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$B \to A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$i_A : a \mapsto a$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$i_B : b \mapsto b$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A = \{ 1 \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$B = \{ 2 \}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B = \{1,2\}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \big|_A : A \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \big|_A (a) = f(a)$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \big|_B : B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\alpha: A \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\beta: B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f(x) = \alpha(x)$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$x \in A$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f(x) = \beta(x)$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$x \in B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$\text{A set labelled }\ A \sqcup B \\ i_A : A \to A \sqcup B \\ i_B : B \to A \sqcup B$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_A: A \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_B: B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_A = f_A$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_B = f_B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$A \times B \\ \pi_A: A \times B \to A \\ \pi_B : A \times B \to B$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_A: X \to A, f_B: X \to B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: X \to A \times B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\pi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$\text{A set labelled } \{1\} \sqcup \{2\} \\ i_A : \{1\} \to \{1\} \sqcup \{2\} \\ i_B : \{2\} \to \{1\} \sqcup \{2\}$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_A: \{1\} \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_B: \{2\} \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_A = f_A$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_B = f_B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_A: \{1\} \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\{1\} \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$\text{A set labelled }\ \{1\} \sqcup \{2\} \\ \text{An element } i_A \text{ of } \{1\} \sqcup \{2\} \\ \text{An element }i_B \text{ of } \{1\} \sqcup \{2\}$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$x \in X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$y \in X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f(i_A) = x$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f(i_B) = y$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$X = \{x,y\}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$x \not = y$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\{1\} \sqcup \{2\}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\{i_A, i_B\}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$\text{A set labelled }\ A \sqcup B \\ i_A : \emptyset \to A \sqcup B \\ i_B : \emptyset \to A \sqcup B$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_A: \emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f_B: \emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_A = f_A$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_B = f_B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$!_X: \emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$\text{A set labelled }\ A \sqcup B \\ i_A : \emptyset \to A \sqcup B \\ i_B : \emptyset \to A \sqcup B$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_A = (!_{X})$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ i_B = (!_{X})$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\emptyset \to A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$!_{A \sqcup B}$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$A \sqcup B$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ (!_{A \sqcup B}) = (!_X)$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ (!_{A \sqcup B})$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$!_X : \emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ (!_{A \sqcup B}) = (!_X)$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f \circ (!_{A \sqcup B})$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$\emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$$~$A \sqcup B$~$$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$f: A \sqcup B \to X$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union


Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A \sqcup B$~$

Universal property of the disjoint union

$~$A + B$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$f: \emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$f: A \to B$~$

Universal property of the empty set

$~$(a, f(a))$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$\{ (0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), \dots \}$~$

Universal property of the empty set

$~$f: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$

Universal property of the empty set

$~$n \mapsto n+1$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$\{ (0,1), (0,2) \}$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$A = \{ 1 \}$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$f: \emptyset \to A$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$\{ a, b \}$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$f: 1 \mapsto a$~$

Universal property of the empty set

$~$g: 1 \mapsto b$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$\{1\} \to X$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$f: \emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$g: X \to \emptyset$~$

Universal property of the empty set

$~$\mathrm{id}: \emptyset \to \emptyset$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$\emptyset \to \emptyset$~$

Universal property of the empty set

$~$g \circ f$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$f \circ g$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$\mathrm{id}_X : X \to X$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$f \circ g$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set

$~$\emptyset \to X$~$

Universal property of the empty set

$~$X \to \emptyset$~$

Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the empty set


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A : A \times B \to A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B: A \times B \to B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$f_A: X \to A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f_B: X \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\gamma: X \to A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \circ \gamma = f_A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B \circ \gamma = f_B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$(P, \pi_A, \pi_B)$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$P \to A$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$P \to B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$f: X \to A, g: X \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\gamma: X \to P$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \gamma = f$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B \gamma = g$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$(a,b) \in A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A: A \times B \to A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B : A \times B \to B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$\langle \pi_A(f(x)), \pi_B(f(x)) \rangle$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\langle \text{angled brackets}\rangle$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$h : A \to B \times C$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f : A \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$g : A \to C$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$B \times C$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$B \times C$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$B \times C \to B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$B \times C \to C$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$h = \langle f, g\rangle$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_{B} \langle f, g \rangle = f$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_C \langle f, g \rangle = g$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\langle \pi_{B}, \pi_{C} \rangle = \text{id}$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$$~$A \times B \\ \pi_A: A \times B \to A \\ \pi_B : A \times B \to B$~$$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$f_A: X \to A, f_B: X \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f: X \to A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f: X \to A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A: A \otimes B \to A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B: A \otimes B \to B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$f_A: X \to A, f_B: X \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f: X \to A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$X = \emptyset$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$X = \{ 1 \}$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$f_A: X \to A$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$g: \{1\} \to A$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$f_A: \{ 1 \} \to A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f_B : \{ 1 \} \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f: \{1\} \to A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B \circ f = f_B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \circ f$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$a \in A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$b \in B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$x \in A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A(x) = a$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_B(x) = b$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$A \otimes B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$a \to b$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$a \leq b$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f: A \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$A \leq B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \leq B$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \leq B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$x \leq m, x \leq n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f_A: X \to A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f_B: X \to B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$x \leq m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$f: X \to A \times B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$x \leq m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\pi_A \circ f = f_A$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n \leq m$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$x \leq m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$x \leq m$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$A \leq C$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$A \leq B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$B \leq C$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$x \leq m, x \leq n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$x \leq m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$(A \times B, \pi_A, \pi_B)$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m, n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$(m \otimes n, \pi_m, \pi_n)$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n \leq m$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n \leq n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$\mathbb{N}^{\geq 1}$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$a \mid b$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$1 \to n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$2 \to n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$A \mid B$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$x \mid m, x \mid n$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$x \mid m \otimes n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$a \leq m$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$a\leq n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product

$~$a \mid m$~$

Universal property of the product

$~$a \mid n$~$

Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Universal property of the product


Unphysically large finite computer


Unphysically large finite computer


Unphysically large finite computer

$~$9 \uparrow\uparrow 4$~$

Unphysically large finite computer


Unphysically large finite computer

$~$9 \uparrow\uparrow 4$~$

Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism

$~$\{e, x \}$~$

Up to isomorphism


Up to isomorphism

$~$x^2 = e$~$

Up to isomorphism


User maximization


User maximization


User maximization


User maximization


User maximization


User maximization


Utility function

$$~$\begin{array}{rl} 0.5 \cdot €0 + 0.5 \cdot €8 \ &= \ €4 \\ 1.0 \cdot €5 \ &= \ €5 \\ 0.3 \cdot €0 + 0.7 \cdot €8 \ &= \ €5.6 \end{array}$~$$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb E [U_{normal}|\pi_1],$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb E[U_{suspend}|\pi_2].$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal{O}: \mathcal{S} \times \mathcal{E}$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$s \in \mathcal{S}$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\neg s \in \mathcal{S}$~$

Utility indifference

$~$o \in \mathcal{O}$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\neg o.s.$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal{U}: \mathcal{O} \to \mathbb{R}$~$

Utility indifference

$~$U_X \in \mathcal{U}$~$

Utility indifference

$~$U_Y \in \mathcal{U}$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S.$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal A$~$

Utility indifference

$~$a \in \mathcal A.$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(\mathcal O | \mathcal A).$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb E[\mathcal O|a],$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb E[U|a].$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P[a \ \square \! \! \rightarrow \mathcal O$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$$~$\underset{a \in \mathcal A}{argmax} \ \mathbb E [U|a]$~$$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$$~$U_1(o): \begin{cases} U_X(o) & \neg o.s \\ U_Y(o) & o.s \end{cases}$~$$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$$~$\max_{a \in \mathcal A} \mathbb E[U_X|a] \ \neq \ \max_{a \in \mathcal A} \mathbb E[U_Y|a]$~$$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S.$~$

Utility indifference

$$~$U_2(o): \begin{cases} U_X(o) & \neg o.s \\ U_Y(o) + \theta & o.s \end{cases}$~$$

Utility indifference

$$~$\theta := \max_{a \in \mathcal A} \mathbb E[U_X|a] - \max_{a \in \mathcal A} \mathbb E[U_Y|a]$~$$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$$~$\max_{a \in \mathcal A} (\mathbb E[U_Y|a] + \theta) \ = \ \max_a{a \in \mathcal A} \mathbb E[U_x|a]$~$$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\underset{a \in \mathcal A}{max} \ \mathbb E[U_Y|a]$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(\mathcal S)$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(\mathcal S).$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$$~$\mathbb E_t[U_3|a] = 0.75 \cdot \mathbb E_t[U_X|a \wedge \neg s] \ + \ 0.25 \cdot \mathbb E_t[U_Y|a \wedge s]$~$$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$0.75 \cdot \mathbb E_t[U_X|a \wedge \neg s]$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(asteroid) = 0.99,$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(\neg s)$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(s)$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(s)$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(asteroid)$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(\neg asteroid)$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(s)$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(\neg s)$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(s)$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(s) = q,$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathbb P(s|a_0) = q.$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal A$~$

Utility indifference

$~$a_0 \in \mathcal A$~$

Utility indifference

$$~$a_0 \in \underset{a' \in \mathcal A}{argmax} \ \big ( \mathbb E[U_X|\neg s,a'] \mathbb P(\neg s|a_0) + \mathbb E[U_Y|s,a'] \mathbb P(s|a_0) \big )$~$$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$~$\neg s$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference

$$~$a_0 \in \underset{a' \in \mathcal A}{argmax} \ \big ( \mathbb E[U_X|do(\neg s),a'] \mathbb P(\neg s|a_0) + \mathbb E[U_Y|do(s),a'] \mathbb P(s|a_0) \big )$~$$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S,$~$

Utility indifference

$~$\mathcal S$~$

Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference


Utility indifference



$~$X_1, X_2, X_3…$~$


$~$x_1, x_2, x_3$~$


$~$x_1^\prime, x_2^\prime, x_3^\prime$~$







Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$b + \textbf{v} = c$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$\textbf{v} = c - b$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$\textbf{u} + \textbf{v} = \textbf{w}$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$(b-a) + (c-b) = c -b + b -a = c-a$~$$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$\textbf{u} + \textbf{v} = \textbf{v} + \textbf{u}$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$~$\textbf{v} + \textbf{v} = 2\textbf{v}$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$n(m\textbf{v}) = (nm)\textbf{v}$~$$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$\textbf{v} = b -a$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$a - b$~$

Vector arithmetic

$~$-(b -a)= -\textbf{v}$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$n(-1\mathbf {v}) =-n\mathbf v$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$0\textbf{v} = \textbf{0}$~$

Vector arithmetic

$~$a + \textbf{0} = a$~$

Vector arithmetic

$~$\textbf{v} + \textbf{0} = \textbf{v}$~$

Vector arithmetic

$~$\textbf{v} - \textbf{v} = 0$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$\frac{1}{|\mathbf v|}\mathbf v$~$

Vector arithmetic

$~$\mathbf{\hat v}$~$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$|\mathbf{\hat v}| = \left|\frac{\mathbf{v}}{|\mathbf{v}|}\right| = \left|\frac{1}{|\mathbf{v}|}\right||\mathbf{v}| = \frac{|\mathbf{v}|}{|\mathbf{v}|}=1$~$$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$n\textbf{v} + m\textbf{v} = (n+m)\textbf{v}$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$~$\textbf{u} +\textbf{v} = \textbf{w}$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$~$2\textbf{u} + 2\textbf{v} = 2\text{w}$~$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$n\textbf{u} + n\textbf{v} = n(\textbf{u} + \textbf{v})$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$\textbf{x} - \textbf{y} - \textbf{z} = \textbf{d}$~$$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$(\mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v})+\mathbf{w} = \mathbf{u}+(\mathbf{v}+\mathbf{w})$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$\mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{v} + \mathbf{u}$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$1\mathbf{v} =\mathbf{v}$~$$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$0\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{0}$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$~$|\mathbf{v}|\neq 0$~$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$\frac{1}{|\mathbf v|}\mathbf v = \mathbf{\hat v}$~$$

Vector arithmetic


Vector arithmetic

$$~$|n\mathbf{v}| = |n||\mathbf{v}|$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$n(m\mathbf{v}) = (nm)\mathbf{v}$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$n\mathbf{v}+m\mathbf{v} = (n+m)\mathbf{v}$~$$

Vector arithmetic

$$~$n\mathbf{u} + n\mathbf{v} = n(\mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v})$~$$

Vector space


Vector space


Vector space

$~$\cdot : F \times V \to V$~$

Vector space

$~$1 \cdot v = v$~$

Vingean uncertainty


Vingean uncertainty


Vingean uncertainty


Vingean uncertainty

$~$\forall y \neq x: EU[x] > EU[y]$~$

Vingean uncertainty


Vingean uncertainty


Vingean uncertainty

$~$\forall y \neq z: EU[z] > EU[y]$~$

Vingean uncertainty

$~$EU[z] > EU[x]$~$

Vingean uncertainty


Vingean uncertainty


Vingean uncertainty


Waterfall diagram

$~$(1 : 4) \times (3 : 1) = (3 : 4).$~$

Waterfall diagrams and relative odds

$~$1 : 4$~$

Waterfall diagrams and relative odds

$~$3 : 1$~$

Waterfall diagrams and relative odds

$~$(1 \cdot 3) : (4 \cdot 1) = 3 : 4$~$

Welcome to Arbital





$~$f(x) = f(y)$~$




$~$n \mapsto n+1$~$




$~$f(n) = f(m)$~$


$~$\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$




$~$p_1 p_2 p_3$~$


$~$q_1 q_2$~$


$~$p_1, p_2, p_3, q_1, q_2$~$












$~$X \to \frac{X}{\sim}$~$


$~$x \mapsto [x]$~$




$~$\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$~$


$~$n \mapsto n-5$~$





Well-ordered set

$~$(S, \leq)$~$

Well-ordered set

$~$U \subset S$~$

Well-ordered set

$~$x \in U$~$

Well-ordered set

$~$y \in U$~$

Well-ordered set

$~$x \leq y$~$

Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set

$~$\mathbb N$~$

Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set

$~$y < x$~$

Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set

$~$x \in S$~$

Well-ordered set

$~$U = \{x \in S \mid \neg P(x) \}$~$

Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set

$~$y < x$~$

Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set

$~$x \not\in U$~$

Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


Well-ordered set


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_{10}(x) > n.$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_{10}(10000) = 4,$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$1 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 = 10000.$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_2(8) = 3,$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$1 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 = 8.$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_3(9) = 2,$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$1 \cdot 3 \cdot 3 = 9.$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_{b}(1) = 0$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_{b}(b) = 1$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_{1.5}(3.375) = 3,$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$1 \cdot 1.5 \cdot 1.5 \cdot 1.5 = 3.375.$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$1 \cdot 3 \cdot 3 \cdot 3 = 27$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$1 \cdot 4 \cdot 4 = 16$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$1 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 = 1,000,000$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_{10}(500) \approx 2.7$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$$~$\underbrace{5 \cdot 5 \cdot \ldots 5}_\text{10 times} \approx \underbrace{10 \cdot 10 \cdot \ldots 10}_\text{7 times}$~$$

What is a logarithm?

$~$\log_{10}(500) \approx 2.7$~$

What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?


What is a logarithm?

$~$500 \cdot 8000$~$

What is a logarithm?

$~$2.7 + 3.9 = 6.6$~$

Who needs civilization?

$~$50/m, reducing it to $~$

Whole number


Whole number


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is log like length?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$10 \cdot \log_2(3)$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$1.5 < \log_2(3) < 1.6.$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$1.58 < \log_2(3) < 1.59.$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$10^n \cdot \log_2(3)$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$10 \cdot \log_2(3)$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$1.5 < \log_2(3) < 1.6.$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$1.58 < \log_2(3) < 1.59.$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?

$~$10^n \cdot \log_2(3)$~$

Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Why is the decimal expansion of log2(3) infinite?


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality


Without loss of generality

$~$3a + (3b+1)+(3c+2) = 3 (a+b+c) + 3$~$

Without loss of generality


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way


You can't get more paperclips that way













$~$m < n$~$






$~$m > n$~$





















some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$\frac {(y_2-y_1)}{(x_2-x_1)}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac {rise}{run}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$\frac {(x_1+x_2)}{2}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$\frac {(y_1+y_2)}{2}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$\sqrt {(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$L_{arc}=(2πr)(\frac {xº}{360})$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$L_{arc sector}=(πr^2)(\frac {xº}{360})$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$x=\frac {-b \pm \sqrt {b^2-4ac}}{2a}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$ax^2+bx=0 \rightarrow a(x+d)^2+e=0$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$sin(x)=\frac {o}{h}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$cos(x)=\frac {a}{h}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$t_1, t_1+d, t_1+2d, …$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$t_1, t_1\cdot r, t_1\cdot r^2,…$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$\frac {x^a}{x^b}=x^{a-b}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$\sqrt{xy}=\sqrt{x} \cdot {\sqrt{y}}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help

$~$x^{-b}=\frac {1}{x^b}$~$

some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


some formulas that are not directly given that may or may not help


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\forall\mathbb{W}\in\mathcal{PC}(\Gamma):\lim_{n\to\infty}\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}T_{i}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)\ge\varepsilon||\overline{T}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})||_{mg}$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\varepsilon\times magnitude$~$

ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\varepsilon\times magnitude$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\alpha_{k}\le 1$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\displaystyle\sum_{i\le m}||T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})||_{mg}\ge\left(1-\frac{\varepsilon}{3}\right)\alpha_{k}$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\forall\mathbb{W}\in\mathcal{PC}(D_{n}),\mathbb{W}\left(\displaystyle\sum_{i\le m}T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)\ge\left(\frac{2\varepsilon}{3}\right)\alpha_{k}$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$n\gg m$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$T_{n}:=\displaystyle\sum_{k\le n}\beta_{k}^{\dagger}T_{n}^{k}$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$k\le n$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\alpha_{k}\le 1$~$

ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}\le 1-\sum_{i<k}open(i,k)\beta_{i}\alpha_{i}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\beta_{n}\alpha_{n}+\sum_{k<n}open(k,n)\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}\le 1$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\beta_{n}\alpha_{n}\ge open(n,n)\beta_{n}\alpha_{n}$~$

ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\sum_{k\le n}open(k,n)\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}\le 1$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\beta_{k}\ge 0$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}T_{i}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)=\sum_{i\le n}\mathbb{W}\left(T_{i}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$=\sum_{k\le n}\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}\beta_{k}T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$=\sum_{uncertain, k\le n}\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}\beta_{k}T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)+\sum_{guaranteed, k\le n}\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}\beta_{k}T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\sum_{uncertain, k\le n}\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}\beta_{k}T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)\ge -\sum_{uncertain, k\le n}\beta_{k}\sum_{i\le n}||T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})||_{mg}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\ge -\sum_{uncertain, k\le n}\beta_{k}\sum_{i\in\mathbb{N}^{+}}||T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})||_{mg} = -\sum_{k\le n}open(k,n)\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\ge -1$~$

ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\sum_{guaranteed, k\le n}\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}\beta_{k}T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)\ge\sum_{guaranteed, k\le n}\frac{\varepsilon}{3}\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\sum_{k\le n}\mathbb{W}\left(\sum_{i\le n}\beta_{k}T_{i}^{k}(\overline{\mathbb{P}})\right)\ge -1+\sum_{guaranteed, k\le n}\frac{\varepsilon}{3}\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\beta_{k}\ge 0$~$

ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\alpha_{k}\ge 0$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\lim_{n\to\infty}\sum_{guaranteed, k\le n}\frac{\varepsilon}{3}\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}=\sum_{k}\frac{\varepsilon}{3}\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$k\le n$~$

ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\sum_{i<N}open(i,N)\beta_{i}\alpha_{i}=\sum_{i\le n}0*\beta_{i}\alpha_{i}+\sum_{n<i<N}open(i,N)\beta_{i}\alpha_{i}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$$~$\le 0+\sum_{n<i<N}\beta_{i}\alpha_{i}\le\frac{1}{2}$~$$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma

$~$\displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}\sum_{guaranteed, k\le n}\frac{\varepsilon}{3}\beta_{k}\alpha_{k}$~$

ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma


ε-ROI Lemma
